First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?


Active Member
I know your pain all so well. My latest plants got over-watered in a heavy peat/compost mixture, so I switched to a very porous new mix and now they need water every day or they start wilting. Watering is a real bitch.

Looking forward to new pics.
Yeah I agree, thought I think I am starting to understand how to successfully water, without over or under watering (I have seen no signs of under or over watering the past 10 days anyways).

Did you see the new pics I posted tonight? They are really looking so much better than they where just a few days ago.

If you compare the pic from 4 days ago:

to the pic from today:

You can see how much additional growth it's had in just 4 days time.


Well-Known Member
Well I meant future weekly pics :), but the plant is doing nicely over those 4 days. Hope it continues growing well from here on out.


Active Member
Ah yeah, I will definitely be posting more pics as things progress. :) I highly appreciate all the opinions and tips, you all have been a tremendous help for someone that's an absolute newbie like myself. :)

I also just noticed signs that my Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough and my other Northern Lights x Skunk #1 are sprouting! I am excited that the direct soil germination seems to be working so well, I was worried I would get less results then I did with the paper towel germination method I used for my first batch of seeds, however I read that the paper towel method can cause damage to the seed's tap root, and figured directly in soil would be the least stressful way to germinate my babies . However if they both sprout properly I will have 100% success on the seeds I germinated directly in soil, and I am still waiting on a few seeds I germinated with the paper towel method. I am pleasantly surprised, though I guess I shouldn't be... it is after all Mother Nature's way of germinating seeds.


Active Member
Oh, when should I top? I have read people saying a week or two before flower, and others saying a week or even two into flowering.... Also I plan on keeping a mother plants, taking clones from them, and flowering the clones... should I top the mother? Or just the ones I am going to flower?


Well-Known Member
Your plants are healthy looking, but I think you may be stunting their growth by allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings. That would help explain why they are on the small side. You eliminate over-watering this way, but you introduce a new problem to replace it. Your plants will grow best when the soil is moist but not soggy or wet.

As for topping, dont worry about it slowing the growth. It may for a day or two at most.
I agree really you should go pick up a moisture meter to make sure before you water. They are not that exspencive so I would make the investment it will be worth it in the long run.


Active Member
I agree really you should go pick up a moisture meter to make sure before you water. They are not that exspencive so I would make the investment it will be worth it in the long run.
Yeah, I need to pick up a moisture meter, a PH meter, and one of those TDS meters (to test soil / nutrient ppm) ... Anyone happen to have a recommendation on where to find them cheap?

I also noticed today that the smell of my little girls is VERY strong (in the veg room with the inline fan off), I can't believe they stink so much, at such a small size! I can't wait to smell them in flower, and I am so glad I invested on that carbon filter. :D


Well-Known Member
Oh, when should I top? I have read people saying a week or two before flower, and others saying a week or even two into flowering.... Also I plan on keeping a mother plants, taking clones from them, and flowering the clones... should I top the mother? Or just the ones I am going to flower?
Top during veg. You want time for the plant to grow out extra tops. Of course you dont have to even top.

Ive got 4 females flowering. 3 topped, 1 untopped. Im hoping to see how much difference there is. Ive also got 3 more females untopped,and one fimmed as well. It'll be awhile before I can flower them though.

Yeah, I need to pick up a moisture meter, a PH meter, and one of those TDS meters (to test soil / nutrient ppm) ... Anyone happen to have a recommendation on where to find them cheap?

I also noticed today that the smell of my little girls is VERY strong (in the veg room with the inline fan off), I can't believe they stink so much, at such a small size! I can't wait to smell them in flower, and I am so glad I invested on that carbon filter. :D
You dont need a TDS or PPM meter for soil. Just get a PH meter, and/or moisture meter if unsure when to water.

Heres a solid one for $32


Active Member
Top during veg. You want time for the plant to grow out extra tops. Of course you dont have to even top.

Ive got 4 females flowering. 3 topped, 1 untopped. Im hoping to see how much difference there is. Ive also got 3 more females untopped,and one fimmed as well. It'll be awhile before I can flower them though.

You dont need a TDS or PPM meter for soil. Just get a PH meter, and/or moisture meter if unsure when to water.

Heres a solid one for $32

There's no benefit to being able to check the PPM of the soil to make sure I don't overdue nutrients?

Also is it typical for 2 plants to stink up an entire room at 4" tall? Or is it an indication of some nice stinky genetics?


Well-Known Member

There's no benefit to being able to check the PPM of the soil to make sure I don't overdue nutrients?

Also is it typical for 2 plants to stink up an entire room at 4" tall? Or is it an indication of some nice stinky genetics?
You just start out with 1/4th then work your way up as long as the plant shows no nutrient burn.

Plants in soil will get burned once when you over-nute, but if you do it in hydro you can easily kill the plant because of the constant contact with water.

Plus I imagine it'll help them know when to change the reservoir/add more nutes(I dont do hydro, so Im guessing here.)

My plants usually start stinking around two weeks old and you'll definitely notice it when you come upstairs. I like stinky.


Active Member
Here's some updated pics. Things seem to be coming along nicely. I topped my plants about 48 hours ago, and am already starting to see additional under growth starting on both plants. Several seedlings I germinated last week are doing amazing, and are not having any of the issues my previous batch had (that I believe is due to my over watering, and the very small containers they where in).

I think I have decided to start LST in a day or two.

I noticed today a yellowing of the two lower leaves on my two oldest seedlings, and the browning of the tips of the bottom two leaves on the smaller of the two older seedlings.

Can anyone help me address whatever is causing this to happen to these lower leaves?

I have not started feeding yet, however they are in Fox Farms soil, and from what I am told I should hold off on starting feeding until 3-4 weeks old.

Any input would be great, thanks!



New Member
They always die and fall off, they're used up for energy to make the plant grow, your first true leafs are at your first node


Active Member
They always die and fall off, they're used up for energy to make the plant grow, your first true leafs are at your first node
Wait... are you referring to the cotyledon (aka seed leaves)? Those shrived up about a week ago... I am talking about the yellowing of the lower leaves on the lowest node...


New Member
then it's either nute burn or heat issues, ns 420 eh? you mean like Nova Scotia? if it is I got a link on my signiture for a Canadian Grow Club, check it out or my journal if you have time
good luck and keep it green man


Well-Known Member
Pics 9 and 10 do appear to be nute burn at the tip. Did you cut your OF with anything or use it just straight? It probably was a bit too much nutes for your plant. I wouldn't give any nutes for a few weeks. Did it happen after transplant?


Active Member
Pics 9 and 10 do appear to be nute burn at the tip. Did you cut your OF with anything or use it just straight? It probably was a bit too much nutes for your plant. I wouldn't give any nutes for a few weeks. Did it happen after transplant?
70% OF and 30% Perlite, and this just started today, it's been over a week since I transplanted.


Active Member
then it's either nute burn or heat issues, ns 420 eh? you mean like Nova Scotia? if it is I got a link on my signiture for a Canadian Grow Club, check it out or my journal if you have time
good luck and keep it green man
Nah, not from Canada. Pretty close though, lol, I am in Michigan.


Active Member
Your plants are healthy looking, but I think you may be stunting their growth by allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings. That would help explain why they are on the small side. You eliminate over-watering this way, but you introduce a new problem to replace it. Your plants will grow best when the soil is moist but not soggy or wet.

As for topping, dont worry about it slowing the growth. It may for a day or two at most.

Sorry to thread jack but I just wondered if you could clear something up for me. On my first grow, I over-watered too. As a result, I got those nasty fungus flies. I was told to let the soil dry in between waterings so the larvae in the soil would die. I've kept this method routine because I thought, logically, if the soil isn't constantly moist, there's no opportunity for the flies' larvae to feed off of the fungus on the roots. Should I be doing something different? :confused: As of now, I'm giving each plant (of mature size) about 1/2gal every other day.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to thread jack but I just wondered if you could clear something up for me. On my first grow, I over-watered too. As a result, I got those nasty fungus flies. I was told to let the soil dry in between waterings so the larvae in the soil would die. I've kept this method routine because I thought, logically, if the soil isn't constantly moist, there's no opportunity for the flies' larvae to feed off of the fungus on the roots. Should I be doing something different? :confused: As of now, I'm giving each plant (of mature size) about 1/2gal every other day.
You got the gnats not because you over-watered, but because they were most likely already in your soil to begin with.

I dont know how long it takes for the larvae to die when the top of the soil dries out, so I think it would be best to eliminate the root cause of it rather than letting your soil dry out constantly hoping to rid yourself of all of them.

If your bag of soil has gnats in it, every time you repot you'll have to dry out the soil again and again.

Buy a better brand of soil that's properly stored, or cook your soil in your stove to kill them off before using. There is varying times and temps used to kill them, so just google it and pick one.


Active Member
Pics 9 and 10 do appear to be nute burn at the tip. Did you cut your OF with anything or use it just straight? It probably was a bit too much nutes for your plant. I wouldn't give any nutes for a few weeks. Did it happen after transplant?
Yeah I was thinking it was nute burn. I doubt it would be heat issues, seeing as it's on the lowest leaves (farthest from my light) and I have a very well vented grow area... running just the 400 Watt MH I have had to keep the thermostat turned up a couple degrees higher than normal to keep temps up around 70F with lights off, 80F with lights on.

If I am getting nute burn now that means that the plants have too much fertilizer available to them in the soil... So it won't slow growth to not feed them until the signs of nute burn dissipate, correct?

I have not used any fertilizer up until this point.