Another when to harvest question and splitting calyxes

Hi everyone, i have a few questions on when to harvest here, im looking for more of a cerebral energetic high so i heard your supposed to harvest early when some trichomes are clear, some amber but all mostly cloudy. Now im into my 9th week of flowering and it seems like i keep getting new growth like there are more white hairs sprouting, i started flushing a week ago now and most of the trichomes are cloudy and it seems like there right where i want them so should i just disregard hair color? Now also i have some calyxes splitting open and at first i thought they had been pollenated so i took one off and opened it up and took it apart and there was just liquid inside this white fake looking seed, could they be seeds in the making? or resin? To my knowledge there were no pollen balls anywhere. Can you guys help me or give me any advice. I posted pics to aswell



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, i have a few questions on when to harvest here, im looking for more of a cerebral energetic high so i heard your supposed to harvest early when some trichomes are clear, some amber but all mostly cloudy. Now im into my 9th week of flowering and it seems like i keep getting new growth like there are more white hairs sprouting, i started flushing a week ago now and most of the trichomes are cloudy and it seems like there right where i want them so should i just disregard hair color? Now also i have some calyxes splitting open and at first i thought they had been pollenated so i took one off and opened it up and took it apart and there was just liquid inside this white fake looking seed, could they be seeds in the making? or resin? To my knowledge there were no pollen balls anywhere. Can you guys help me or give me any advice. I posted pics to aswell
They could be seeds but if there are no pollen sacs anywhere and no plants are hermie then they probably arent. The plant wants to reproduce so bad that it is creating fake pockets where seeds would be. You should be fine. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
They could be seeds but if there are no pollen sacs anywhere and no plants are hermie then they probably arent. The plant wants to reproduce so bad that it is creating fake pockets where seeds would be. You should be fine. bongsmilie

actually the first pics looks like seeds. if you grew from seed and had to take some males out maybe they dropped some pollen.

or it can be a hermie that u havent seen

look for yellow horns and pluck them if you see the horns


Well-Known Member
actually the first pics looks like seeds. if you grew from seed and had to take some males out maybe they dropped some pollen.

or it can be a hermie that u havent seen

look for yellow horns and pluck them if you see the horns
You are right. I must not of clicked on the first picture becuase those look like some seeds or some sacs, cant tellbongsmilie


Active Member
You've been pollinated. Let the plant complete full life-death cycle, and collect the seeds. Looks like a nice strain though, so now you've got a shit ton of nice seeds! select the meaty ones.


Well-Known Member
dude chill if those are seeds leave them.. its barely pollinated because you were avoiding that.. sometimes they get like 4 seeds to an OZ. relax its all trichomes and looks good. I would say that plant needs at least another week maybe 2 at the MOST. but i would say start flushing if u havnt