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Well-Known Member
man u full o shit period.... y u posted bout 4 times since u ad plant with no pics. im outta ya bye young un


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna call bs but I think you could have avoided all the shit talking if you would have waited to post about your bud's neon plant AFTER you took a pic. Now you have a ton of people waiting to see this freak of nature plant. Once again, Im not calling bs or talking shit, I just think you should have waited to post about it until you had the pictures to prove it, you should have known no one would believe you.
i AGREE wit you 100 percent Shoulda know this was gonna get the POT stirring but my homie stood me up yesterday thats why i posted cause i thought that she was on the way but posted to early and never showed up....but its a diffrent story this time i actuall have her in my possesion and am not sweating it cause the pics will be POSTED 4 SHO and SHE was feed before got over here, and as for EBB flow table in my but i live literally 2-3 mins away and told my homie to go to my crib to FEED again ........know its SOUNDS all far fetched but man im gonna have some people taht are not gonna believe that this is treal so BE PATIENT shell be posted SOON!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yesterday u said it was ahe and u said he did turn up but so did ya boss? now its ashe who stood u up fck sake, an the pics u developing them in ya dark room or summit bud? sort it out m8


yesterday u said it was ahe and u said he did turn up but so did ya boss? now its ashe who stood u up fck sake, an the pics u developing them in ya dark room or summit bud? sort it out m8
I think he's calling the plant a 'she' , unless he has his homie locked up his car...


Well-Known Member
i AGREE wit you 100 percent Shoulda know this was gonna get the POT stirring but my homie stood me up yesterday thats why i posted cause i thought that she was on the way but posted to early and never showed up....

yeah maybe, maybe im being obnoxious proof in pudding,


i AGREE wit you 100 percent Shoulda know this was gonna get the POT stirring but my homie stood me up yesterday thats why i posted cause i thought that she was on the way but posted to early and never showed up....

yeah maybe, maybe im being obnoxious proof in pudding,
could the plant not be on the way with his homie?

he said "this time i actuall have her in my possesion"

I guess this guy kidnaps people...


Active Member
I'm sorry but I really don't think anyone on this planet can have as bad of grammar and be as uneducated as this guy's coming off, I'm calling bored ass troll...


Well-Known Member
gotta say i was tinkz uz was whistlin dixi too

but if dis be fo realz den mer per to ya

if you really got a nern yeller whippy snappa den uz Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree

some people on here would prolly still bitch if you hung them wid a new rope so dont worry about it

some couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle, some deez critterz bowed up like a Halloween Cat

but all the while day think day ridin' a gravy train on biscuit wheels

but if u for realz tho about dat nern yeller spud then thats Slicker than two eels fuckin’ in a bucket of snot

but like i said some folks are just[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] colder than a nun's cunt on a ski slope[/FONT]

but never forget If it has tires or testicles it's gonna give you trouble

but at the same time, just because your cat had her kittens in the oven doesn't make them muffins

What in the holy name of fuck does this mean??? I really honest to god tried to read this post... I just can't make it out...

I mean honestly, what is
"bowed up like a Halloween Cat"

What is any of this?
hahahahahahahahaha, I've never seen anything so absurd in my entire life! So THANK YOU for the entertainment whoever it is that never went to school!

Waiting to see these so called "PIX"


Active Member
Oh, and despite all the ribbing I've given h8red1 I don't doubt that he's telling the truth. It could be a strange nutrient deficiency, but I think a good explanation is that he has a plant with some sort of mutation that either results in low levels of chlorophyll or even the chlorophyll molecule absorbing at different wavelengths.

Not only that, there are other photon absorbing molecules in plants that participate in a process called (I believe) photon capture or electron capture, which involves the capture of a higher energy photons, then a decay process wherein other porphyrin like molecules also absorb- it keeps the energy in the plant while getting rid of excess high-energy photons. Evidence for these other pigments existing? Just turn your eyes to the sky during fall, when trees undergoing senescence show very vividly the other pigments in leaves which are colored orange, yellow, red, etc.

What I'm trying to say is that it's possible he has a mutant that can grow and function without having a full set of 'normal' photosynthetic pigments. And hey, mutants are cool- if it really turns out to be a mutant I hope he takes cuttings and propagates the thing because it would be interesting to study it. Cannabis growers actively contributing to science, how's that?

But I digress, where are the damn pictures? :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
What is any of this?
hahahahahahahahaha, I've never seen anything so absurd in my entire life! So THANK YOU for the entertainment whoever it is that never went to school!

Waiting to see these so called "PIX"
Let me translate for you.............
gotta say i was tinkz uz was whistlin dixi too
I believe that you are not being honest with the community.
but if dis be fo realz den mer per to ya
On the other hand, if you are being forthright, then you deserve our respect and admiration.
if you really got a nern yeller whippy snappa den uz Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree
If you are really in possession of a yellow cannabis plant than you are really a blessed individual.
some people on here would prolly still bitch if you hung them wid a new rope so dont worry about it.
Some people are just difficult to please, if this is the case then you should not concern yourself with them.
some couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle, some deez critterz bowed up like a Halloween Cat
Some people do not have the right to judge because they are no better than you, they are just defensive because you have a neon yellow cannabis plant.
but all the while day think day ridin' a gravy train on biscuit wheels
They judge you because they think they are better than you.
but if u for realz tho about dat nern yeller spud then thats Slicker than two eels fuckin’ in a bucket of snot
However, if you honestly have a neon cannabis plant, than you are someone we should all admire and model our lives after.
but like i said some folks are just[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] colder than a nun's cunt on a ski slope[/FONT]
But again, some people just like being difficult and causing issues.
but never forget If it has tires or testicles it's gonna give you trouble
But don't forget, keeping a female cannabis plant in your vehicle may cause stress to the plant and turn it hermie, thus growing male flowers and pollenating the plant.
but at the same time, just because your cat had her kittens in the oven doesn't make them muffins
This I disagree with, preheat oven to 475, coat cat in egg, sugar and flour. Duct tape to muffin pan. Viola, muffins. Straight from the Korean Kitty Kookbook.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Wow, never seen anything like this, a total waste time and resources. When obviously its neon. Anyone feeling the sarcasm? I am guessing he will finally post a pic of a plant with xmas lights on it. Mind you, this is just a guess on my part. Anyone else have a guess?


Well-Known Member
READYY>>>>GOT PICS OF MELLOW YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and to all who thought i was lying so sorry this was the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!boss left time to post PICS!!!!!!!!!!
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