Anyone know whats causing this


Active Member
Since Im a hydro grower Id like to know if a fellow grower here knows whats causing this problem. Im using full strength GH FloraNova veg nutes with distilled ph'd water under 400watt MH in clay pebbles


Well-Known Member
If you're using distilled water you need to be adding Cal-Mag, not sure if thats your problem here but more problems will pop up if you're not adding it.


Well-Known Member
Would you suggest I change to RO or would I still have to add Cal-mag?

RO is just about the same as distilled, both are pure water with everything removed such as calcium, chlorine, magnesium, etc. Some of these things the plants need, others are harmful to the plants. I've been running RO for about a year now and when I started using it I didnt know to add Cal-Mag (use GH nutes also) and started having problems. Once I added it there was a world of difference. Calcium is an essential element needed for plant growth.


New Member
I use Cal-mag and I have 350-400 ppm water. urns out the stuff in my water is in bigger chucks than the plant can use ( not chelated is the tech term). It's just good in general for our plants. They like cal and mag! RO is a clean slate and most nutrients don't have enough for them for our plants.


Active Member
I use Cal-mag and I have 350-400 ppm water. urns out the stuff in my water is in bigger chucks than the plant can use ( not chelated is the tech term). It's just good in general for our plants. They like cal and mag! RO is a clean slate and most nutrients don't have enough for them for our plants.

Does GeneraL Hydro Floralicious supplement have enough?


New Member
Floralicious is more of an additive that give extra sugars and amino acids. Not really comparable so the answer is no. In a pinch you can use epsom salt like they sell fo achy mucsles. 1 tsp in a gallon of add water and shake well to disolve completely is a very safe dose. I've heard 2 and 3 tsp is fine too but I error on the side of caution with new things. Too much is too much and needs to be dealt with but too little is ok becaus you can add more if it looks like it helps.


Active Member
I found ticks in my roots, noticed them in water after watering then looked at roots and theres lil ticks on them. How do I get rid of them?


New Member
First I'm heard that mosquito dunks are good for bugs in the res. They are probbly not tick but Fungus gnat larvea and the dunks or something called SM-90 is the treatment.

Is the plant still drinking? It's having trouble taking up N. Rest of the leaves look shiney and flat but something is off. Water smell ok? I'd run straight water for a couple of days to flush things out and then start back at half the nute level you are now and see if she picks up.


Active Member
Thanks I did switch to straight water 3x's a day, the flood level does not reach the rockwool so should I up the water frequency?