Its snowing!!
but it aint all good news
It was crazy last night! The snow was coming down like a mofo..went out in my car and there were snow ploughs shovelling the roads...I didn't even know we had snow ploughs!!
People were going like 15mph took me half hour to do a 5minute journey!
and then i went to turn down this road and my car just kept sliding! haha! i was going about 5mph and sliding towards this 30mph sign! i was cracking up the whole finished sliding when i went up the grass bank and ended up between a salt grit bin and the 30 sign
I missed it!
I didn't get stuck, just drove off the grass and went on my way!!
The missus weren't too happy though when i came in and told her...she were like
There was a powercut aswell.. and it dint come on till mid-morning! The plants were just siting there all night with no fan or ex fan or nothing..and then when it came to lights on...oh dear.. still no power... they went a good 3 or so hours missing out on light...
I said to the missus i said, dem electric people are really extracting the urine....
but they seem all good now.. pics are coming later on...