News is a product and people won't buy it if it isn't pre-digested for them. They don't just want news, they want to know what it means. And that's where bias and perceived bias comes in. I don't see a problem with that, people aren't fooled so easily. They don't watch MSNBC and have their minds changed, they watch it because that's their bias already and they like their news to validate what they already think.
I don't really care what news organizations say "about" the news as long as they do the news. Tell us what happened, all of it, and then go ahead and interpret it all you want. The failure of news today that is colored by the left is its sins of omission. They simply do not report what is negative to this administration. Never in history have important stories simply been ignored by the media. THAT is why so many people watch FOX. They understand that there is some news that they will not get elsewhere. And whether they agree with the Fox spin or not, they want the news.
Here's some bad news for the left: this is changing. First and foremost- the media are whores. They want stories. As long as Obama "was" the story, as long as his speeches seemed fresh and the hopey changey was still there, they were happy to grovel before him and ignore anything unfavorable to him (lest they be called racist). But now the glitter is gone. His speeches are dull and no-one is hopey anymore. His approval is lower than any president ever at this point in their term. Gulp! The story is rapidly becoming the FAILURE of Obama. And when a certain tipping point is reached, and there is enough blood in the water, the lefty media whores will be on his carcass like a pack of wolves.