Wtf is this!!!!


They're only in the soil, but theres a bunch of them. I thought they were spider mites but everything I've read says spider mites are mainly on the leaves and do damage to the plant. These are the opposite, they're only in the soil and the plant is healthy. I'd like to know what they are so I'll know if I need to get rid of them. any help is appreciated. thanks.



I know it's a mite. Theres different types of mites, good and bad. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of mite and are they bad.

Yeah I've read a lot about neem oil, where can I buy it?

since the appearance of these "mites", my gnat prob has gone down. since the mite are only in the soil, and the plant has no damage, I'm thinking these are predatory mites and they're eating the gnat larvea, but I'm still not sure.


Well-Known Member
they could be eating the gnats/larve, but when theyre all dead and gone they might start eating your roots and leafs. id kill them regardless, because i wouldnt give any bugs a free meal


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've read a lot about neem oil, where can I buy it?
I noticed that lowes has started carrying some products derived from neems oil. Look at the active ingredients and you should be able to find 4 or 5 products either with neems in them or that are derived from neems.


Well-Known Member
here I was thinking spider mites fed on chlorophyll. KaleoxXx - are you saying that spider mites also eat other bugs, and roots????? I had spider mites, BAD, and all they did was basically turn each leaf completely WHITE.
damn them.dammnn spider mites.


how should I treat the soil? should I saturate the soil, or just spray the top? I don't see them on the top unless I water it, so I don't know how that would work.
Thats a beneficial mite that feeds on larvae of such pest as fungus gnat. If you have had any gnats those little buggers came to kill whats killing your plant. If you have a strong suspicion that they are spider mites which i dont they create weblike places on leaves they feed upon. If you dont want the beneficial mites thats living in your soil simply purchase some nematodes they will completely wipe them out as well as the gnats
always identify your pest before you try adding any additives to make gods perfect plant mans mistake. Oils soaps and all of that only go so far and after a few generations they will not take the bait! Remember insects learn too how do you think they found your plants. Once a week remove all plants from area and clean with natural cleaning products. Remember before ever trying to kill insects god gave us insects that kill and eat ones that destroy plants. Everything is natural and in perfect balance and harmony. Good luck if you gave any question contact me here or on I am more than happy to help anyone with their plants and keep them from poisoning themselves or plants. Remember we smoke pot because it is healthy. All these so called natural additives to put unwanted things inyour soil. Red wigglers worms are great too.


thanks Med!!! I'm not seeing any spider web like thing, or any damage to the plant, so I didn't think it was spider mite either. Do you know how I can find out for sure? Like a side by side pic so I can compare the two? or anything? I would still like to know for sure, know what I mean?
here dude check out for yourself spider mites are Tetranychus urticae and predatory mites which is what you have are called phytoseiulus persimilis you can wiki them and read all about it. Remember knowing is half the battle. If you are uncomfortable with mites or insects to control pests try using a nematodes solution it will kill everything that is bad for your plant even bacteria and larvae. Hit me up anytime I want to make sure that no one uses any cancer causing agents in their medical marijuana!


Well-Known Member
I had an infestation like this 1s and used a mix of 1 part vinegar, 1 part H2O2, 2 parts water and watered thoroughly with that mixture until they were gone. Also if you allow your soil to dry completely they will die also but this far into flowering I doubt you would want to risk that. I would try the mixture and get back to me. I will look it up further for you if this doesn't help you. What kind of soil and nutes are you using?


Medical dude your the shit man!!! I looked at both pics, and your right they are preditory mites. Thanks man a lot. I'm gonna switch to hydroponics when I move!!