Mutant Blue Offspring


nigga the system is fucked up. how the law gona say u inocent until proven guilty but have the rite 2 detain u until ur case is ovr? if u still inocent how is it legal to lock u up?


Well-Known Member
To answer the original question, I think I would be Quagmire with Cleveland's penis and Kenny's resilience.

oh yeah, relevance, my bad. Cartman crossed with Stewie; that's the type of mo-fo that's gonna take over the world.
Or Mr/Mrs Garrison + the dirty old man....haha nightmare

Speaking of tits...^^^


I once saw a rabbit with birds in its hair and while eating my creamed corn I realized outer space wasn't really for me.
Yeah best to avoid the astrobelt when the corn gets too creamy. On the sea tonight, she is very belle. You can see just all the stars, it's like magic. And it's not cold

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Well well, i'm glad for the diversion then. I must admit (and someone will def go off their tits at this) that i've never seen any of the Trek movies, or and Star Wars either. Kinda just avoided them. Not too into sci-fi, see, apart from the short stories by Phillip K Dick. He's a lege.

It's fully all about the xmas movies right now. nightmare before, muppets carol, and the grinch.

a magical helicopter was bought by a rich farmer. The
farmer flew his whirlybird wherever he went; that wasn't very far. He flew
it once every three minutes every day and night until he found that he
couldn't anymore. When he found this out, he saw why. The Russian
sattellite "Sputnik IV" crashed right into him when he was flying it. He
couldn't take the separation from his magical helicopter and died.
Shortly after the farmer died, a deranged boy decided to see what fire
tasted like. All of his friends gathered around to see him be stupid. He
lit a stick, put it in his mouth, and said, "It tastes like... burning."
After that, he promptly died.

Afterwards, about four thousand annoying jerks did the world a big favor
and jumped off a cliff, thinking they were going to hit some water -- only
to find that they landed on jagged rocks, glass shards, cacti, knives,
needles, and other sharp objects. They died quickly enough.


Well-Known Member
a magical helicopter was bought by a rich farmer. The
farmer flew his whirlybird wherever he went; that wasn't very far. He flew
it once every three minutes every day and night until he found that he
couldn't anymore. When he found this out, he saw why. The Russian
sattellite "Sputnik IV" crashed right into him when he was flying it. He
couldn't take the separation from his magical helicopter and died.
Shortly after the farmer died, a deranged boy decided to see what fire
tasted like. All of his friends gathered around to see him be stupid. He
lit a stick, put it in his mouth, and said, "It tastes like... burning."
After that, he promptly died.

Afterwards, about four thousand annoying jerks did the world a big favor
and jumped off a cliff, thinking they were going to hit some water -- only
to find that they landed on jagged rocks, glass shards, cacti, knives,
needles, and other sharp objects. They died quickly enough.

I wish 4000 jerks would jump off a cliff onto an assortment of sharp and painful things.

Excerpts from my novel: An Egg Is Not A Fruit.

La Rue de la Coq D’Or: 6 O’clock in The Morning (Orwell)

Statement number 1: we are you. There is poetry as soon as we realise we possess nothing.
Even if I were a supernova, you’d never see me for the clouds above your head.
I’m going to hell for something so I might as well just do everything.

Rhythm & Stealth (Leftfield)

Help! I can’t stop eating my face: your jaw goes wild.
Fools make the best lovers: cures for the soul part II.
This isn‘t really wrong: as if there was wrong that was pretend.

We Who Walk On Clouds (kapnabatai)

“LISTEN I would put it there if I could see it. If I even knew what I was doing. Fuck Zayik”
She never mentions the word addiction in certain company.
Your concept of art is irrelevant: my heroes are mine.
Till human voices wake us, and we drown.
The lions are escaping into the street : do not feed the animals

To bring crimson death to the blue eyed enemy: from hell’s heart I stab at thee.

The most stunning game The Devil plays is to convince you that he does not exist.

(This is the end, Beautiful Friend.

You don’t put out the candle when the room gets dark: explaining failure.

Saturday night: a rat crawls under my pillow to die.

If I should die, think only this of me.)

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]It's important to talk to your tween daughter about her body & growing up…
but it’s just not that easy![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]As a pediatrician and mother, Dr. Chrystal de Freitas understands how awkward these “chats” can be - and how parents often get tongue-tied or dance around details to avoid embarrassing moments.[/FONT]
So what's a parent to do?
[FONT=&quot]Based upon her experiences with her own daughters and utilizing her pediatrics expertise, Dr. de Freitas created My First Period Kit & DVD[/FONT][FONT=&quot]™[/FONT][FONT=&quot] to help facilitate discussion about your daughter's first period. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] For the past 15 years the doctor’s friendly, informative [/FONT] Healthy Chats for Girls [FONT=&quot] seminars featuring the [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]all-important facts about puberty, periods, and more[/FONT][FONT=&quot] have been attended by thousands of mothers and daughters. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Now, for the first time on DVD, the doctor’s insightful presentation is available for you and your daughter to view and discuss in the comfort and privacy of home.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Share essential information with your 9-12 year old about her first menstrual period and prepare her for the changes ahead. Set a solid foundation for open, healthy discussions throughout these next formative years. My First Period Kit & DVD[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]makes it so much easier with the accurate, age-appropriate information you need - plus a few neat gifts your daughter will love![/FONT]


Well-Known Member
oh my god, they do DVDs to take care of my parenting responsibilities now? RESULT. I'm off to the pub...think if i leave mary poppins on the dvd player the kids will clean the house?

Disclaimer: i do not have any kids. And if i did, you can bet your ass that Mary Poppins would be banned from my house. The last thing i need is a couple of cockneys modeling themselves on the von trapp family...SINGING IS NOT COOL

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
oh my god, they do DVDs to take care of my parenting responsibilities now? RESULT. I'm off to the pub...think if i leave mary poppins on the dvd player the kids will clean the house?

Disclaimer: i do not have any kids. And if i did, you can bet your ass that Mary Poppins would be banned from my house. The last thing i need is a couple of cockneys modeling themselves on the von trapp family...SINGING IS NOT COOL

This honestly made me Laugh out loud. lol


Well-Known Member
come on guys.... its kinda funny...but no better than what you poke fun at
don't mean to offend, those seriously were excepts from the novel i've been "writing" since i was 15.

i was under the impression this was the thread to hang out on if you want to speak in bad and apologies if i got it wrong



Well-Known Member
Phuck. Last Night We Dreamed Of Giant God-Dog Spiders With Transparent Blue Penises Invading A Woodstock Hippie Commune. They Arose From Under The Bridge, But We Have No Level Of Transparent Blue Penis Understanding That We Can Actually Touch With Our Own Eye. The Leader Of The Giant God-Dog Spiders Was A Brief Soul Radiatemanating Questions and Instructions At A Very High Rate But Did Not Smell Similar To A Troll.


ha ha ha very clever