Mutant Blue Offspring


New Member
"how the law gona say u inocent until proven guilty but have the rite 2 detain u until ur case is ovr? "
"You're Innocent" - The Law
"if u still inocent how is it legal to lock u up?"
Because that is what funds the bondsman's trade, my friend.
A Bondsman's Friends Make The Law That Locks You Up But Lets Giant Go Go Girls With Their Child Spider God-Dogs Run Rampant.
"Yes, identifies W.Hip as a woman" - Liar


New Member
To Learn And Grow, Just Like Everyone Else, You Mean Little Shit.
What Is Your Purpose For Being So Mean On This Site, And Especially In This Thread, Mr. Brief Wit?
"but at least it's millions of times over more transparent than 99% of the shit that pours out of the W.Hip keyboard..."
I find it so very interesting you see not the transparency.
IT makes my babies so very excited!
If that is, you believe survival of the fittest is perhaps more than just some wacky zombified theory Chef Brian Came Up With . . .


Well-Known Member
Speaking of tits...^^^


I once saw a rabbit with birds in its hair and while eating my creamed corn I realized outer space wasn't really for me.
your sig is impossible man (Everything I say is false. I only speak in lies.) then that would also be a lie but if it were a lie about being a lie it would be truth but if it was truth youd be lying???


New Member
IT's all my creative writing professor's fault
She Convinced Me In Believing In Myself.
Same school as my favorite physics teacher.
He Had The Right Papers, unlike my friend.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
In case people haven't noticed Hippie and DaveyDoom is practically the same account.
I haven't noticed... never paid too much attention to DaveyDoom... thought he was a little crazy but I can see the W.Hip bleeding through...

If I don't recall correctly... I remember W.Hip admits having multiple accounts somewhere... isn't this grounds for a ban? If this large stack of cards with words on them that are shuffled and drawn one by one to create a post is not...



New Member
Why Not Join The Mutant Blue Stewie Spooge Spawn Chicken Choking Club, Boys?

Alice Can't Hear You, You Crazy Little Yellow Legless Spider.

What happened to your legs anyway?

How Do You Get Around?


Well-Known Member
IT's all my creative writing professor's fault
She Convinced Me In Believing In Myself.
Same school as my favorite physics teacher.
He Had The Right Papers, unlike my friend.
yo hippie i'm not meaning to be insulting with this but if what you're posting on this threads passes for creative writing at your school then you need to get a new set of professors. All i'm reading here is a lot of nonsensical juxtaposition, sure some of it reads nicely but you need to make your meanings clearer and stick to themes that aren't nicked (alice - Lewis Carroll, no?)

I wouldn't say this ^ except that i've got a whole lot of experience in the field (published, and won awards) and i resent when rubbish is passed off as valuable self expression or art.

It's kinda the same as if someone took a shit on my coffee table and then called it 'modern art'. I don't care how much it expresses whatever you ate yesterday, it's not art, it's a turd on my table and i don't want it there.

Why not post some of your real creative writing on the inspired art forum, i really doubt that Brev would hassle you for that.

Peace :joint:


New Member
"Why not post some of your real creative writing on the inspired art forum,"
Thank you for the suggestion.
It feels good to think about doing that someday safe.
It was my professors that messed me up. (not really)
If you are a writer, imagine the phun challenge of using RIU as your public text editor.
I haven't really afforded myself the luxury of writing concisely for quite some time now, since I worked for The Big Green Giant.
Everything is always business stuff outside of RIU, where the rules are quite different and it takes time to keep up, valuable time.
Please realize also, that I commonly define undefined breaking points by breaking things.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson you say?
Nice Story.
What is nicked?
Can you tolerate self-explanatory rubbish presented as such in this particular used trailer park that you voluntarily entered?
That's a spliffy laptop in your avatar, BTW.