

New Member
Do You Believe In Universe Man?

What Do The Mod Gods Approve Of?

Do They Give A Shit?

Can God be . . . A Penguin making up the Vast new rules for the Cannabis Church ??????????

where was Alice last seen following the white rabbit with the correct time or was she is the riverbank?

Hippie Tip To The Mods:

Please Delete Only This Post, Not The Entire Thread,

Thank You.

- A Particle Person


No God Particle.
Just Particle Man.
Can Triangle Man = Army Man?


New Member
Babs is hopeless. Her posts hurt my eyes. It's like watching a fight 2 rounds after it should have been called.

She's TKO'd but keeps swinging wild.


Well-Known Member
this existence was here forever before me, and will be here forever after me ≠ this existence, has no meaning

We Believe The First Half Of The Equation.
How Can A Secularist Believe In God?
Our Meaning Excites Us.
What Is Your Meaning?
What's Left When You're Vaporized?
Perception IS reality.:weed:


New Member
I think my problem is I isolate myself too much. so I get really depressed and too negative :(
Okay, u've taken the first step and recognized a problem. Most ppl can't take solitary life, so ur "normal".

Now, U must ask, why do you isolate urself? Sometimes you must find the trust in urself, before U can find it in others.

That may be wide of the mark, but contemplate upon ur condition, and what you want out of life. You can start over, as many times as U wish to. There are no rules there, it's ur life. :peace:

OM ... 666 ... funny!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you anyone has a negative mindset, try being healthy physically, getting sleep, filling time with hobbies like Yoga, martial arts...Have an objective, stick to it thick and thin!!!


Well-Known Member
Nah fucking watch walking life!!! and listen to terence mckenna, read aldous huxleys book, check up on douglas adams, those 3 chaps make life worth it!!!!


New Member
The whole country is depressed right now.

If U didn't vote for Obama ... ur depressed.

If U did vote for Obama .... ur depressed ... :wink:


Well-Known Member
I've been this way since I was like 14 (25 now) lol. I've tried to unisolate myself, but it all just seems pointless to me. maybe I need to see a doctor and get some anti depression meds lol. I dono. I'm not suicidal at all, I just don't care to do anything with my life.


Well-Known Member
Fucking incredible!

A mod tells you to take it private and you go to another thread to do some more bitching and sucking around for sympathy rep.

There's no mystery as to what you're choking on. :razz:

Mommy! JohnnyO is being mean to me!

Save the insight for group therapy, Brokedick.

Like you were doing all day Sunday.

PM me again and I tell your boyfriend.
It's always everyone elses fault, keep telling yourself that it's a good life strategy.

I like the childish pics and name calling, that's my fault too I'm sure, I must have driven you into immaturity.

BTW no mod told me to do anything, he suggested I work things out with you via pm. There is a difference.

Just for the record though, I shouldn't have said anything at all sunday publicly you are correct, that was childish of me. I should have just let you play out your bad feedback game and ignored you and never said another word. Unfortunately for us both we are equally as stubborn. I want to be known as the McCoy's and you can be the Hatfield's ok because I'm half Irish. The other half Italian or asshole whatever you prefer.

Ok go ahead with your wrath, whatcha got? Might I suggest a homophobic reference again, you could play it off the Irish/Italian asshole line.


I've been this way since I was like 14 (25 now) lol. I've tried to unisolate myself, but it all just seems pointless to me. maybe I need to see a doctor and get some anti depression meds lol. I dono. I'm not suicidal at all, I just don't care to do anything with my life.
I would suggest looking deep into philosophy and pick up some stuff by Carl Sagan or Richard Dawkins.

It's finding things to appreciate that make life worth living. Everyone faces this same problem at some time in their life, except it's the religious that replace the reality of existence because it's scary to think about with a cushy warm feeling they get at the pit of their stomach when they think they communicate with their imaginary friend.

Hold your head high, you embrace reality as it is, not as you want it to be.



Well-Known Member
I would suggest looking deep into philosophy and pick up some stuff by Carl Sagan or Richard Dawkins.

It's finding things to appreciate that make life worth living. Everyone faces this same problem at some time in their life, except it's the religious that replace the reality of existence because it's scary to think about with a cushy warm feeling they get at the pit of their stomach when they think they communicate with their imaginary friend.

Hold your head high, you embrace reality as it is, not as you want it to be.

Respect, do this.


New Member
"I've tried to unisolate myself, but it all just seems pointless to me. maybe I need to see a doctor and get some anti depression meds"

My Young Friend, A Point Could Prove Ponderous.

Just Ask A Particle Man.



Well-Known Member
Even we don't count hippies as americans. We have them beaten with knightsticks when possible or at least lock them up at every chance. :)

(I love actual hippies though don't get me wrong, just better if they don't troll.)


Well-Known Member
Even we don't count hippies as americans. We have them beaten with knightsticks when possible or at least lock them up at every chance. :)

(I love actual hippies though don't get me wrong, just better if they don't troll.)
Haha funny, same i love hippie, what does it mean to troll??