Cali hash 6 weeks into flower,not so healthy


Well-Known Member
Here is my cali hash plant 6 weeks into flower. Vegged for two months without any nutes, i'v been giving her bat guano during flower and am not planning on doing much else with her. after all it was a freebie seed.
Can i get some opinions into what is actually wrong with her?, im thinking its down to vegging so long without any source of nitrogen to help the leaves survive as a result they are near enough all dead its just the latest growth and around the buds where there is still colour in them. :joint: thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
Here is my cali hash plant 6 weeks into flower. Vegged for two months without any nutes, i'v been giving her bat guano during flower and am not planning on doing much else with her. after all it was a freebie seed.
Can i get some opinions into what is actually wrong with her?, im thinking its down to vegging so long without any source of nitrogen to help the leaves survive as a result they are near enough all dead its just the latest growth and around the buds where there is still colour in them. :joint: thanks for looking
ou est le pics


Well-Known Member
was bout to say the same lo0ks fine.,.,6 weeks and forward.,.,lo0king forward to the smoke report
Cheers fella!
been fretting over nothing then.
Have heard the cali is a very good smoke it is used as medicinal i think.
Apparently fuks you up so i cant wait either!


Well-Known Member
dont wana spend money on nutes buy a cheap ass alternative, 4 dollar walmart brand or mg, better than nothing, it needs soem N


Well-Known Member
dont wana spend money on nutes buy a cheap ass alternative, 4 dollar walmart brand or mg, better than nothing, it needs soem N
I dont live in the us mate so havent got a walmart here.
Just gonna carry on with the guano no point in spending any money now until shes done