Fuck Marijuana!

or that maybe they had no reason to search him cuz he didnt rob a bank?? not sure if he was smokin and it reeked when he got pulled over..wouldnt suprise me, happened the other night but the cop didnt give a fuck lol. still a hassle though..

"whats the hassle maaann??" ever listen to the old cheech and chong skits? hahaha good shit right there
Fuckin' Cops Man.


My favorites are Cannabis, Hemp (yea I use it to describe pot too sometimes), Ganja, or Herb. I actually used to like the term marijuana, but I didnt even think about the fact that the prohibitionists of the 30s named it that. I also heard that marijuana was actually a mexican type of tobacco, can anyone verify?


Well-Known Member
good point dude, can see that..but i still think theres a primal instinct to injest susbstances, and its never going to stop no matter how hard people try to control it. its nature, and that cant be stopped.

and I'm definitely spiritual, but cant really say religious..grew up in a small ass bible thumpin town and it was really pathetic..

i think it was in the zeitgeist movie theres a quote "i may not know what god is, but i know what god isn't".. and i think i can relate to that. I dont think God is what i was taught..some old guy in the clouds, who sends you to hell to burn forever when you make a mistake.. always seemed like a way to scare kids into being good.

but yea, I've definitely felt that energy or life force, whatever you want to call it, that we're all "connected to." I'm really high right now, made firecrackers for the first time so bare with me..." and yea, you really realize whats important in life, get your shit sorted out and stuff. I feel no need to go to church and worship ancient readings, thats kinda cultish.. I'd rather go for a walk outside,roll some herbs, and just meditate or whatever you want to call it..reflect. lifes a garden, dig it. hahaha


Well-Known Member
one more thing i gotta vent..lol

when I'm hangin out in the park, and those people come up to me and ask what they think is going to happen to me when i die..it makes me wanna do terrible things. hahahaha.

no seriously though, who the fuck are they to tell me I'm going to hell unless I change. No no..I'm not a bad person. I hold the door open for old ladies goin into stores..I give people right of way at stop signs, and am respectful, cuz karmas a bitch and shit always comes back around, thats a fact as far as im concerned lol. I know a lot of people who are assholes, and there never happy.

I dont think I'm doin bad, not too worried about whats gonna happen when I do. shit'll be ok, I'll worry bout now


Well-Known Member
God is definitely not just some guy up in the clouds, he is all around us, in us, all of us, through Christ. God is good. God is the essence of only GOOD in heaven after death, all things that are good on earth reflect in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who is still on earth and always will be to guide his sheep through the temptations of evil.


Well-Known Member
one more thing i gotta vent..lol

when I'm hangin out in the park, and those people come up to me and ask what they think is going to happen to me when i die..it makes me wanna do terrible things. hahahaha.

no seriously though, who the fuck are they to tell me I'm going to hell unless I change. No no..I'm not a bad person. I hold the door open for old ladies goin into stores..I give people right of way at stop signs, and am respectful, cuz karmas a bitch and shit always comes back around, thats a fact as far as im concerned lol. I know a lot of people who are assholes, and there never happy.

I dont think I'm doin bad, not too worried about whats gonna happen when I do. shit'll be ok, I'll worry bout now
god doesn't send our souls to hell, hell is the place that burns away all the sins so that we will never have to shed tears and regret that we ever did what we did. so that there will be everlasting peace for all of gods creations


Well-Known Member
in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who is still on earth and always will be to guide his sheep through the temptations of evil.

definition of evil?? Im sure lots of misinformed people all around the world consider consuming psychadelics an "Evil temptation, put here by the devil". just because people dont understand, they fear.

hell..isnt there a movie or something about marijuana being a demon weed..or something..maybe?reefer..anger or something..perhaps. lol
I think hell is entirely bullshit, what, because we didn't play the game the way ypu wanted us to your sentencing us to an eternity of torture? So two wrongs make a right? Maybe we shot somebody so now we're getting an eternity of anguish. Jesus.