No actually ur right. The counting of 12/12 has nothing to do with ur stating here. If u veg 1 plant for 1 month, and another for 1 week, and start, 12/12 at the same time, u will have a big difference in a few things. Main thing is ur end yield! Less veg, less yield. Also getting to ur statement. The plant that vegged for 1 month will w/o a doubt show signs of flowering first, before the one I vegged for 1 week. To be quite honest with u, I go by my nute company feeding chart, which says to veg for 4 weeks. SO they way I do it is like this. I germinate, then go thru seedling stage(which people quite often, as I first did, mistake the seedling stage as the first week of vegging, and it is not) which normally takes about a week or 2. then by 2 weeks of seedling stage(when the first true set of leaves(not sets blades, but sets of leaves) I start giving very low dosage of nutes. and from that first "real" feeding(ppm of 300-400)(cause prior to that I administer a very LOW dosage of nutes. Less than 200 PPM. And that's only after the first real blades start coming in)and that's when I start counting weeks in veg. So truthfully my veg counting starts from about 2 weeks AFTER seed has cracked it's shell and is opening. Which is sort what were going thru with this flowering question of when does flowerin start. By the time I am going to flip to 12/12, my girls always(97% of the time), are already showing sex. The only times I can think that the plants did NOT show pre-flowers, were when I used regular seeds(instead of feminized), and the only one's that didn't show sexing turned out to be the males, cause even those females of those seeds showed their sex before 12/12. And it's honestly a personal preference when u start counting as long as u know to check those trichs, when the time is right. U know what really funny...... If someones asshole tickled every time it was time to harvest. Someone would actually post that on one of these threads, just because they think it's the right way, because it works for them every time. So truthfully it's personal preference. Doesn't mean that ur personal preference is wrong, but no one can take that away from u. Well hope I made sense, LMAO! Peace, Love, Unity, & Respect!yas i would have thought that say you vegged a plant for one week, then flipped the lights, and you have another plant that you vegged for say three months.. i would have thought that the plant with the longer veg would flower or atleast reach flowering stage much sooner than a plant with only one week veg time, but i guess i was wrong...
And I agree, I don't think that person ur refering to meant that Greenhouse seeds was THE PRO OF ALL PRO'S. They meant the pro's, cause we buy their seeds, not vice versa. Don't cause an argument over reading into someone's words to much! I personally never said they were pros. And the people that did, I don't think meant it in they way that u are portraying it to be.GHSC is far from pro. That's like calling the blue jays a pro. Yeah, they're in the big leagues. Yeah, they're much more capable than I am at producing seeds. It doesn't make them anything more than "More pro than me" which, oddly enough, isn't pro.
Yes! those dates the breeders give u are just a guideline, a round about date, if u will. Normally takes a week or 2 more. Which is why u keep an eye on the Trichs.if you think about it, it doesn't matter when the first day of flower is. it doesn't matter how many pistils change color or any of the rest of the stated info. what matters is when the bud is ready to harvest. the "only" accurate method is by checking the trichomes! say your pro breeder tells you that at 65 days you should harvest. are you gonna do it? each strain is different, and has various phenotypes. each growers methods, experience and environment will vary. that is the reason for watching your trichomes...
LMAO! U start a poll, and all u'll be doing is starting another thread for arguing. LOL. Not saying u'll be doin the arguing, but u know how some people get on here.This would be a good poll thread.
I have written G13 Labs, Barney's Farm, and DNA Genetics. I've been waiting for their response. I will W/O a doubt post ANY emails I get from any breeder. The onl;y reason I have GHSC is that they were the only ones who actuall responded and, in less than 12 hours. So u gotta give them credit for that. I am taking into consideration that it was the Holidays this week. Do stoner, seed breeders, take vacationsHey I*Bud, Will you post other breeders opinions?
Maybe GHSC isn't as high on some peoples lists, i've never used them so I don't know...they have won 32 HTCann. cups enough for me.
Yepper! Once again...... Using the breeder's "timeline" as a guideline. Oh yeah, by the way, that is a H-H-H-H-OT avatar. I hope it's not a pic of ur sister though. LMAO! Just kiddin dude! Not trying to offend. Another thing...... I had NO idea that Mitch Hedberg had passed away, dude. Very Sad!` Peace, Love, Unity, & Respect!I just keep a log in my grow room
with the date 12/12 starts, also the
date when the plants show sex.
If it's unknown strain, this helps me
plan flowering times for any clones i
take. In order to keep my flowering room going 365 days.
As someone said earlier, the plants
will tell you when they're ready to be
If flowering guidelines says 9wk flowering period, no matter if you're counting from day one of 12/12, or day one of showing sex. At either 9wk date,
you're going to ask yourself, "it's been 9wks, does she look ready?"
I♥BUD;3580Oh yeah said:LOL, I thought so too, then I clicked on it....uugglllessshhh!!! Dude scared the f^ck uotta me![]()
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol, i thought so too, then i clicked on it....uugglllessshhh!!! Dude scared the f^ck uotta me![]()