Indoor Tomatos.

Ok im gonna be growing indoor tomatoes which have to be done by about Jan 15. I will be using CFL's. What should i do bout lighting schedule?

And as for watering I'm doing 8 plants in a DWC from rockwool cubes. ill have the cubes in Hydroton Clay rocks. I have a 360 Sprinkler between both sets of four... what im not sure about is when to have them on? Could i get away with once a day? twice? or would i have to buy an expensive timer that does like 30 min every two hours?

ANd as for the potted plants in potting soil, how often should those be watered?


Well-Known Member
Ok im gonna be growing indoor tomatoes which have to be done by about Jan 15. I will be using CFL's. What should i do bout lighting schedule?

And as for watering I'm doing 8 plants in a DWC from rockwool cubes. ill have the cubes in Hydroton Clay rocks. I have a 360 Sprinkler between both sets of four... what im not sure about is when to have them on? Could i get away with once a day? twice? or would i have to buy an expensive timer that does like 30 min every two hours?

ANd as for the potted plants in potting soil, how often should those be watered?
Ok lighting 24/0 until desired hight and then switch to 12/12. Watering I would go with once a day and if they start wilting go twice a day.:weed:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
hey marley what does your sig mean. That is righteous to order that much stoned, ANyone remember when wienerschnitzel had 25 cent chili dogs? Lol, I would order `bout 20. Park, smoke, and eat. AHHH. I would kill for 25 cent chili dogs. As for toamtoes, they must need massive root space or something. I grew four in a 3x3 tray full of dirt and six inchs deep and all I got was like 8 or so off each one. Not like I thot. I thot that if I grew pot things like tomatoes were supposed to bend over backwards for me and not offer any resistance. Lol. GL.


Well-Known Member
Ok lighting 24/0 until desired hight and then switch to 12/12. Watering I would go with once a day and if they start wilting go twice a day.:weed:
If you leave them on 24/0 light the branches will start to curl up they only need 18/6 or 12/12 light schedule 24/0 is too much.


i did 18/6 for about a month (they grow really fast) and then i transferred them into a DWC bucket under 12/12 and like 2 weeks after i saw about 10 of the flowers turn into little tiny tomatoes. now there's about 20 of them and they're all still green but in a week or two they should be good for the picking. make sure you have the space because they grow really quickly and since the branches aren't too strong they're gonna wilt over their own weight so make sure you have it in a spot where you can tie the branches to something


New Member
Wow I can't believe you guys are actually growing motherfucking tomatoes hahaha. Damn that shit cracks me up.

I agree with 24/0 is too much light. Waste of electricity...the plants reach a light saturation point. I use a 20/4 schedule...past that point growth flat-lines.
I am not only a tomato grower but to become a true botanist you have to grow more then weed! Then you understand how plants work and thrive, I grow japanese good bloods and everything I can find room for, Here is the real deal.. From my company G.O.O co

Wow I can't believe you guys are actually growing motherfucking tomatoes hahaha. Damn that shit cracks me up.

I agree with 24/0 is too much light. Waste of electricity...the plants reach a light saturation point. I use a 20/4 schedule...past that point growth flat-lines.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
wanted to get some brandy wine's never got around to it so it will be my beef steak heirlooms for the spring garden


I'm switching some of my systems to grow some really nice heirloom tomato varieties. Are all tomatoes 12/12 time sensitive or are most autoflowering varieties / if any? I have done all my growing in the green herb and would really love to have some dank and delicious green zebra tomatoes... if I could keep a plant in veg though with 24 hour lighting and flower the little guys out on 12 / 12 that would make my life so much easier in terms of keeping a mother. Also, how do you stimulate a second cycle of fruiting after harvest or is it more effecient to cycle out a new plant and flower it?


hey marley what does your sig mean. That is righteous to order that much stoned, ANyone remember when wienerschnitzel had 25 cent chili dogs? Lol, I would order `bout 20. Park, smoke, and eat. AHHH. I would kill for 25 cent chili dogs. As for toamtoes, they must need massive root space or something. I grew four in a 3x3 tray full of dirt and six inchs deep and all I got was like 8 or so off each one. Not like I thot. I thot that if I grew pot things like tomatoes were supposed to bend over backwards for me and not offer any resistance. Lol. GL.
his sig means he was at taco bell but he thought he was ordering from jack in the box


Well-Known Member
Wow I can't believe you guys are actually growing motherfucking tomatoes hahaha. Damn that shit cracks me up.

I agree with 24/0 is too much light. Waste of electricity...the plants reach a light saturation point. I use a 20/4 schedule...past that point growth flat-lines.
24/0 is great for marijuana plants, But for tomato plants it's way too much light, branches start curling up and what not. It's best to have a 18/6 or 12/12 light schedule and just let em' grow.

What are you using 20/4 with?


600 W metal halid system for 12 different sites so 24 plants under that much light. I was under the impression that it was hard for tomatoes to get too mcuh light as long as the heat is controlled well. flowering is solely controlled by light correct or will it flower under any light time?


Well-Known Member
Love growing tomatos been growing em for a while. I have some green zebra tomatos saplings growing inside with some T5s

I tried growing green zebra's outside in california but no plants made it, even started some plants under T5 then moved into shade. Red tomatos and yellow pear tomatos had no problem outside.

There are alot of variety in seeds for tomatos.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
ah thanks for that sig help/ Tomatoes are nice and thanks for the help tweeking, however I am about to start a thread about getting chamomile seeds to grow. Frick it is the weridest thing, I can get anything but hydro to grow right now. Lol, I am stuck with about 30 gallons of super soil from when I switched my meds to hydro from soil. So now I am going to basil tomato and chamomile the fuck out of my house. I would say start with the hybrid tomatoes first. Sound good. I love monsanto! lol. They got corn now that does not need water to grow. lol. GL.


Well-Known Member
I love monsanto! lol. They got corn now that does not need water to grow. lol. GL.
wow! ...Monsanto is a poison company, that went into the GMO business. (Genetically Modified Organisms) (FOOD) Speaking of there corn... Do you know how many farmers they've put out of business?
They're one of the corporate conglomerates that is fucking up our foods on a global scale.