The worst your parents ever beat your ass


Well-Known Member
My dad never needed any "tools" like a hotwheel track. Hes a big guy with big fists. He was all about hitting me in places that werent visible like the ribs and of course the ass. Once my mom slapped me hard across the face with her long nails. Had a nice gash across my cheek that is still visible when my face gets cold. lol. plannin on layin down the law when i eventually have kids. A good mixture of love and fear worked well for my parents. Time out is for pussys


Active Member
Time out is for pussys
No. Hitting kids is for pussies because it's the easiest way to handle a bad kid. If you were a real man/woman you would treat a human being the way a human should be treated, which takes hard work and love. Anyone who has to hit a kid for any reason is the biggest pussy in the world because there's no way the kid can defend his/herself. And especially for a grown man to be hitting little girls, that's a MAJOR pussy.


Well-Known Member
When I was in high school teachers beat us with paddles. Things evolve. Paddle a student today and there would be hell to pay.

I would never hit a child to punish them, and I think my Parents would be the same way if I were growing up today.


Well-Known Member
I really cant see where I fall between the hitting kids arguement I dont want to hurt my kids but I dont want them to be like them Maury kids.I do agree with a good slap when something bad they do deserves it.Mainly because I look at my little cousin who's 6 she deserves a good ass whooping but never gets hit just time out that doesn't work one bit.,I might introduce her to the extension cord.......
Nah i would never do that.


Well-Known Member
how can people let there kids get like this.And to think you could get your kids taken for smoking weed,happend recently to a friend of mine.

lol maury has the best job on the planet.This is a serious health risk for these kids though.


Well-Known Member
My parents used to tell me that beating helps discipline and shit....for me it just causes anger issues.... They stopped any kind of beating when I threw a 25 pound benchpress weight through one of the windows, and a giant wooden pole through another. Another time I chased after my mom with a kitchen knife and she tried to get me therapy and that just made me even more mad.

They didn't feel like having to pay for everything, and I convinced them it's not worth it, and all it does it cause more rage. Not what you want... I could never see the logic in abuse as discipline.

Honestly I think I have anger issues, if anyone ever hits me regardless of gender, if it hurts enough I have to hit them back, in the face with my fist. I can't help it, only thing that helps my anger issues is weed, go figure. I don't believe just because someone is a different gender they get special treatment. Girls can be just as strong as guys, if they can hit me then I can hit them.

Not bragging in any way but physical discipline is a failure.


Well-Known Member
how can people let there kids get like this.And to think you could get your kids taken for smoking weed,happend recently to a friend of mine.

lol maury has the best job on the planet.This is a serious health risk for these kids though.
Try coaching health and athletics to kids like this, it's almost impossible. I think my former boss tried to get me to quit my job by sticking me with kids like this, that's how hard it is. And the kicker to the story is I was a Gymnastics coach.


Well-Known Member
Who is talking about beating little girls? If my future son or daughter did something like draw with crayons on the wall or something else that kids no they shouldnt do, They

wont be beaten like snookie but they will get physically repremanded. I just watched my nephew the other night walk over to his sister and violently push her down. He

laughed about it and she started balling. My sister in law doesnt believe in hitting so she put him in ten minutes time out. He literally just sat there like it didnt bother him one

bit. Half hour after his time out what did he do? He punched his sister in the back. Nobody here is talking about bloodying up their children but a good smack is not outta the

question. Kids arent made of glass, smackin some sense into them wont make them break but will help inforce a lesson stronger than a timeout session.


Well-Known Member
Who is talking about beating little girls? If my future son or daughter did something like draw with crayons on the wall or something else that kids no they shouldnt do, They

wont be beaten like snookie but they will get physically repremanded. I just watched my nephew the other night walk over to his sister and violently push her down. He

laughed about it and she started balling. My sister in law doesnt believe in hitting so she put him in ten minutes time out. He literally just sat there like it didnt bother him one

bit. Half hour after his time out what did he do? He punched his sister in the back. Nobody here is talking about bloodying up their children but a good smack is not outta the

question. Kids arent made of glass, smackin some sense into them wont make them break but will help inforce a lesson stronger than a timeout session.
my cousin is the exact same way she never gets smacked and timeout don't do shit.


Active Member
Who is talking about beating little girls? If my future son or daughter did something like draw with crayons on the wall or something else that kids no they shouldnt do, They

wont be beaten like snookie but they will get physically repremanded. I just watched my nephew the other night walk over to his sister and violently push her down. He

laughed about it and she started balling. My sister in law doesnt believe in hitting so she put him in ten minutes time out. He literally just sat there like it didnt bother him one

bit. Half hour after his time out what did he do? He punched his sister in the back. Nobody here is talking about bloodying up their children but a good smack is not outta the

question. Kids arent made of glass, smackin some sense into them wont make them break but will help inforce a lesson stronger than a timeout session.
What I'm trying to say is that a lot of people resort to hitting their kids before exhausting other options. There is a point in every child's life where they test their boundaries. This happens when they're about 2 or 3. If parents don't discipline correctly during this time, then the kids know how much they can get away with, how lazy their parents are and so on.

If your kid colored on the wall for the first time, is spanking them really the right punishment? If they did it 20 times and time out didn't work, then it's the parents' fault for not trying other forms of punishment and letting it get out of control. When kids act badly it's either because they don't know what they're doing is wrong or because they know the punishment is no big deal. Time out only works for certain ages and for a certain amount of time.

If my son colored on the wall, the first time he would get time out. The second time I would make him clean it up, which is a far more effective punishment than time out or spanking because he would learn that if he ever did it again, he'd have to spend a very long time cleaning. If he was tenacious enough to do it again, he would not only have to clean it up again but also lose privileges; no tv no video games, etc. And it's up to the parent to make sure they are consistent with this punishment.

Basically, if a parent disciplines their child properly for every single thing they do, the child should never get out of control to begin with. The boy that pushed his sister obviously needs a higher form of punishment than time out. Depends on his age, but maybe he needs to do his sister's chores for a week, or even be put in time out longer (like an hour). The punishment needs to be equal to the thing the kid did wrong. I would never in my life think that 10 min time out is the right punishment for hitting someone. Similarly, how could you think that you could teach a kid that hitting someone is wrong by hitting them as punishment?

A kid will learn to weigh the pros and cons: "Oh, if I hit my sister I just have to sit in time out for 10 minutes, no big deal" compared to "If I hit my sister then I have to do her chores for a whole month, that's not worth it"

The form of discipline should change with the child. Like I said in my post, I got spanked so many times by the time I was 8 that getting hit with a belt on my butt would tickle, and I'd laugh the whole time I was getting spanked. It didn't even hurt anymore. So in my case, getting spanked didn't even stop me from doing things because I had gotten used to it, and I didn't care if I got spanked.

The most effective form of punishment is when you take away something that child cares about. For my son, right now time out works because he doesn't like to be put on the stairs with no toys, no tv, no games, and is not allowed to talk. If he acts badly while he's in time out, he adds more minutes before he can get out. He hates it so it works. But it will get to the point where I know he won't care anymore and that's when the punishment will change to something he does care about losing.

Try sending a kid to bed without dinner. Obviously they won't starve to death, but they'll think they are. Maybe when Santa comes at the end of the year they should really get coal and switches instead of toys with a note from Santa about all the bad things they did. Maybe a parent should make them go clean up all the dog poop people don't pick up from the other houses in the neighborhood.

The whole thing is that if a kid knows there's a nasty punishment waiting for them, they will think twice about doing it. And as I mentioned before, this is more effective because when those kids grow up, they *DO* have consequences for their actions. A cop isn't gonna come by and tell them to sit in a corner for 10 minutes. And a boss isn't going to spank someone for not doing their job right. There are real consequences in the world, and they need to learn from a young age that deviant actions have real consequences that they do not want to experience. And if a kid gets out of control, it's the parents' fault, not the kid's. A kid shouldn't get hit because their parents are too lazy to discipline or don't know how to raise a kid the right way.


Active Member
Who is talking about beating little girls?
I was a little girl that was beaten by my dad many times. The only reason I bring up the gender difference is because little boys play rough, so they have a tendency of having a higher pain threshold than a little girl who plays with dolls.


Well-Known Member
well played firecoral. From the sound of it, you are a wonderful parent. Thanks for the intro to parenting punishment 101. Someday ill have to take a play or two from your playbook.


My pops softened up by the time I was a teenager, but besides smokin the sweet ganja (which him and my mom also did on occasion, and I only got caught once for) I wasnt really a bad kid. Just didnt like all the fuckin drama that came with doin bad shit, so I didnt. But with my brothers it was a different story.

I think one of the worst things my brother ever told me my dad did to him, he had comin a little. He'd been gettin a shitload of detentions and suspensions at school, was constantly smokin pot and ciggys (and constantly getting caught) and was just a typical stupid teenager. Anyway, one evening he snuck out of the house to go smoke a ciggy (he was grounded, my dad was in the shower) The plan was simple: while papas in the shower, run out really quick and go smoke a cig in the abandoned garage next door, so he did. What he didnt count on was my dad getting out early.

Needles to say, he got caught. As my dad was following him into the back door, he reached his leg up, and kicked him in the back realllly fuckin hard, sending muh bro flying into the kitchen, and making him bounce his head against the floor comin down. The crazy thing was that there was a cop in the ally who saw everything, and while my brother was expecting him to come and handcuff my dad, the cop must have saw him smoking in the first place because all he said was "have a good night".

Other than that and the occasional having to turn my radio up so I could do my homework without having to hear my dad yelling and kickin my bros asses(only if they did something wrong and got caught, which was always), shit really wasnt bad, especially compared to some of the shit i've been reading on this thread.