Bending plants that are close to flowering


I am growing sour d and they are under 1000 watt lights..2 of them to be exact. I can't let them get any taller, as they are too close to lights but was told that tieing a string or something to top and bending them all the way over so light can hit the bottoms. I have already had the tops supercropped but just the tops not gone crazy with that. Basically wondering if it is too late to bend or arc the whole plant over so the bottoms can get more light? I want to get these bad boys flowered soon they are reaching max height for my light but definiately want to get the biggest buds i can from all areas. Any tips would be great asap! Thanks. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I am growing sour d and they are under 1000 watt lights..2 of them to be exact. I can't let them get any taller, as they are too close to lights but was told that tieing a string or something to top and bending them all the way over so light can hit the bottoms. I have already had the tops supercropped but just the tops not gone crazy with that. Basically wondering if it is too late to bend or arc the whole plant over so the bottoms can get more light? I want to get these bad boys flowered soon they are reaching max height for my light but definiately want to get the biggest buds i can from all areas. Any tips would be great asap! Thanks. :weed:
No worries Bro, you can pinch and bend still if needed. I bend into the second week, until the buds start. I actually had one of my buds stems snap 4 weeks in that I hit while adjusting the fan and broke nearly off, just dangling. Anyway, It healed up find and actually is one of the bigger buds now. If one does snap, just wrap it with paper towel and some tape for a week, it will heal up fine. The idea is to bend as long as possible if you have heigth restrictions, that way when the colas start to shoot, it is all bud. Good luck:)


Well-Known Member
You can also FIM during the first few weeks of flower. When i did that, the buds stunted for about a week, but the buds went from one to four when they started to grow again.


Thanks for your response. I was actually not referring to the pinching and bending of say a top branch but more bending the entire plant over and tying it down. My friend who is an expert grower recommended i do this so the entire plant has an arc like shape. Like i said my plants are getting too close to theh 1000 watts i have and i only have up so i cant spread them out too much, in which case the lower branches are not getting the much light. I don't want to eff it up toward the end though so wanted to get a few pointers. I didn't really see tomuch about bending the entire plant in the bible but i have seen it down. just wanteadd a second opinion. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ive bent my plants when they were in flower plenty of times,,, I just get more tops and more weed to smoke at the end.....:weed:
Thanks for your response. I was actually not referring to the pinching and bending of say a top branch but more bending the entire plant over and tying it down. My friend who is an expert grower recommended i do this so the entire plant has an arc like shape. Like i said my plants are getting too close to theh 1000 watts i have and i only have up so i cant spread them out too much, in which case the lower branches are not getting the much light. I don't want to eff it up toward the end though so wanted to get a few pointers. I didn't really see tomuch about bending the entire plant in the bible but i have seen it down. just wanteadd a second opinion. Thanks!


Ive bent my plants when they were in flower plenty of times,,, I just get more tops and more weed to smoke at the end.....:weed:

Maybe i am confusing bending with supercropping. I am talking about bending the entire plant over and tying it down. If i do this how long will my plant take to get that extra light down below and be ready to flower. I wanted to flower these bad boys soon, but also want max yield i can get. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
start bending now and keep bending for a week or two and flower if u want then..... Your going to be amazed how much more your going to get for the effort......