Is this normal?


Active Member
I have a couple of these W.W and a royal kush, and thai skunk, but I know the first set of leaves fall off, but wasn't sure about the second set of leafs, have 3 fingers, they are crispen up, and turning yellow, but I just started adding my nutes when I seen this, because they are a month old, and they stopped growing like they was, then the leave coloring happened, thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
I have a couple of these W.W and a royal kush, and thai skunk, but I know the first set of leaves fall off, but wasn't sure about the second set of leafs, have 3 fingers, they are crispen up, and turning yellow, but I just started adding my nutes when I seen this, because they are a month old, and they stopped growing like they was, then the leave coloring happened, thanks for any help.
some 1/4-1/2 strength feeds should bring her round as well as larger pots


Active Member
some 1/4-1/2 strength feeds should bring her round as well as larger pots
I want them to stay in the pots I have them in, but I wanting on a piece to make a homemade c02 deal, but I will feed them about every 5 days or so, but are the first two sets of leaves look like that.


Well-Known Member
they look burned. did you use 1/4 strength when feeding them? what did you use? too much nutes.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a PH problem, with those twisted looking leaves. Did you add lime to the soil? I added too much my first time, and my little ones looked just like that. So, I stopped using it altogether, until the final transplant to the big pots. Also, I used marble rocks for landscaping, once, for drainage, and had the same problem. I couldn't figure out what the problem was, until i threw a handful in some water and checked the PH. It was 8.2!

Some of them look like they have an overwatering problem, so it's hard to tell. Make sure the PH is correct first, then go from there. You might want to a foliar feed too, until you get the problem figured out.


Active Member
Looks like a PH problem, with those twisted looking leaves. Did you add lime to the soil? I added too much my first time, and my little ones looked just like that. So, I stopped using it altogether, until the final transplant to the big pots. Also, I used marble rocks for landscaping, once, for drainage, and had the same problem. I couldn't figure out what the problem was, until i threw a handful in some water and checked the PH. It was 8.2!

Some of them look like they have an overwatering problem, so it's hard to tell. Make sure the PH is correct first, then go from there. You might want to a foliar feed too, until you get the problem figured out.
PH is 6.5, I have an electronic one I got from lowes, it says that the soil fertilizer reading is low, I gonna give it a few days and see. But I haven't added any lime, ph is fine, but will check the run-off next time to see.


Well-Known Member
How low is the fert PH? I think you should play it safe and flush them, then give them a weak(1/4 - 1/8 strength) 'PH corrected' feeding. So, even if the problem was nutrient lock, PH, will be fixed, and give you a fresh start.

That's assuming that it isn't an overwatering problem. Either way, I'd still flush them and let them dry out to where they should be, then go from there.


Active Member
How low is the fert PH? I think you should play it safe and flush them, then give them a weak(1/4 - 1/8 strength) 'PH corrected' feeding. So, even if the problem was nutrient lock, PH, will be fixed, and give you a fresh start.

That's assuming that it isn't an overwatering problem. Either way, I'd still flush them and let them dry out to where they should be, then go from there.
not to bad low just a hair into under fert, but I don't think ph is the problem, as I check the water before nutes and after nutes, and it is 6.0 to 6.5, but I will still give a few days as I think that they need some nutes with sulfur in it, which I gave them, but in a few days if no better I will flush. Only had maybe a week of fert, other than that it's been ph'd water.
I had same thing with 2nd and 3rd sets and I finally realized I was overwatering and ph was off. As soon as I stopped watering for week they jumped in size and look much healthier.


Active Member
looks like it could be blight. and it looks like they are over watered a tiny bit in that first pic. I'd cut those infected fan leaves off they are just going to be a drain on the plant. It your ph is fine and you think you need some ferts do it. I'm not sure what kind of soil you use but be careful when you fertilize if you used a soil with ferts already in it you might want to flush just to get all the crap out of it but they need to dry out alittle too.


Active Member
overwatered.... moisture causes lack of oxygen to the roots and hinders nute uptake and stunts growth, the yellowing of the leaves is the plant simply eating itself because it cant obtain nutes through the roots, cutting the leaves off will make the problem worse, they are not infected, they are being used to keep the plant alive, once the plant is done with them they will fall off naturally.

let your soil dry completly in the upper 2" or so before watering, if it takes too long, say 5 days look at heating either the room or the pot, possibly a heat mat or electric blanket on a low setting, your roots will thank you for this and so will your plant.


Active Member
overwatered.... moisture causes lack of oxygen to the roots and hinders nute uptake and stunts growth, the yellowing of the leaves is the plant simply eating itself because it cant obtain nutes through the roots, cutting the leaves off will make the problem worse, they are not infected, they are being used to keep the plant alive, once the plant is done with them they will fall off naturally.

let your soil dry completly in the upper 2" or so before watering, if it takes too long, say 5 days look at heating either the room or the pot, possibly a heat mat or electric blanket on a low setting, your roots will thank you for this and so will your plant.
Temps in the room are around 70-75 during the 18 hrs light and 55-60 during the dark for 6 hrs. I will give them a few days to dry up, I have a moisture meter for the soil so I know how wet it is, but I been waiting for it to get in the red (1-3 of 10 on the scale) before I water, but I asked for help, and I will give it a few days to dry out then I will flush and start new. I hope to have my homemade c02 maker in there in a few days.


Active Member
I had same thing with 2nd and 3rd sets and I finally realized I was overwatering and ph was off. As soon as I stopped watering for week they jumped in size and look much healthier.
Probably over watering, but I might have waited alittle longer than I should to add fert's, they were growing good, then it is like they just stopped almost.


Active Member
looks like it could be blight. and it looks like they are over watered a tiny bit in that first pic. I'd cut those infected fan leaves off they are just going to be a drain on the plant. It your ph is fine and you think you need some ferts do it. I'm not sure what kind of soil you use but be careful when you fertilize if you used a soil with ferts already in it you might want to flush just to get all the crap out of it but they need to dry out alittle too.
I will bump up the fert in the feeding next time, I plan on fert 1 week, and water 1 week.


Active Member
just remember , cannabis is an equatorial plant, it is accustomed to dry slightly arid conditions and as such when your meter reads dry, your plants might think its perfect. they like a little drought every now and again.

to really make use of the co2 you need to up the lights and the temps or its just waisted, there should be sufficiant co2 in the air under normal conditions.


Active Member
nutrient burn over fert.
There is no way it is nute burn, I gave them nutes when this started to happen, and the tips aren't burned at all, they have had plain ph'd tap water that sit uncapped for 2 days, I think it is nitrogen problem, as in not enough, but a few days will tell.


Active Member
I got some Epsom salt today, seen this will help with purple stems, I gonna try this, and if no good, I will bank for some cal-mag. Do they make something I can put in with the mix to add just nitrogen? Could the yellow leaves be caused by Zinc def? And I posted about needing help on figuring PPM, not sure how much nutes I would add for 250 ppm?