seeking help on damaged foliage


  • Okay so my problem is the leaves on one of my plants are kind of rolling up and I don't Know the problem. My plants are grown under natural sunlight inside. I think it might be water or root space but I'm a newbie so I thought i would ask here. I'm attaching pics so please get back to me soon. Thanks for the help.



  • Okay so my problem is the leaves on one of my plants are kind of rolling up and I don't Know the problem. My plants are grown under natural sunlight inside. I think it might be water or root space but I'm a newbie so I thought i would ask here. I'm attaching pics so please get back to me soon. Thanks for the help.
I think your problem is insufficient light. That plant is too big for natural light, imo.
overwatering would be the answer...being that you probably dont have none or enough holes in the bottom of your foldgers plastic cup...get that thing in some real pots and water only when soil is dry...i had the same problem