Party Cup Competition


Well-Known Member
lol i never said you were trying to pick a fight, i spoke my mind as did you.

just cause they wrap around the cup doesn't mean there root bound, when you get root bound, your plants dont succeed, so i dont get how i got such great results while being "root bound" the whole grow

my plant would of ended up dying or my yield would of been shit, which is wasnt...

and i think i got my "full potential"

i flowered my plant at 4 1/2 inches, plants just about triple in size during flowering, stopped at 16 inches tall, exactly. So for a 4 inch plant to grow to over a foot, i think i got all i could get out of a plant that small.

you can say people planting in 5 gallon pots are losing there "full potential" in that if planted in the ground it would grow bigger, so those people are getting root bound then too according to your argument


Well-Known Member
Strain(s): Kandy Kush X Skunk

Clone Or Seed: Seed

Total Entry(s): 3

Lights: 2 - 55 Watt CFL than Flowering with 2-55 Watt CFL & 150 Watt HPS

Method: Have to wait (2nd grow ever)


Nutrients: Pure Blend Grow and Cal-Mag with reverse osmos water, than Pure Blend Bloom and Cal Mag

Hydro: Going to try DWC, but have to wait and see how it goes.

Side note, start seed germ on 12/15/09, so hope that is ok.

Also, maybe switch set up to ebb and flow, are we allowed to use a seperate res for water as long as roots stay in the party cup

PSS. need one party cup to put 3rd one in.



Well-Known Member
Yea that should work, once you get some pics up quote your post and put the entry in the PCC thread, located in my signature and in the first post of this thread.

good to have ya along


Active Member
Yes 400 I believe in maximizing my potential in whatever i do, more choices means more possabilities. I started a new grow journal following these strains if you wanna see where they will end up. The link is in my signature.
Im pretty interested in trying autoflower strains I just dont know where i would aquire the seeds or even clones. I entered this contest for fun and when i saw that autoflower seed were a prize then i jumped right in.
ill deffinatly check your other's out! google autoflowering seeds and look for whoever's catches your eye.....(cant clone auto's they go from seedling to flower,thus no veg period to clone in, any cloneing results in big disaipointment on the mom/clone,they fin at the same time no matter what.)
id suggest just getting afew auto's in 1-3 gallon pots(each o.c.) in your veg room,just to stagger harvest a little bit.
the autoes "arent " a prize there's a suprise.(can't advertise the exchange of seeds on rollitup,we could get the mod's in shit)


i just gemanaited my seeds the other day and all 3 were good to go. and i got all my new nutes the other day to so the comp is about heat the fuck up cuse im it ti win it. im no longet able to throw down for a prize (somthin about the mods gittin pissed anout tradin beans) but its all good its still gonna be fun

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
SICC, the "official update thread" is already becoming cluttered with postings of people who obviously didn't read post #1. Maybe you can go through and remove those posts, or move them to this thread where they belong?

Not trying to be difficult, but wtf is the point of having 2 threads if people just post in them willy-nilly? I don't want to weed through bs to check in on people's progress.

Short rant, and I apologize, but I see it getting out of hand. Lots of competitors, lots of visitors, lots of posts that are not updates...


Well-Known Member
There Ins't any real conversation going on in there, it was all people, including myself who was posting and who's in the comp, my point was to not have other people just comment in there, i mean i guess his question could of been asked here but it wasnt anything taking away from the updates, so i didnt see any problems, i mean the PCC thread is only like 4 pages, 3 of them are nothing but pics and one page would be conversation if you separated like that but it should be good i appreciate the feed bac tho, i was going to get them deleted but i didnt think it was too bad, again it was just a couple question and answers that went on, and looking at the total view compared to this one, i think more come and look here anyways, that PCC thread gets lost within a couple hours with no posts


Well-Known Member
SICC, the "official update thread" is already becoming cluttered with postings of people who obviously didn't read post #1. Maybe you can go through and remove those posts, or move them to this thread where they belong?

Not trying to be difficult, but wtf is the point of having 2 threads if people just post in them willy-nilly? I don't want to weed through bs to check in on people's progress.

Short rant, and I apologize, but I see it getting out of hand. Lots of competitors, lots of visitors, lots of posts that are not updates...
guilty as charged, sorry


Well-Known Member
I see that this is going to be where the cream rises to the top.......... excellent comp.....................


New Member
LOL I find it pretty funny, people have to be told every little thing, it seems alot of people can't think for themselfs without some instruction.
Like for real SICC, how many dumb questions have you had to answer on this whole thing? I bet ya it's a few lol. Just no common sence


Well-Known Member
LOL I find it pretty funny, people have to be told every little thing, it seems alot of people can't think for themselfs without some instruction.
Like for real SICC, how many dumb questions have you had to answer on this whole thing? I bet ya it's a few lol. Just no common sence
You talking about me hardroc? It seems with these people you ask dumb question you get flamed, but if you do ask, you get flame, its like a no win situation, My question was if I jsut edit my orginal post or a new one. In fact, i dont think i recalled in that in the rules, but i will go reread just to verify so I dont ask any more dumb questions and have someone post stating that was a useless fact that has no concern to the orginal contend of the thread first place.