The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
hehehe :dunce: = me
(im going to request an official smiley how ya think that will go down :lol:).

i truly am sorry guys i try and make up for it at times. yas can tell me to shut up anytime just say something like ehy jester shut he fuck up, i wont be offended lol. what can i like to speak my mind.


Well-Known Member
technically you own us don't you lol. well used to hehehe

we had to survive 2 famins surviving on cannabis seeds and what not lol. did you guys know that one??


Well-Known Member
they gave birth to us, they brought us up, its all there fault. hmmmph.

maybe they should have learned to take care o kids better and got some morals about em and not just worried about telling there wives about the syphilis the prosty has given them both and beating her around a little.

what say ye to that.
meh im just fucking wid yas im glad im where i am hehe thanks guys. anyhoo im off to bed nitey nite ppls.


Well-Known Member
This is Hilacking for sure (sorry westy !) Id rather talk about ya cheese ;)

Hormones; Its not that you 'cant' use them at any stage. But IMO its only going to perform well with optimal conditions and good timing. Much like useing Co2.... Its just not worth your time unless everything else is humming.
Yes Hormones will help any plant any time. But to get best results, you are better off adding Hormones to an already successfull program at the right time.
is all,

so everything you posted was bullshit then? j.j

if you did dribble shit and take threads off topic i dont remember it lol. and i doubt anyone else would they got me to contend with lmfao.

im the official thread hijacker as far as i knew... i certainly hope they dont mind me doing this.

i remember your hormones thread
ummmm i still got an argument. get it changed as it really is the truth a hormone can be used at any time in a pants growth, not only when there at there optimal growth. they will still do what there supposed to do.

think of us if we have disorders that are cured or compensated for with hormones and plants are the same.

basically a hormone added at any stage of growth is going to work. per se. it only helps that the plants are in tip top condition.


Well-Known Member
ROFL, hmmmmm dont give me ideas :)

I remeber your first harvest of cheese (almost):), or it was just after ..... I assume you are still running it ? What gen ?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i got a chese girl in at 2 weeks 3 days in lol and a psycho at 11 days 12/12 and a jack the ripper at 7 weeks and a psycho at 7 weeks.


Well-Known Member
It is for sure at least 14 months old i got my first cut of cheese in november last year
Pretty much when I got here :) - Its like i never left
(though a 12mth absence)

Nice one westy, I did get a FEM cheese seed from Pick N Mix, it was hermi :( - not happy !

Skunk #1, lemon skunk, AMS, Purple Og, all went well though :)


Well-Known Member
Cheese did someone say cheese? I like to talk about cheese.

I know how to make a hormone, dunt pay her.
or stick it in her ass
:spew:its like this but without the spewing (unless some good drugs are taking there effect that is then the pukes a possibility hehe.

This is Hilacking for sure (sorry westy !) Id rather talk about ya cheese ;)

Hormones; Its not that you 'cant' use them at any stage. But IMO its only going to perform well with optimal conditions and good timing. Much like useing Co2.... Its just not worth your time unless everything else is humming.
Yes Hormones will help any plant any time. But to get best results, you are better off adding Hormones to an already successfull program at the right time.
is all,

though theres one product that i know of that will help a plant of any status yield better and beyond there genetic capabilities.

i wont post it often though as i wont use it for the point of the whole unknowns over prolonged use, but heaps of people use it, it sells like hotcakes ma mate at the store says hehe.

ive tried it once and was impressed it does literally double to triple your usual yield. on any plant and even if they look shitty (note if branches are too skinny may cause some problems hehe)

and dont worry bout the hijacking as mentioned before this is what i do best. though i/everyone would love a pic update i bet westy :). how long till shes back at her former glory you guestimating??

ok joking wid u to m8. its all gud in love and war
true so the banging on the head rule still applies..... shiiiit and i been using clever tactics all this time when the answer was still so simple..

hmm i think ill start small and work my way up HEY WESTY wheres that moaning hoe at???? im not paying either :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
or stick it in her ass
:spew:its like this but without the spewing (unless some good drugs are taking there effect that is then the pukes a possibility hehe.
hmm i think ill start small and work my way up HEY WESTY wheres that moaning hoe at???? im not paying either :lol:
i go away for one minute and you lot are talking bout pushing whores xmas dinner back in....... :shock:


mr west

Well-Known Member

Only 4 plants inthere at min lol. From back to front left to right we have Cheese, psychosis on the back row and jack the ripper and another young psychosis.

