Help me I got the shakes


High guys got a question for you all that I need help with. I just finished setting up my grow box I have a 400w light with a air cooled reflector and a vortex 6" fan. The problem is that the fan is so powerful that its shaking the light even at half power (i have a control switch for it). So I was wondering is this ok? The light does not hit anything when its shaking but its shaking pretty good and it kinda scares me. Oh and I cant turn down the fan anymore or temp will get to high. So any tips or help would be very appreciated. Thanx in advance


Active Member
smaller fan is what i would recomend if not make ssure the lgiht is mounted very securely, its like those cieling fans that are loose, if you dont keep everything tightened the light could fall resulting in burn damage and broken lights and such..jsut be careful mayb the grow box screws could be tighter or maybe make the hole for the fn at the bottom of the box and make it big enough so the fan is sitting on the floor and not touching any part of the box, should stop the shaking, hope that helped, check out my first grow, what you think


sry I guess I should be a little more specific only the light bulb its self is shaking the reflector its self is stationary.


Active Member
that doesnt sound as bad, as long as you check the bulb every couple of days just to make sure things are ok...if not adjust to fix at all?


that doesnt sound as bad, as long as you check the bulb every couple of days just to make sure things are ok...if not adjust to fix at all?

Ya i gusse I could just let it go and see what happens. I was just curious if this happend to anyone else because the reflector has a 6" intake I thought it could handle a 6" fan.