HoLE's 3rd Grow


Well-Known Member
here is my weekly update a day early,,because there has been a change,,this post will concern the change,,and the next will update the thread for the week,,on the 13th (what a lucky #)it was 22 days old,,some minute seedy things appeared on the only stretched looking plant,,I was unsure so I waited,,on the 14th,,it was 23 days old,,and I knew it was male,,I took it out of the veg cabinet immediately,,put it in another room in a cleaned out fishtank to be sure,,on the 24th I made a thread in indoor,,24 days,,can it be,,but in reality it was male at 22 days,,previously with Big Bud,,the males showed early as well,,so I put on my Nuclear Male Removal Suit,,and carefully removed the subject from the other room to the balcony,,where I snipped it gently,,and bagged it,,I dont know how long it takes for a males pollen to be active,,but I do know it travels by wind,,and shaking the plant is very bad,any way here He is,,before his execution,,go figure,,the 13th:hump:

Keep on Growin


First 2 pics are 22 days old,,and the last is 24 days old:cry:



Well-Known Member
hahaha. can we get a picture of the nuclear male remove suit? my condolences on the male though.


Well-Known Member
LOL,,it's me in my smoking robe with the scissors in my hand,,hahaha,,update on the hope:mrgreen:fully 5 girls coming up

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
alrighty then,,they are in there 3rd week from seed,,actually 26 days old,,in Miracle Gro for annuals under 4- 42 watt cfl's,,they are watered every 2 days and have had a full dose of the veg nutes I am using,,I have trimmed off the bottom single leaf,and second node consisiting of 3 leaves,,and the flowering arms that were already started there as well,,I am going to top them in a week or so ,,so I dont want those little lower arms,,just the upper few,, as you seen I had a male show already,,so I am down too 5 from seed,,3 in a single pot,,and the FatalShot with 2 in one pot,,thinking of LST'ing the 2 of them away from each other on the next transplant:mrgreen:,,hope everyone is doin well,,and I'll keep ya up to date

Keep on Growin


below from smallest too biggest,and then the 2 in 1,,tallest is 6 inches,,shortest is 4 inches,,



Well-Known Member
veg nutes are made by the hometown Hydro dude in my town,,he,s a certified graduated botanist,,and sells his own nutes,,comes in 4 bottles,,2 for veg and 2 for bloom

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Hiya People,,another update,,on my 3rd Grow,,in the small pots they are in 3 of the 5 planters has protruding roots through the bottom,,and I noticed they dry up faster so it was time to transplant,,but I only like to do it one last time,,and the containers will not all fit in my veg cab so the three needing it got the royal treatment,since they are clay pots,,I took a long kitchen knife,,for fish,,and carefully went around the inside of the pot with the blade to loosen them from the clay pots,,they then fall right out in your hand when you flip them,,I made up my final containers last night ,,using gravel in the bottom,,bout an even inch or two,,then my organic soil,,and peat, sand mixture,,which I pre-soaked last night as well,, after I had it nestled in the new soil and fairly secured,,I gave it a good watering,,and then topped up the containers soil a little to level them off,,then another light watering,,and back under the light,,this was all done today,,the first 2 pics below are the biggest plant as of yet,,and the next 2 are the FatalShot,,with 2 plants in one container:mrgreen:,,the third I did was 2 clones,,but thats another thread

Keep on Growin


PS the 2 plants I didnt transplant yet,,do not fit in the veg unit,,so they are continued on next page



Well-Known Member
continued.....so I was saying,,they wouldn't fit,,so since their roots weren't showing yet,,I made a temporary spot for them in my cleaned out fish tank,,made the inside smaller,,and they have 2 -25 inch floros,,and the plant aquarium light over head,,till I set em up proper,,there is a littlle yellowing on a few lower leaves,,but I think it was from the MG nutes,,that is NOT what I transplanted them to,,otherwise ,,so far so good

Keep on Growin




Active Member
Nice1 mate, those plants look so nice!

I will post pics of mine later but urs make my mouth WATER!!!


New Member
nice plants man what strain are they ? and there what a month old?
also how quiet do your fans run ?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
continued.....so I was saying,,they wouldn't fit,,so since their roots weren't showing yet,,I made a temporary spot for them in my cleaned out fish tank,,made the inside smaller,,and they have 2 -25 inch floros,,and the plant aquarium light over head,,till I set em up proper,,there is a littlle yellowing on a few lower leaves,,but I think it was from the MG nutes,,that is NOT what I transplanted them to,,otherwise ,,so far so goo

Keep on Growin

Looking good hole, looking good. You still using clay pots? That might be why they were drying out so fast. The clay sucks up all the moisture. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
good point Chiceh,,thxs,,and Dot,,they are Big Bud from seed,,they are 30 days old in soil under cfl's during there veg,,and there gonna have there heads chopped off soon,,as pretty as they are:mrgreen::hump:,,thxs for watchin

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
whaaaaaaaaaas sappenin,,,,lol,,Saturday and I just finished snappin some pics,,left with 5 ,, as a male showed at 22 days,,here we are on day 33,,and all transplants were successful,,notice the 2 in one that looks a lil stretched,,is because they were under some weak floros,,temporarily,,while I figured how too fit 5 plants into my veg cab,,in there large containers,,so there are 2-2 in ones(a double FatalShot),,and a single on it's own,, also there is a pic of some extra treats I picked up to use during bloom,,which is in a week or so,,the small bottle is called Pirahna,,by Dr.Hornby's,,that is a beneficial fungicide that I have already used,,and can use 2 weeks into bloom,,it is good for root mass builder,,yield enhancer,,and bio-fungicide,,lotsa inner growth happening,,there all about 9-10 inches tall,,and ready to have there heads chopped off,,but thats another story,till then enjoy the pics,,and any and all comments welcome,,thxs

Keep on Growin




Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey Hole looking good :mrgreen:. What you gonna do with those tops? I think I will have room under my 1000 in a few months, lol. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hahaha,,funny you should ask,,the only thing stopping me from topping them,,is I can't bring myself to do it,,,but guess what,,I found the courage,,and too bad you dont have room now Chiceh,,cuz my plants just went from 8- 10 inches,,to 4-5 inches,,and I have no use for the heads,,I really wanna be done with Big Bud,,and try something new and better,,next time around,,I can't belive I did it,,but here they are,,so cross my fingers,,paint the walls,,and hope they don't grow fukking balls:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin


