(pic's)Fan leaves curling, problem?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 plants the same size and age and this one's large fan leaves tips are curling, there is a fan oscilating the air but i just added that and this was happening before. if anyone has any ideas of a fix or if its even a problem get back to me, im new to growin indoors just figured ide ask. thanks



New Member
It looks like a potassium deficiency. This is usually caused by ph lockout. Or it could also be that not enough oxygen is available to adequately pump nutrients into the plant. Or, you're not feeding enough nutrients...


Well-Known Member
honestly im not, this is my first time hydro and im tryin to do it by eye, i took the pics yesterday and today is my scheduled day to change the water(every 2 weeks) so i changed it today and there looking better. and i found that the water was like an inch and a half low when i went to change it


Well-Known Member
Definitely get a Ph meter bro, or at least a Ph liquid test kit. Don't just step up the nutes w/o figuring out your Ph first.


Well-Known Member
dude ill buy what i need, im actually using the tablets that came with my aero, everyine says not to but this is my first test run without replacing nutes or lights. so ive been doing half nutes, i might step up to full nutes and see what happens, ill figure it out. and i have looked for a ph test kit but it only went as low as 6.0 so i didnt get it. or should i get it and try to get it a near 6.0 or even lower by eye? im startapped for cash and cant afford an expensive ph meter, this test kit was 5.00 so i could spring for that


New Member
honestly im not, this is my first time hydro and im tryin to do it by eye.
This is asking too much. In hydro, ph is essential or your plants will die... use colour (liquid litmus) if you like, but you may end up regretting not laying out the extra on a digital ph pen. They cost around $45 inc. shipping.


Well-Known Member
dude i changed the water yesterday and put the nutes ive been putting in every change and the wiltering is almost gone, there looking alot better, and it didnt help that the water was about an inch and a half low, but thanks for your opinion. :joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
dude i changed the water yesterday and put the nutes ive been putting in every change and the wiltering is almost gone, there looking alot better, and it didnt help that the water was about an inch and a half low, but thanks for your opinion. :joint::mrgreen:
GET A PH PEN...YOU NEED THIS UNLESS THIS IS GONNA BE YOUR last GROW..lol..Your plant cant take up what it should(nutrients) if the PH is to low or to high.You cant eye this.