The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hope its nothing too bad and im guessing they havent taken his computer so hes not in jail.

how was your ruby murray westy? you have a hot one ?

mr west

Well-Known Member
hope its nothing too bad and im guessing they havent taken his computer so hes not in jail.

how was your ruby murray westy? you have a hot one ?

i had a jalfrazzi and yes it was scrummptious man im defo going back for more laters in the month for my birthday lool

my arse is gonna be sore in the mornings lol:fire::fire::fire:

mr west

Well-Known Member
eheyy guys how was your fuking new years.. i was totally smashed on some lsd.. :D !
I nearly did some mushrooms but didnt fancy it after last year. Last year i had a wicked time tripping my tits off laughing so hard at nothing and watching the walls melting lol, just didnt fancy it this year lol. We had a nice quiet time with plenty of smoke and good cheer lol.


Well-Known Member
wtf!? raided?! i take it they found nowt? shit man seems everyones getting pinched lately. hope shits ok bud
im hoping it will be too lol.

In this case pm = powder mildew unfortunatly, id much rather have an issue with the private messeging system lol.

Stop presss! jester got busted???? Now come on jester if u got felt up but the filth please do tell us what happend and all the gory details. Its obviously not that serious or u wouldnt be posting atall lol. Come on man dunt leave us guessing u know how bad us stoners can get what with our paranoia an alll lol??????
pm hehe. sorry bro i was only half here laast night lol.

umm well its a long story and if i play my cards right i could be ok. theres been lots of fuck ups and shit so i think i can pull something off here.
i admitted ownership to a bong and the last crumbs in my tin.... under a gram lmfao. and nothing else

the other shits the worry umm that could lead me astray lol. umm im sticking to my guns and my knowledge and will report later hehe.. sorry guys but i gotta keep my aces up my sleeve and you never know who the lurkers are hehe. some shit just dont match up and im almost certain they cant pin me for what they wanted me to own up to thats why they pushed for an admition and tried bribing me with my girls money ;). which would have been way less than the fine.. $1,300 for $13,000 fine i dont think so buddy. (and isnt this a bribe lmfao) judge will be hearing about that one lol.

anyhoo everyone except my missus got done for something so she should get her money back and im working on gettig it all sorted as we speak, even still my brains ticking hehe. ive got a good feeling though. dont be paranoid its from complaints and as said before i seldom run out of medacine even if theres none arount people get jeleous thus creating haters. though its still a lot deeper than that. i may chat to ya tnite lol. may have to call the family lawyer though. but they took all our cash i had to borrow money to put my cat down cos he was sick and they scared him that was my only request for compliance and they fucked up.

hey westy
umm one of the popo was a pom lol. we said he look like one of the fuckers off the bill lol.

hope its nothing too bad and im guessing they havent taken his computer so hes not in jail.

how was your ruby murray westy? you have a hot one ?
umm yeah i was creaming they left the pc, i shat myself, ummm if thiings dont go my way im afraid i am fucked lol so ima make the most of what i can lmfao


Well-Known Member
Shit Jez that suxs arse, play medical card and use whats going on in the USA a defense.
Prefer it over scripts etc, it worked for :wink: my mate .

hope shit works out.

I dont know which staste your in - But NSW is ;
Possession is criminal, but with less than 15 grams, offenders can receive up to two cautions.
The rest of the actual laws for each state are here.


Well-Known Member
Shit Jez that suxs arse, play medical card and use whats going on in the USA a defense.
Prefer it over scripts etc, it worked for :wink: my mate .

hope shit works out.

I dont know which staste your in - But NSW is ;
Possession is criminal, but with less than 15 grams, offenders can receive up to two cautions.
The rest of the actual laws for each state are here.
thanks ez and yeah im already using that defense partially as its a big reason i consume so much.

looking into a good lawyer sioon as i think i know how i can beat it ill try a few free legal aids but if they aint up to scratch ill have to go with the families good lawyer.


Well-Known Member
yeah there trying. theyve got me on posession and a used impliment for sure :(. but thats fuck all the rest is the worry

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats fucked up. sounds like someones got a hater club going. fuck em jester head high, if they could pin it on you they would have done already sounds like they went off half cocked.

fingers crossed for ya bud. ever thought about moving ? sounds like too many people know who what how where n why. i know money dont grow on trees well actually !? :lol: