GTs 2010 OD grow


Well-Known Member
The fact that it keeps me stoned for an hr + is like a compliment by itself! As much as I smoke...... so don't sweat the clubs, because they are all money hungry bastards (well most of them anyways). We will get you dialed in so you can take your outdoor into there and tell them its indoors and they won't know the difference. Then they will jump all over you for it, and you can turn around and walk out and leave them licking their lips, hands on their hips, wishing they weren't such arrogant judgmental deposits.

The "Medical Marijuana Industry" makes me SICK!


Well-Known Member
The fact that it keeps me stoned for an hr + is like a compliment by itself! As much as I smoke...... so don't sweat the clubs, because they are all money hungry bastards (well most of them anyways). We will get you dialed in so you can take your outdoor into there and tell them its indoors and they won't know the difference. Then they will jump all over you for it, and you can turn around and walk out and leave them licking their lips, hands on their hips, wishing they weren't such arrogant judgmental deposits.

The "Medical Marijuana Industry" makes me SICK!
Thx TLD for that very indepth review of CC. It is one of my top favorites. I agree with you that it is a little creeper and not the strongest of the bunch but up there. I smelled lemon when they (WC and CC) were growing and after they dried and I cut the buds off but inbetween it has an aroma that one friend describes as you just want to chomp down on the buds. When it was growing especially.

Im sorry Earls climate stiffled the aroma. Maybe let it thaw out some before smelling, lol.


Well-Known Member
On To the Jack The Ripper (JTR)

Look: Light green, very visibly frosty, appears a little airy, but that may be do to the leaves curling over the calyxes.

Feel: Spongy, a little airy or loosely structured calyxes, kind of stringy like th Old School Trainwreck.

Smell: Again, very similar to Train Wreck, just slightly more sour smelling, :).

Smoking Experience

Smoothness: Hashy smooth going it, it also packs the Hashy punch going down rough on the throat. Comes out rough ("hot") on the back of the throat, just enough to get a good couple coughs, then smooth finish.

Taste: Hashy sweet going in, but with an even mix of skunkie spice as well, Hashy sweet coming out, aftertaste is exactly the same as smoking hash :D

Physiological stimuli: My mouth waters as soon as smoke enters it, a classically conditioned response to FINE herb. Burning the back of the throat as it goes down. a moments hesitation before it quickly expands in the lungs, overflowing out, causing coughing, burning in the nostrils coming out, a severe tinge, coughing drool, and slurping it back in anxious anticipation of the next hit :).

High: Mild racy head high is almost instantanious. Really getting the heart pumping, then a light body buzz floats through my nervous system. No drain on energy at all, but rather Im slightly energized. I feel productive. A wave of warm feelings and gratitude for the chance to have the experience. I reflect on experiences from my childhood, when I first started smoking. There are certain Tastes, Highs, Smells, Thoughts, Vibes, from those experiences that have become rarities in my later smoking years. A huge transition has occurred in the smoke being produced. The experience, and the skunky backdrop in the taste, remind me of those experiences, and I am ever so humbled by it. To date, for the last 8 yrs of smoking the only strains that I have smoked that have shifted my head in this way, and had just an automatic mouth watering at the very taste of it has been PK, and Maui Skunk. The high lasts for about an hour (.5 gram bowl between two people).

A General Note: I am very impressed with this sample in particular. It scores an 18 on a scale of 20. Im excited about it.

If anything else occurs to me as I explore it more in the future, I will come back and edit this :smile:.

More soon :smile:.

I will rate them all 1-5 once I have tested them all :wink:



Well-Known Member
On To the Jack The Ripper (JTR)

Look: Light green, very visibly frosty, appears a little airy, but that may be do to the leaves curling over the calyxes.

Feel: Spongy, a little airy or loosely structured calyxes, kind of stringy like th Old School Trainwreck.

Smell: Again, very similar to Train Wreck, just slightly more sour smelling, :).

Smoking Experience

Smoothness: Hashy smooth going it, it also packs the Hashy punch going down rough on the throat. Comes out rough ("hot") on the back of the throat, just enough to get a good couple coughs, then smooth finish.

Taste: Hashy sweet going in, but with an even mix of skunkie spice as well, Hashy sweet coming out, aftertaste is exactly the same as smoking hash :D

Physiological stimuli: My mouth waters as soon as smoke enters it, a classically conditioned response to FINE herb. Burning the back of the throat as it goes down. a moments hesitation before it quickly expands in the lungs, overflowing out, causing coughing, burning in the nostrils coming out, a severe tinge, coughing drool, and slurping it back in anxious anticipation of the next hit :).

High: Mild racy head high is almost instantanious. Really getting the heart pumping, then a light body buzz floats through my nervous system. No drain on energy at all, but rather Im slightly energized. I feel productive. A wave of warm feelings and gratitude for the chance to have the experience. I reflect on experiences from my childhood, when I first started smoking. There are certain Tastes, Highs, Smells, Thoughts, Vibes, from those experiences that have become rarities in my later smoking years. A huge transition has occurred in the smoke being produced. The experience, and the skunky backdrop in the taste, remind me of those experiences, and I am ever so humbled by it. To date, for the last 8 yrs of smoking the only strains that I have smoked that have shifted my head in this way, and had just an automatic mouth watering at the very taste of it has been PK, and Maui Skunk. The high lasts for about an hour (.5 gram bowl between two people).

A General Note: I am very impressed with this sample in particular. It scores an 18 on a scale of 20. Im excited about it.

If anything else occurs to me as I explore it more in the future, I will come back and edit this :smile:.

More soon :smile:.

I will rate them all 1-5 once I have tested them all :wink:
This strain will make you scrounge through your trim pile looking for small buds to keep as stash.

I hope some dispensaries read these reviews so they will know what they are missing. I don't sound negative toward the dispensaries do I? :blsmoke:

Thx for that review TLD. I expect good things from the rest of the TGA strains I have. Also have a lot of new PPSCO strains that have great potential for dankness IMO. Continue your testing and report back. Where are my other testers? Too stoned I imagine. Don't get up, I will join you bongsmilie :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"Yes Virginia, there is a Canna Claus."

Sorry I'm not as eloquent as TLD but here's my take on the CC from my journal. I'll start posting them here for ya GT.

I wasn't too productive today. bongsmilie I tried to do some samplin for Santabis but didn't get very far with the chemo cindy. The buds weren't real dense, but fresh and sticky with a strong citrusy smell almost like rotting fruit. Very heavy smoke; hash like and thick. Strong head rush right away and the couch lock creeps right up. I don't try to find the ceiling of a smoke. I just enjoy a fresh little pinch in a bowl, just enough to smoke up in one slow hit. With the CC that's all it took for me. A little pinch every hour or so to keep the taste fresh and the head high. Nice pain relief for me.
So the JTR was amazing yes, of course. The CC is just right up there with it too. I'm taking my time with them looking for that secret one. Gonna have a friend over to help me evaluate later today. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hi Greenthumb, after reading tld's reports, I'm ready to add my 2 cents. " It's all good" I liked the ripper the most but it was all good..:hug:
I'm subscribed....:hump:


Well-Known Member
Hi Greenthumb, after reading tld's reports, I'm ready to add my 2 cents. " It's all good" I liked the ripper the most but it was all good..:hug:
I'm subscribed....:hump:
Welcome aboard Hodge. Your 2 cents are worth alot here. Thx for joining us in the 2010 grow logs.


Well-Known Member
"Yes Virginia, there is a Canna Claus."

Sorry I'm not as eloquent as TLD but here's my take on the CC from my journal. I'll start posting them here for ya GT.

So the JTR was amazing yes, of course. The CC is just right up there with it too. I'm taking my time with them looking for that secret one. Gonna have a friend over to help me evaluate later today. :bigjoint:
That is why I tell people to try the JTR last or everything else IMO is downhill. Im waiting to see how you guys liked the rest of them too. Will be fun to see those crosses grow out too. Hope there are some keepers.


Well-Known Member
So today is prolly gonna be alright. It has sure started off that way. I tried some of the HJ (Hijack) and just love it. It was pretty too, nice golden trichs and long red hairs. The trim was kinda long but with that coating of frost I woulda left it too. I couldn't put a smell to it at first. Almost like old canvas or walking into an old country farmstore. Very well cured. But then when I pulled apart a flower cluster and smelled it was the most wonderful fresh orange smell to me. Really nice there bro. I am so hoping this is the HJ the beans are from. So far just upity up and feelin fine. Green crack :leaf: ha

Better get this cleaned up...

Now to enjoy a little more HJ.

If this isn't the one to look for I'm gonna be surprised. Very nice. :weed:


Well-Known Member
round 2 im ready GT...

looks like i need to add my smoke report from ur samples as well. (if i ever get thru it all) lol. been swamped with the holidays and trying to get this bubble hash made still. thatyll be the next sample ill have to let u try haha.

anyways scribed of course. lookin forward to sum construction discussions 8)


Well-Known Member
I'm loving these Jack strains.

Wish I didn't have the frozen buds .

I'm taking my sweet time
enjoying all the different flavors that still come through.

The WC are pretty weak and nothing on flavor,
freeze damaged.

The WCD and the jacks still have some taste,
but it's greatly diminished.

Jack Suprise is a great buzz
and the JTR gave me the giggles.


Well-Known Member
I'm loving these Jack strains.

Wish I didn't have the frozen buds .

I'm taking my sweet time
enjoying all the different flavors that still come through.

The WC are pretty weak and nothing on flavor,
freeze damaged.

The WCD and the jacks still have some taste,
but it's greatly diminished.

Jack Suprise is a great buzz
and the JTR gave me the giggles.
When you grow these plants and put all the care that goes into growing and curing it's always easy for me to say it's all good and rate the buds, but to have all of you guys do this is great.

I think people pick what they like and go with it like when they pick out wine or cigars.

To you stoners who only reported one or 2 I will just assume you are too stoned to type :bigjoint:. I know the first time I smoked JTR I cut the glove I was wearing while trimming. Had to take a 1.5 hour break before I damaged myself.

Keep up the good work testers. What a job eh?


Well-Known Member
here we go, :).

Santa sure is gracious :).

Start with Chemo Cindy :)

Look: Dense and frosty with just the right amount of leaf, :). I LOVE the structure of Chemo Cindy. Despite the different phenos, the lovely structure remains evident :).

Feel: Spongy, course, not too dry, not too moist, perfect for smoking, its a little oily ;) :)

Smell: just like mine, accept its more definable, just a lot more sweet, more pronounced lemony, but toxic all the same, sour lemony fruit :D ;).

Smoking Experience

Smoothness: Very smooth with a little tinge :D

Taste: Sweet and smooth coming in, filling, sour tangy on the exhale, leaving a tinge on the nostrils ;).

Physiological stimuli: My lungs Suck it up, and its easy to hold in for a while :). I Can feel the smoke sticking to my cilia after the exhale, a sweet taste left on the middle of my tongue, the tinge on my tonsils/nostrils slowly dissipating. slightly light headed for just a moment, aware of my heart rate increase. Then I am ready for another rip.


High: After three good rips (5 minutes) I feel the body stone (muscle relaxation, pain relief, I was really sore from working outside) starting in the middle of my body, my back then stomach, chest, and neck. Around the time the high settles into my mind the body high is spreading into my arms and legs. Once settled into my mind, I can feel my eyes redenning and drying, 15 minutes into it my mouth is drying, time to drink something, and drink is followed by food. Perfect meds for my appetite, pain, depression, but not insomnia. It doesn't make me feel sleepy in any way. But slightly lazy and euphoric. Its not couchlock stone (after finishing the bowl), yet not uppity. slightly different stone from my indoor CC, it is not as heavy a stone, not quite as racey (phenos I am guessing), but more muscle relaxing. on a scale of 1-20 (20 being perfect, 1 being....... you don't want to know) I rate it 16.5 :p ....... kind of a creeper, the stone lasts about an hour an twenty minutes (.5 gram bowl shared between two people).

If this format will suffice, let me know and I will re use it. If anything else occurs to me as I explore it more in the future, I will come back and edit this :).

More soon :).

I will rate them all 1-5 once I have tested them all ;)

Another thing that's nice is to fire up and take a few while reading tld's review. That's cool. Yeah, I'm feeling it. ;-)

Oh my friends tried to smoke up all my JTR. LOL, I was actually hiding it away before it was all gone. :wall: refills? :wall: LOL


Well-Known Member
Glad you like it. Give us a smoke report.
I was thinking I should lay out what I was planning to do during my 2010 OD grow and see what you all think.
What is harder than selecting what strains to grow is how best to design the grow area so that I can try to mitigate the impacts of relatively high humidity and bugs that want to destroy the grow.

To this end I plan on growing the plants inside a semi-enclosed structure/carport like the one FDD and Doublejj are using (thx guys). You can buy them at Costco but I can buy the parts and build a custom one of the dimensions I need.
Before I get started with the super structure I should describe the plans I have for the foundation of any outdoor grow, the soil substrate. I plan on using the mixes from my 2009 OD grow (in my sig) to use as a foundation. I will first dig down 6 inches into the clayey soil, and mix in some amendments to make the subsoil a little better for root growth. I will let you know the specific amendments for the clayey soil, which should include gypsum, when I figure that part out. I am not too worried about the roots penetrating the clayey part as I will have 2 feet of soil above the native soil for the plants to grow in as I’m using raised beds ala Hodgegrows. Thx Hodge.

The raised beds will be supported by 2 x 12 wood or treated RR ties, 6 inches in the ground and 18 inches above the ground surface. So the process will be to remove soil and grass to about 6 inches or 1 foot; add amendments for the substrate and then place the Modified Supersoil mixture to make a total soil thickness of 24 inches.
Once the soil is done I will place the wood down and spread it out until its relatively level. After the planter area is done it will be time to erect the enclosure. I plan on using 1 inch piping for the entire structure unless I can get 1.5 inch fittings. I will consult with the supplier. Needless to say the structure will be the same. The sides and top of the enclosure will be constructed of polyethylene sheets of 6 mil thickness. I will consult with my friend who has several greenhouses to determine what is the best covering to use to get the max light into the enclosure. I had planned to have netting on the door side of the enclosure for ventilation.

I have planned an area approximately 20 feet x 50 feet. This will give each plant an 8 x 10 growing area. If I top Lst and trim nonproductive limbs I should be able to keep the plants height in check as I don’t want super tall plants.
I want to be able to oversee the growth and well being of all the plants and I don’t think that would be very easy with 12-14 foot plants. It would be nice to have plants that big but I’m not going for largest grow or most weight possible. I’m not in it for the $ I like to grow dank. I will grow each strain so it performs up to its potential. I just don’t want caterpillars, thrips, or mites eating the upper third of the plant and not be able to see that until it is too late to save.

This year I am going to try to mitigate the bud rot by using a fan inside the structure during the flower stage. I am also going to employ some mold/fungus preventive spraying with Serenade and some other remedies (I heard baking soda works well and is harmless to the plant). Keeping the dew and excess moisture off the buds will help too.

I thought of the enclosure for two reasons. One was the moisture issues described above and the other was to keep bugs manageable. The moths wreaked havoc on the buds by laying caterpillars which damaged the buds causing bud rot. I also had a mite and thrip problem in the end. I have researched some organic and predator insect remedies for this years grow.
I am going to use Maxsea grow and bloom again this year. I would also like to add some additives that bring out trichome production and dankness. Any suggestions? I will also use the Blackstrap molasses throughout to help the microbes in the soil which in turn help out nute uptake.

What do you guys think of that?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking I should lay out what I was planning to do during my 2010 OD grow and see what you all think.
What is harder than selecting what strains to grow is how best to design the grow area so that I can try to mitigate the impacts of relatively high humidity and bugs that want to destroy the grow.

To this end I plan on growing the plants inside a semi-enclosed structure/carport like the one FDD and Doublejj are using (thx guys). You can buy them at Costco but I can buy the parts and build a custom one of the dimensions I need.
Before I get started with the super structure I should describe the plans I have for the foundation of any outdoor grow, the soil substrate. I plan on using the mixes from my 2009 OD grow (in my sig) to use as a foundation. I will first dig down 6 inches into the clayey soil, and mix in some amendments to make the subsoil a little better for root growth. I will let you know the specific amendments for the clayey soil, which should include gypsum, when I figure that part out. I am not too worried about the roots penetrating the clayey part as I will have 2 feet of soil above the native soil for the plants to grow in as I’m using raised beds ala Hodgegrows. Thx Hodge.

The raised beds will be supported by 2 x 12 wood or treated RR ties, 6 inches in the ground and 18 inches above the ground surface. So the process will be to remove soil and grass to about 6 inches or 1 foot; add amendments for the substrate and then place the Modified Supersoil mixture to make a total soil thickness of 24 inches.
Once the soil is done I will place the wood down and spread it out until its relatively level. After the planter area is done it will be time to erect the enclosure. I plan on using 1 inch piping for the entire structure unless I can get 1.5 inch fittings. I will consult with the supplier. Needless to say the structure will be the same. The sides and top of the enclosure will be constructed of polyethylene sheets of 6 mil thickness. I will consult with my friend who has several greenhouses to determine what is the best covering to use to get the max light into the enclosure. I had planned to have netting on the door side of the enclosure for ventilation.

I have planned an area approximately 20 feet x 50 feet. This will give each plant an 8 x 10 growing area. If I top Lst and trim nonproductive limbs I should be able to keep the plants height in check as I don’t want super tall plants.
I want to be able to oversee the growth and well being of all the plants and I don’t think that would be very easy with 12-14 foot plants. It would be nice to have plants that big but I’m not going for largest grow or most weight possible. I’m not in it for the $ I like to grow dank. I will grow each strain so it performs up to its potential. I just don’t want caterpillars, thrips, or mites eating the upper third of the plant and not be able to see that until it is too late to save.

This year I am going to try to mitigate the bud rot by using a fan inside the structure during the flower stage. I am also going to employ some mold/fungus preventive spraying with Serenade and some other remedies (I heard baking soda works well and is harmless to the plant). Keeping the dew and excess moisture off the buds will help too.

I thought of the enclosure for two reasons. One was the moisture issues described above and the other was to keep bugs manageable. The moths wreaked havoc on the buds by laying caterpillars which damaged the buds causing bud rot. I also had a mite and thrip problem in the end. I have researched some organic and predator insect remedies for this years grow.
I am going to use Maxsea grow and bloom again this year. I would also like to add some additives that bring out trichome production and dankness. Any suggestions? I will also use the Blackstrap molasses throughout to help the microbes in the soil which in turn help out nute uptake.

What do you guys think of that?

i like all the ideas u got coming GT. between FDD and hodges grow designs i think thatd b best for ur setup. enclose everything to keep pests and other shit out. (prying eyes) u can do a geenhouse material all over or maybe incorporate sum screening on the sides? allow better airflow? the fan inside should def help. remember the heatwaves we had last summer tho... 115 and shit. so maybe u can shade it off as well or the greenhouse material helps protect the leafs? but will it make it like a sauna and heat everything inside up more then outside? raised beds is def wat i would do. dont forget the drill thing i used ti dig out my 3'x3' holes. u can rent it at construction shops or mayeb ur works got sumthing 8)
i think its called a rouger? soudns wrong to me now that i think about it, maybe sumone can correct me?

but def give lots of spacing. id say wat ure planning already is perfect. (remember i learned the hard way by over crowding)

the overcrowding led my plants to stretch and reach 10ft tall which was way too obvious and prob why i got clipped a couple times. Remember i did do the LST methods but if theyre too close it wont matter the plants compete for space and light.

LST while theyre young and focus on a wide canopy (as u mentioned) and maybe even incorporate a scrog style outdoors? i think thatd b interesting to use. def do supports like hodges grow. cant beat that setup really. (another issue i ran into)

popcorn buds on the side and middle is crap for the most part as i learned growin huge plants but i was over crowded.

u considering doin cameras this year of u still feel confident with ur location being secure? im sure with an enclosed greenhouse ud be fine. maybe just get sum motion sensors with chimes and alarms like wat i was running and scare peeps off and warn u incase shits goin down.
i get wholesale from LA on surviellance if u need let me know. dunno wat ur budget is. if u need any construction help let me know 8)

anyways i think thats it for now i dont have much else on my mind. im sure others have sum more orignal ideas.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a big project. Have you thought about taking a soil sample down to your local county Ag ext. for an analysis? That would guide you in the right direction on the amendments needed for that subsoil layer. I'm thinking some dolomite lime might be in order and some bales of peat.
The raised beds have so many good things going for them that's a step in the right direction. I can't wait till I can put some in my backyard...
I see some big plants here with that kind of room. wow


Well-Known Member
i like all the ideas u got coming GT. between FDD and hodges grow designs i think thatd b best for ur setup. enclose everything to keep pests and other shit out. (prying eyes) u can do a geenhouse material all over or maybe incorporate sum screening on the sides? allow better airflow? the fan inside should def help. remember the heatwaves we had last summer tho... 115 and shit. so maybe u can shade it off as well or the greenhouse material helps protect the leafs? but will it make it like a sauna and heat everything inside up more then outside? raised beds is def wat i would do. dont forget the drill thing i used ti dig out my 3'x3' holes. u can rent it at construction shops or mayeb ur works got sumthing 8)
i think its called a rouger? soudns wrong to me now that i think about it, maybe sumone can correct me?

but def give lots of spacing. id say wat ure planning already is perfect. (remember i learned the hard way by over crowding)

the overcrowding led my plants to stretch and reach 10ft tall which was way too obvious and prob why i got clipped a couple times. Remember i did do the LST methods but if theyre too close it wont matter the plants compete for space and light.

LST while theyre young and focus on a wide canopy (as u mentioned) and maybe even incorporate a scrog style outdoors? i think thatd b interesting to use. def do supports like hodges grow. cant beat that setup really. (another issue i ran into)

popcorn buds on the side and middle is crap for the most part as i learned growin huge plants but i was over crowded.

u considering doin cameras this year of u still feel confident with ur location being secure? im sure with an enclosed greenhouse ud be fine. maybe just get sum motion sensors with chimes and alarms like wat i was running and scare peeps off and warn u incase shits goin down.
i get wholesale from LA on surviellance if u need let me know. dunno wat ur budget is. if u need any construction help let me know 8)

anyways i think thats it for now i dont have much else on my mind. im sure others have sum more orignal ideas.
Thanks for the support Bommer. Got a lot of work to do down here before plants go into the ground. I want to give the raised beds time to compost and cool off. I will post some drawings so you can see my plans

I need as much help as I can get.......
You got it brother. Just let us know.

Sounds like a big project. Have you thought about taking a soil sample down to your local county Ag ext. for an analysis? That would guide you in the right direction on the amendments needed for that subsoil layer. I'm thinking some dolomite lime might be in order and some bales of peat.
The raised beds have so many good things going for them that's a step in the right direction. I can't wait till I can put some in my backyard...
I see some big plants here with that kind of room. wow
Slab my gorilla brother. Were about to get some rain over here and you were the first person I thought of with the monsoon you had last year. I know we are so spoiled out here with our weather so it's all relative.

I have experience with soil types (29 years) so Im ok with that. My soil has dolomite lime already but Im really not trying to amend the bottom of my raised beds too much. I feel if I have 2+ feet of good soil for the plants to grow in they should flourish.

I wish you could too but I really dont in a way because your journals are the most entertaining on RIU, lol. Grow on!