Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
whats up gang! funny you should ask, it's update time. pics in a few minutes. got some killer smoke going around my neck of the woods, kushberry:weed: good shit man. just had to mention that.:eyesmoke:

enjoy the tunes bongsmilie feel me?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey guys, don't know if it's my connection or RIU that is lagging, but the pics are taking forever to load. why don't y'all linger for awhile and I'll get em up later 2nite bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Things have been a bit sticky on RIU I agree. 3x to load pics.

Ok, I'll be back....I can wait...but not too long Doc. Peace Bru


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
howzit DST:D just in time, bru:cool: I'm gonna post the pics in 2 parts, got quite a bit:peace:... part 1:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Awesome Doc (and Kkday - although he's been quiet recently, lol) My china plate last night showed me a bit of outdoor he had bought from a coffeeshop, man it looked fekkin whack bru's!!! Ok, so we don't get the same heat/sun that you guys get, but we had one of the best summers ever last year, and this $hit was not good $hit, and def not BAD $hit either....Blueberry it was - Bluegash more like....

Do you guys have the plants on a 12/12 before they got out to kick start them, or do they just flower naturally with the light conditions?

Peace, DST

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey DST, they are vegged indoors a little so they put on some size. 2 reasons, for a bigger yield and the main reason, so they have a much better chance at survival in the mountains. but yup, right now they are just flowering naturally with the short days we are having right now. if we would put them straight outdoors at this time of season, they would be little runts, we are running mostly indica dominant plants right now. also the last time we tried doing seed outdoors in the mountains, things didn't work out. so to answer your question, we put them on 24/0 for a few weeks before taking them up mauka:leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey DST, they are vegged indoors a little so they put on some size. 2 reasons, for a bigger yield and the main reason, so they have a much better chance at survival in the mountains. but yup, right now they are just flowering naturally with the short days we are having right now. if we would put them straight outdoors at this time of season, they would be little runts, we are running mostly indica dominant plants right now. also the last time we tried doing seed outdoors in the mountains, things didn't work out
Thanks for the heads up Dr G. I hear a while back you guys talking about long and short seasons I think. I am guessing when you go into the longer daylight you can get more veg outdoors. Awesome having two seasons. My wife and I are getting a Greenhouse (our Xmas present to each other) and are starting to get some Veggies on the go. I was amazed at all the stuff they got for these things, looks like I could be growing all year round in my greenhouse if I play my card right - although looking at the foot of fresh snow that has fallen this afternoon, you wouldn't think so.:lol: Laters Dr G.

And peace to all the peeps on this beautiful island thread.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
pics, part duece :cool: enjoy:weed:



Well-Known Member
Nice Doc, You and KDay should start an underground collective or something haha

i can see it now, FHC - Flyin' Hawaiian Caregiver's :lol:


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hahaha! I like that idea SICC:bigjoint:

hey thx for the comments and support gang, kkday and I appreciate it:leaf:

yeah man, we are really stoked on how this site is doing... that's really GOOD, ... But we do have another site that's not doing so well, that's BAD,... next update get ready to see the UGLY.

no shame in this game:lol: next pic updates will be of that grow..

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hahaha!its a guerilla grow ya know, not grandma's backyard! lol

we get them as big as they can in party cups then we hike them in:D


Well-Known Member
hoho- Granmas backyard, made me giggle.

Bring on the uglies I say!!! We are all made of the same stuff.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
uglies update is sunday. you know what they say, wherever there's a fox, there's always an ox. well,,, we been hiding the ox:lol:


Well-Known Member
Lol that's for sure!! Hikeing 4ft plants don't sound fun to me!!! We can do about 6-8 more plants at the pritty site before we have to hike water more then once a week, my back won't hold much more then 7 gallons. Foreal we need a water mule!