what is the best non-violent form of revenge


Well-Known Member
I want to know how he rob your stash twice who all know about your operation?
the first time
was in my yard at night,,, we used to be neighbors, now he moved away for a while i moved to the other part of town ,, he came back found out where i had bought land and scowered the erea and found my plot,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
the first time
was in my yard at night,,, we used to be neighbors, now he moved away for a while i moved to the other part of town ,, he came back found out where i had bought land and scowered the erea and found my plot,,,,,,
Well you need a better security system for your operation. I would invest in one quick some dogs some cameras. preferably trained dogs cause 5lbs a whop is a lot a dough in my book. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Well you need a better security system for your operation. I would invest in one quick some dogs some cameras. preferably trained dogs cause 5lbs a whop is a lot a dough in my book. Good Luck
No shit! Playing as a punk.


Active Member
Maybe you should tip off the police about someone holding 5 lbs of pot with intent to sell. People like that should go to jail.


Active Member
This is mostly your fault. Why does a 17 year old kid know you're growing, not once, but twice?

Now, for 7lb of dank, worth about 15K around here, well, people have been killed for less. Hell, it'd be 10K (wholesale) easy, even up in Canada

If he lives in a house, I'd burn it down.

Not an option? Put a long rag in his gas tank and use a wire leader to force it down. This should be followed by running.

Does he have any beloved pets? Fill in the blanks on this one.

Brake fluid will strip the paint off a car like it's going out of style.

You could also show up to his door and calmy tell his parents that their son owes you $15,000. You can also tell them that the "people" you "represent" will be very unhappy if you return empty handed or if the police become involved. Explain that their son stole something from a very powerful, unforgiving organization. It doesn't have to be true.

People like this need to realize that their actions have very serious consequences.


Active Member
hellll no this shit is fucked up..tha first time id prolly would have killed him...but if u want a real solution try this.....
start off slow maybe sum nails in the drive way to puncture his tires.. pretty much just fuck with his shit for like 2 months he will start askin himself what he did to piss anyone off personally id doo all the stuff to his car,girlfriend,mom,sister that people said on this thread
i wouldnt stop untill he either talked to me face to face then id beat his ass.. or untill he involves tha cops but he wouldnt kno that it was u prolly juss think it was his exgirlfriend

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nothing says "you fucked up" like leaving a hatchet stabbed into the drivers side door of his vehicle... Nothing discreet about it, and when he see's it he will shit bricks and I promise you that it is something he will NEVER forget.

You'll have that motherfucker looking over his back for the next 5 years.
couple that with a horses head smashed onto the windwscreen :)

why not things such as crackin his petrol tank if you can, that would be a right PITA!

but my mind keeps coming back to GT's hatchet in the door idea :)


Well-Known Member
man you guys are priceless,, :) ,, i thought i was sick & twisted but missmeanweed you have made me laugh until i had to check if i had pissed myself :) all the others where very well though of,, nice here others agree with me when im this pissed


Well-Known Member
A lot of interesting ideas.

For small fuckups, Karo syrup in his oil or fuel will kill his engine, very quickly.

First, completely eliminate any evidence of cultivation or possession from your property.(Thieving dickwads ALWAYS call the cops.)

Revenge is a dish, best served cold. Wait a year. Make him feel secure. THEN start going down the list of ideas, here.

I like the Karo syrup trick. If possible, do it again, as soon as his engine is replaced. His insurance company will get REALLY testy, the second time.

In my own experience, if you wait, this sort of dick head will eliminate himself before you get around to it.

I've been ripped.

When I installed security, the thieves called the cops about my grow. Because we are legal med patients, the cops took our statements, and then went next door and suggested they stay out of my yard.

The theives got nervous and moved 500 miles away.


Active Member
eye for an eye. just do as much damage as the $ you lost. nail in tire. stone trhough windhield, looks like accidental.
A lot of interesting ideas.

For small fuckups, Karo syrup in his oil or fuel will kill his engine, very quickly.

First, completely eliminate any evidence of cultivation or possession from your property.(Thieving dickwads ALWAYS call the cops.)

Revenge is a dish, best served cold. Wait a year. Make him feel secure. THEN start going down the list of ideas, here.

I like the Karo syrup trick. If possible, do it again, as soon as his engine is replaced. His insurance company will get REALLY testy, the second time.

In my own experience, if you wait, this sort of dick head will eliminate himself before you get around to it.

I've been ripped.

When I installed security, the thieves called the cops about my grow. Because we are legal med patients, the cops took our statements, and then went next door and suggested they stay out of my yard.

The theives got nervous and moved 500 miles away.
Invite the ripper over to share in your bounty and maybe you guys can come to an agreement.