What should I do with these?


Active Member
I got them as clones that were really stretched out. They are filling in nicely, but now they are getting too close to the light and getting burned on the tips. I cant raise the light anymore (in a tent). Should I just flower them out and hope for the best?

I would love to make this bubba into a mother.


Active Member
Try some low stress training or lst as most call it. Bend them and tie them down. If the plants are almost touching the light already, you DON'T want to flower them as is. Most plants when switched to flowering mode will stretch 1 1/2-3x in height.


Active Member
Try some low stress training or lst as most call it. Bend them and tie them down. If the plants are almost touching the light already, you DON'T want to flower them as is. Most plants when switched to flowering mode will stretch 1 1/2-3x in height.
LST was actually my first choice over topping, but the stalks seem pretty thick and resistant to bending already. I feel like I am going to snap it in half even if I bend it a couple inches at the top.