De-Leaf 2 weeks into Flower


Active Member
Ok, Ok I know there are many out there that are 100% against de- leafing or "Lollipopping" but I decided to experiment a little. I went chop crazy on my bag seed bitch. She's was about 15in tall and I thought maybe if I got all bud sites as close as possible to the HPS there would be more ...Bud. Besides chopping all leaves except the ones on or near bud sites, I also used twist tie's to alter lower and upper branches to be poing straight up. I could be going the opposite way with this but like I said i'm just experimenting.

Has anyone ever tried this before? What can I expect? What do you think of my twisty tie method.



Well-Known Member
Yikes, I wish you the best of luck. I feel you may be shooting yourself in the foot here tho :(


I agree with sohigh. but hey, it would be the shit if you came out with the next latest and greatest cultivation technique. good lucK!!

sir rance alot

Active Member
Ok.....It looks like you have two options...

1. Put it back on 24 hours of light and wait a month....then take some cuttings and root them.....then start it the correct way and enjoy your work or......

2. Continue reading and following posts and threads by morons who CHOP OFF THE ONLY THINGS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING A BUD.....the fan leaves..

So heres the deal....If you want some good smoke from a small space and you want it fairly quick, you dont have to lollipop a damn thing. Any plant can produce a few ounces of good smoke without trimming.
The best route for your situation would be LST method...OR......Super Cropping......

So far, super cropping seems to have the best results for me....It seems drastic at first but it works like no other...

Right now the only thing your gonna do is waste electricity to run your will be lucky if that thing produces a quarter ounce when dried....

If your interested, here is a link that will blow your fucking mind.....Dr. Bud greengenes is getting 2 ounces of bud every two weeks with 200 watts of flourescents in a 2 square foot box omly 28 inches tall.
This is the most amazing grow I have ever seen...

sir rance alot

Active Member
I forgot to mention, he is getting 2 ounces a week using 27 plants in a sea of green method and doing all of this using only 20 ounce soda bottles..

sir rance alot

Active Member
My avatar is from my first grow....The picture is from when the girls were just over 5 weeks old from seed... 3 plants....3 individual 150w HPS spaced out evenly in a 2 ft. x 5 ft. area.. 5 gal. buckets grown in soil..
They were 4 ft. tall beginning of week 5.....all bag seed....


Active Member
Once just experimenting. I don't expect to come outta this with a year supply of weed lol

I appreciate the feedback though. I agree I may be shooting myself in the foot with this....but I'll never know until I try! Besides, its just a bag seed. Perfectly capable of producing good bud but, i won't be too upset if this is a total fail.

After a day or two I noticed some new growth on a few leaves and more hairs so we will see how it goes! Subscribe and you too can see!! :bigjoint:

here are a few more pix



Active Member
My avatar is from my first grow....The picture is from when the girls were just over 5 weeks old from seed... 3 plants....3 individual 150w HPS spaced out evenly in a 2 ft. x 5 ft. area.. 5 gal. buckets grown in soil..
They were 4 ft. tall beginning of week 5.....all bag seed....
Thats fuckin nice man! How long did you veg?


Active Member
3 weeks into flowering

So growing is going alright since i went chop crazy on my lady. The leaves I did leave have grown substantially.

Im also starting to see where the trichs fill up the fan leaves by the bud site. Take at the pix and let me know what yall think

Also, My plant reached a whopping 33in after inducing flowering at 6-7in. So basically 33 in was wwaayyy to high for my lady and space I have. So i had to some how.....tie down the main cola like I was LSTing.I used a shoe string to do so. I know this will stress plant and of course while in flowering but i really had no choice. My 400w HPS was kickin the cola's ass with heat.I can't afford a cool tube right now.Anyway it looks kinda funny how i got it but hey, it still looks like it will be successful. If it does,Ima call this method "A Bouquete of Mary Jane's Flowers" lmao



Active Member
Your plant appears to be putting all of it's energy into building solar panels... I mean fan leaves.

Instead of flowers.

Why not just remove all the leaves during veg? Or skip veg altogether, since you're removing everything it produced during that stage.

An experiment I'd like to see, which would also be slightly more logical would be to :

Keep all fan leaves but remove the lower "suckers" or axial branches, the lower popcorn ones.

Sort of like I do to my tomato plants to keep its sugars and "energy" directed to flowering stalks instead of new stalk production.


Active Member
Your plant appears to be putting all of it's energy into building solar panels... I mean fan leaves.

Instead of flowers.

Why not just remove all the leaves during veg? Or skip veg altogether, since you're removing everything it produced during that stage.

An experiment I'd like to see, which would also be slightly more logical would be to :

Keep all fan leaves but remove the lower "suckers" or axial branches, the lower popcorn ones.

Sort of like I do to my tomato plants to keep its sugars and "energy" directed to flowering stalks instead of new stalk production.

Well from what i understand those so called "Solar Panels" are essential to bud production. Which is why i left the ones that are closest to bud sites. During the 1st week i stripped em i added some floragrow so that it would make those smaller fan leaves i left.... bigger.and Bigger fan leaves has got to me more light absortion..right? So now that i've grown those out I have 2 decent size "solar panels" connected to every branch that has a bud site. Therefore..none of the leaves on my plant are pointless. They are either feeding the bud sites on surrounding branches or feeding the cola. It's gonna take a little longer than usual cause of stress of course but its all apart of the plan.

im not some fuckin gardening genius. I do my research online like half the people here and go from there. I understand this shit may be bullshitt and i may get a quarter versus something larger but as stated before..its a experiment. Who's to say what is logical and whats not? My method could very well be the next latest technique and no one will know until i give her that final chop.

point im gettin to is..Don't tell me something else is more logical when you don't even know what the result will be....why....cause u've never done it before, right? smh

and if you want to give advice..atleast give some helpful ones.

Why not just remove all the leaves during veg? Or skip veg altogether, since you're removing everything it produced during that stage.
I wouldn't remove all leaves during veg because...they are the solar panels remember. The plant needs to soak up light somehow right.

Skip veg all together? nah I've never got the point of that unless your working with limited space. To me the Veg stage is to get you height and bud sites going good. Growing str8 12/12 the entire time just doesn't seem like a good idea. maybe that will be a later "experiment"

If i come off as a asshole, i apoligize. The Kush Man is out and so am I :wall::wall::wall::wall:


Active Member
I guess my sarcasm didn't go through with my post.

Veg = growing leaves = solar panels

You = removing all of them
Plant = regrowing them instead of flowers

Why do you think it grows that many leaves? To you they are useless because they aren't directly touching a bud?

The roots aren't touching the buds either but somehow they get nutrients up there.

Either way, you will learn something out of this, and you don't mind sacrificing a plant. Don't take this offensively, it's not intended.

I think the whole 'lollypopping' thing is removing those bottom popcorn stalks that don't really grow because the canopy is blocking all the light, not removing light collecting leaves.


Active Member
I guess my sarcasm didn't go through with my post.

Veg = growing leaves = solar panels

You = removing all of them
Plant = regrowing them instead of flowers

Why do you think it grows that many leaves? To you they are useless because they aren't directly touching a bud?

The roots aren't touching the buds either but somehow they get nutrients up there.

Either way, you will learn something out of this, and you don't mind sacrificing a plant. Don't take this offensively, it's not intended.

I think the whole 'lollypopping' thing is removing those bottom popcorn stalks that don't really grow because the canopy is blocking all the light, not removing light collecting leaves.
Nah man your good, I wasn't offended or anything I was just lettin you know. I understand the concept of "lollypopping" but..that itnt what im trying to do. I know what results lollypopping will give. Although what im doing is similar its not lollypopping because of what u just said...i didnt remove the lower stalks..just the leaves and bud sites of those lower stalk branches..

This is how i see it working. a week or two into flowering when you know where all bud sites are. Chop all lower bud sites and leaves and leave only the ones that are closest to light. I figure if i control what solar panels can grab light..and if its only the ones closest to the bud sites...that might put more energy into the bud versus energy through all these lower leaves that have to then travel up..up..up just to distribute that energy. Its a weird outlook on things, but i figure it was worth a try since i indeed dont mind possibly wasting a plant..or waiting longer for harvest.

As far as me chopping the leaves..and them using energy to produce more...Well during flowering your its going to do that anyway. Ever heard that you get half or 3times what u had at veg when u flower? Well i have and i expected the ones i left to grow a bit larger...and also the one leaves and 3 leaves that grows by the bud sites..its all apart of my plan man. Thanks for ur insight tho bro. I'll keep pix posted so you see what happens


Active Member Chelsea Clinton is pushing 4 weeks into flowering this Saturday. The smell is starting to get a little strong so its about that time for that Ozone Generator. I found a pretty good one on amazon for $200so thats next on the list. Also, I finally found a hydro shop in my area so this weekend I plan to pick up some Floralicious Bloom, FloraBlend and Bud Candy!!! hmmmm my mouth is waterin already lol

BTW has any ever used Bud Candy?? Does it work? Do you really get a sweeter tasting bud? I guess we will find out!

So in the pix you'll notice that my HPS is on the side now. Well the reason behind that is......I want to get light to EVERY bud using my twistie tie method I put all branches facing the lite side. Looks weird as shit but i promise these things have got to get fat and juicy with how its set up....but then again i could be wrong.


gaja man

Member Chelsea Clinton is pushing 4 weeks into flowering this Saturday. The smell is starting to get a little strong so its about that time for that Ozone Generator. I found a pretty good one on amazon for $200so thats next on the list. Also, I finally found a hydro shop in my area so this weekend I plan to pick up some Floralicious Bloom, FloraBlend and Bud Candy!!! hmmmm my mouth is waterin already lol

BTW has any ever used Bud Candy?? Does it work? Do you really get a sweeter tasting bud? I guess we will find out!

So in the pix you'll notice that my HPS is on the side now. Well the reason behind that is......I want to get light to EVERY bud using my twistie tie method I put all branches facing the lite side. Looks weird as shit but i promise these things have got to get fat and juicy with how its set up....but then again i could be wrong.
what were the results on this grow?


Active Member
i think you did it a little bit early. my first time pruning, but i pulled all the fan leaves during week 7 (sativa, 12wk), which might have been a little late. i think you need the fan leaves until the buds start to really pop, then you can gradually prune them.

the fan leaves definitely feed the plant in early flowering. towards the end though, the fan leaves get so big and don't allow any light penetration and restrict air circulation. that's the time to pluck, i think. my grow stalled for about 5 days after i plucked anything that wasn't attached to a bud, but it's bulking up fine and producing tons of trichs without them.

water consumption and nute consumption, which i've been keeping an eye on, were reduced by about 80% after getting rid of the fan leaves. like i said, bud growth stalled, but is back to full speed ahead, sans fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
Ok.....It looks like you have two options...

1. Put it back on 24 hours of light and wait a month....then take some cuttings and root them.....then start it the correct way and enjoy your work or......

2. Continue reading and following posts and threads by morons who CHOP OFF THE ONLY THINGS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING A BUD.....the fan leaves..
Thats what I love about this site! All the nice people willing to help and encourage experimentation!!! I am almost ready to move on due to alot of big headed assholes that are here not to help and encourage but to discourage and ridicule. I am in the process of quiting cigerettes.....:finger:...... so may be a little on edge and if this was meant as good advice then i appologize. Great that you would possibly sacrafice a plant in the quest for knowledge and just to see what will happen. I for one am curious to see the outcome although she does look a little sparce lol. I did have a plant that deer had pretty much stripped clean and still produced a shit load of bud that was pretty much already trimmed but I personally do not take off any leaves and basically think that if someone cut off my arms would I grow better......"NO" I do top the hell out of my White Russian though as they are stretchy things!!!!