Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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New Member
Your plants look the way I wanted my plants to look. Very very nice.
That grandfather dude is one smart helpful guy.
Hi grandfather dude!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey Lacy. thanks! I am grateful for his help...I came home today, and they are really growing hard.....I am so happy. It won't EVER be quick enuf....but regardless, I am so happy with the continued progress, and that so far, things continue to go well. As you can see with some many others, things can and very possibly will just go wrong, so I will take the forward steps as they come right now. thanks for your support! :blsmoke:
Your plants look the way I wanted my plants to look. Very very nice.
That grandfather dude is one smart helpful guy.
Hi grandfather dude!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok...so I got bored....and decided I wanted to take a few high def. shots.....and here they are (these are 8 days from sprouting).....you can go to my gallery to see the full size ones if ur interested... enjoy!

PS - anyone got any thoughts on the tiny white reflections in the last photo?



Well-Known Member
good morning grandfather. thanks so much for the kind words. I haad a 126 format box vamera put in my hands when I was 5 and an Agfa bellow fully manual (and learned to use a light meter) a little later. As a wildlife biologist, I prolly have 10,000 images from all over the world. photography among fast cars and cooking are my hobbies. though it seems like I might be developing a new hobbies in horticulture. hahahahaha.

with cameras, you pretty much get what you pay for, used market is a good place to find deals cuz cameras have little or no inherent used value. I am not familiar with the model you show, the site I use is a site called Digital Photography Review (Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ) though I am sure there are lots of valuable and worthwhile site. this one makes sense to me.

hey man - ur NEVER too old....unless you think so...my mom learned to fly an airplane @ 50 and flew for the next 30 years! Take care, and we'll catchya on the flipside! :blsmoke:
Wow, nice pictures Tahoe.... Shit, show me how to do that, I got the cam but_rofl_can't figure it out. I don't know a bus stop from an f stop. You can't believe how I struggle to take the pic's in my journal. I'm killer in Adobe just this particular cam makes me nutz.

For $200 bucks I got this: Fujifilm FinePix S6000fd Digital Camera - Full Review - The Imaging Resource!

What do you think Tahoe? Too much for an old geezer?


Well-Known Member
tahoe, looking good bro, Keep up the great work tahoe!
Damn man those are looking great for 8 days. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Keep up the good work
thanks a bunch. I am pleased though like I said to Lacy..it will NEVER be quick enuf. I am a sad soul of the instantaneous gratification school, and I WANT MY BUD NOW! hehehehehehe.....well...it will be good for me to wait...right? F*CK that! gimmmeee gimmmeeee it NOW! hahahahaha....oh well....no poaching allowed, I will not scavenge...I will not scavenge!....cheers everyone! and thanks so much for the kind and supportive comments! :blsmoke:

EDIT ** hey...thanks to fdd's tutorial...I can multi now.....whoa...getting perfessional 'n alll...hehehehehe **


New Member
Yo Tahoe!!!!! Now those are extremely impressive little plants.
OK Now I have to ask...what type of lights are you using?
I think I am gonna start over. I so wasn't ready for mine when they came up.
I want my nodes to be close together like those. :clap::clap::weed:
Very, very good job Tahoe.:mrgreen::blsmoke:


New Member
Learned to fly at 50 and flew for thirty years?????:shock::o
Bravo for her!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap:
Don't under-estimate the power of the human mind.:mrgreen::blsmoke:
good morning grandfather. thanks so much for the kind words. I haad a 126 format box vamera put in my hands when I was 5 and an Agfa bellow fully manual (and learned to use a light meter) a little later. As a wildlife biologist, I prolly have 10,000 images from all over the world. photography among fast cars and cooking are my hobbies. though it seems like I might be developing a new hobbies in horticulture. hahahahaha.

with cameras, you pretty much get what you pay for, used market is a good place to find deals cuz cameras have little or no inherent used value. I am not familiar with the model you show, the site I use is a site called Digital Photography Review (Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ) though I am sure there are lots of valuable and worthwhile site. this one makes sense to me.

hey man - ur NEVER too old....unless you think so...my mom learned to fly an airplane @ 50 and flew for the next 30 years! Take care, and we'll catchya on the flipside! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea totally Lacy...my mom was the most AWESOME person (EDIT ** and my Dad followec right along also getting his licence and they flew all over the place together....though he had also flown during WWII....some of the best memories was going fishing with our floatplane early on a Sat. morning before anyone else got up....how blessed it all was!)...:mrgreen::hump::hump::hump::mrgreen:

.....and thanks for the kind words 'bout the plants. I'm working with 9 x 42CFL's .... and the wrong temperature (2700K), but its what I could find ... I believe I have ~23,000 lumens for the four plants. I am contemplating the HID for the flowering....but so far they seem to be doing pretty well. So maybe I'll just stick with what's working. They are sooo pretty...and smell so nice...yeah yeah...I stick my head down into them and take a big SNORT......so fresh...and lush! hahahaha...I really DO need help! hahahahahaha hope you have a gr8 day...I'm off to work!


Well-Known Member
Hey Tahoe,
Nice thread I had missed it due to your new Ava. Thats a trip that you are into photo. what are you using a xti no, maby a new 40d. and a macro lens for those nice close ups. Cant wait to see your treo in a few months that is if they are all females then you ask to join in, you might what to wait but how tempting. hahah. I will be using the white rock trick, never thought about using rocks.
I'm going to sleep I will pm you later or just send me a mess.


New Member
Thats amazing. My parents are retired. They don't personally fly but they travel a lot now. (most of the year)
Fishing with your own plane. That is just too good to be true but I believe you. Yes you certainly are blessed indeed.:mrgreen::blsmoke:

9 x 42CFL's? :shock::o You serious? 23,000 lumens for 4 plants. WOW!!! OH my sweet %$#@*&%!!!!!!!!!
23, 000 LUMENS. Well no wonder they are doing so well. How far away do you have these lights.
I just looked at my bulbs and I have 2 x 42 inch bulbs (each 450 lumens:-?) That's like, only 900 lumens for 13 seedlings. :wall::wall::wall::cuss::cuss::cuss::fire::fire::fire:

Ok now that I feel like a complete loser. :roll::confused:

900 lumens!!!! :-|:?:roll: Oh what was I thinking???

Thats it!!!! I'm starting over!!!!
Seriously Tahoe, those are THE NICEST seedling I have ever seen.:mrgreen::blsmoke:

Seeing those pics reminded me of a friend that I've known since high school. We all used to toke together and have good times.
Well, I'd lost touch with this couple and years ago hubby and I met up with them again. We were invited over to their house which they shared with one of their mothers so upstairs in the attic this guy had the most incredible plants ever (especially for the size of the room)

He had grown them similar to how you are growing them but had made his few plants into the most beautiful bonsai type plants. They were very impressive and even hubby, who doesn't toke, always refers to them when talking about a perfect indoor plant.

I am starting over. I don't care if I lose 13 seeds. otherwise I will constantly be regretting that I wasn't ready for my sprouts. Thanks for the encouraging, inspiring pics Tahoe. You certainly made me make up my mind. :mrgreen::blsmoke:
yea totally Lacy...my mom was the most AWESOME person (EDIT ** and my Dad followec right along also getting his licence and they flew all over the place together....though he had also flown during WWII....some of the best memories was going fishing with our floatplane early on a Sat. morning before anyone else got up....how blessed it all was!)...:mrgreen::hump::hump::hump::mrgreen:

.....and thanks for the kind words 'bout the plants. I'm working with 9 x 42CFL's .... and the wrong temperature (2700K), but its what I could find ... I believe I have ~23,000 lumens for the four plants. I am contemplating the HID for the flowering....but so far they seem to be doing pretty well. So maybe I'll just stick with what's working. They are sooo pretty...and smell so nice...yeah yeah...I stick my head down into them and take a big SNORT......so fresh...and lush! hahahaha...I really DO need help! hahahahahaha hope you have a gr8 day...I'm off to work!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Nice healthy looking plants Tahoe, good job. Those white specs could be the start of trichromes? Another 2 weeks and you could top or clone them then flower them eh? Very nice colour too, lol. :peace::mrgreen:

ok...so I got bored....and decided I wanted to take a few high def. shots.....and here they are (these are 8 days from sprouting).....you can go to my gallery to see the full size ones if ur interested... enjoy!

PS - anyone got any thoughts on the tiny white reflections in the last photo?



Well-Known Member
Lacy.....thanks.....but really don't beat urself up.....seedlings can most always be revived and resurrected. I guess I don't really think you have to start over. That would take you back to square one, and I guess I believe that's not really necessary. like others have said, you can bury then and give them lots of TLC and they will adjust....nature has a way of doing that under the right conditions.

Regarding light conidtions, the lights are right on top of the plants ... like 1-2" above. It is wholly adjustable - on pulleys...and there is a lot of trapped heat and light with the windshield reflector thingy. I am still fighting with myself over the potential for a HID - but the reality is I would likely have serious issues with heat.....I have absolutely NO opportunity to vent inside or out. I may wish to add some additional wattage and lumenage of CFLs....I really like the 85, 105, 125 and 200 CFLs...?????. I guess we'll play it by ear.

Asiankatie - thanks so much for your vote of confidence. I will do my best not to let you down. Came home today, and they are really looking nice. I am amazed at the stoutness of the stems! they are little brickshithouses! hahahahaha. thanks again

Chiceh....thanks as well. I appreciate the positive feedback so much. the scheduling you mention is prolly right on the money. I guess we'll see how things develop. I have taken a page from Skunkushybrid and will wait to see preflowers before throwing them into flowering. But again...I'll play it by ear.

the conditions have remained very favourable. they are getting a timed 18/6, temp ranges from 65 to 85F, humidity is 25-30%, periodic co2 released from water/yeast/sugar bottle, water pretty close to every second-third day (very sparingly.,...only to the right "feel") and nute solution every second watering event. Fan lightly blowing indirectly all the time, except first thing in the morning (couple hours)...I let the room warm up first, and then also in the evening (couple hours), when I shake the bottle for co2 and give them a good blast just before sleepy time....just like I'm gonna have when .....MY BUD IS READY! hahahahaha. I feel compelled to put up pics again cuz I just love them so much...but I'll wait a little for when there is more than a little difference to show. they do seem to be putting on some serious bulk and height almost daily though now....its really quite astonishing.

AND the best part of this day - for all the time we spend in front of our e-machines chatting to good friends and making new ones, and learning and reading and sharing and arguing and debating, and learning and reading more and best of all laughing our pants off!....I got a new frickin chair (complete with laser beams on its frickin head!!) but even more importantly, complete with heating pad and massager...hehehehehe its frickin unreal! and some awesome...I may as well not even frickin go to bed! this is heaven....ok ok ok ok ... not quite heaven, yet......it will be ONCE MY BUD IS READY!!!


Plants look great Tahoe. I could think of one more thing that would keep me getting up from that chair, but it sounds awesome as is.


Well-Known Member
yea thanks a million man ...totally!....but for now.....ahhhh...so frickin comfy!.....I WANT MY BUD TO BE READY!!...hahahahahaha :blsmoke:
Plants look great Tahoe. I could think of one more thing that would keep me getting up from that chair, but it sounds awesome as is.
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