Fucking Lucky Idiots

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Once in my teens, a friend and I grew a patch up some hills. We cleared a circle in amongst a large expanse of prickly berry bush throwing the chopped bush out of the clearing as we went.

We spent the next 2 days hauling in compost and lime and soil and probably close to fifty 1-foot clones in buckets.

Once we had finished we decided that it would be best to have some more animal/people deterrents so we chopped some big Gorse bushes and barricaded the perimeter with masses of spiky impenetrable gorse trees, filling in our exit and entrance tunnel underneath the prickly berry bush as we exited.

We were quite pleased with our efforts as it was a 'dig and dash' effort, we had no intentions of coming back to the site for another 8-12 weeks, and we repeated this round prickle fortress patch pattern a good 5 more times over 2 weeks of back-breaking face-scraping eye-pricking torture.

A few months later it was nearing the time when the local authorities begin their helicopter observations so we thought we'd get in there first and get our girls out.
The cops don't pull it out here, they spray it with some toxic chemical which kills the plant and makes certain foliage turn a rusty orangey brown color.

As we drove to the first location, we could see where our first patch was, as it was a bright orangey brown circle in amongst an entirely green landscape. Horrified, we drove through the next valley to see if any of the others had gone unnoticed and to our horror we saw five orange circlish shapes in the hills.

We lamented our loss, cursed the local authorities, and sat down for a cigarette. As I stared solemnly at the orange patches of death where once our ladies grew, I noticed that they seemed to sort of look more like rings than solid shapes, and I was sure I could see some greenery in the middle of each orange patch.
We decided to take a look at the murder scenes just in case by some miracle a plant or two had survived, but mostly out of morbid curiosity.

As we got closer I smelled the indelible smell of skunk and I became excited that we might yet have a harvest, albeit a much reduced one. We found our markers and knelt down to crawl through the prickle bush tunnels to our patches, and I thought about the forthcoming ouches from removing the gorse stuffing from the tunnels. To my surprise the gorse was light brown and dry as kindling.

" Oh yeah" I thought, "We did chop it down a few months ago, of course it's brown and dried now."

At that moment, I had a eureka moment and realised what a pair of idiots we had been. I cut my way through the gorse and prickle berry bush and found a successful, living patch of hellsmelly skunky with joyous fat buds galore. I looked around and saw, to my own 'how could I be so incredibly dumb' embarrassment, that our pricklebush choppings that we had carefully removed from the growing area and thrown on the surrounding prickle bush, had dried to a nice rusty orange hue, and the gorse we had chopped down to use as animal fortifications, had dried to a nice light brown, creating the effect when seen from afar of an orange/light brown circle, with a green centre, like a huge fucking bullseye in the middle of an antirely green backdrop, with our weed in the centre. :wall:

Needless to say, we spent the next 24 hours running through bush harvesting our half-dozen plots, the hills echoing with the laughter of the extra helpers we enlisted to assist with the emergency harvest.

We harvested the most amount of pot I have ever seen, literally filling a small room with trash bags full of nugs. We didn't weigh it because we weren't dealers, but we did find out that a big bag of weed has a lot of bartering power :)

We truly earned the title of Lucky Fucking Idiots.

Anyone else done anything even remotely as dumb?


Well-Known Member
That's a cool story! Haha.

This one's not about my dumb ass, but rather my brothers dumb ass! About 5 years ago, he had a buddy of his living with him. Him and this buddy decided they'd grow a plant right in the back of the house. Well, they started a couple of old skunk seeds he had, and put two in the ground. When September came, he had one VERY TALL, VERY BIG skunk plant, that truly lived up to its name! This plant STUNK!

End of September came around, and he wasvery close to harvest, and this plant was stinking to high hell. During this critical time, it just so happens that his buddy that was staying there had a warrant. At about 10 in the morning, one morning, I was out at my bros, and a cop pulled in the yard, as I had blocked my brothers driveway. Rather than just stop at the edge of the yard, the cop pulls all the way to the side of the house, and parks his squad car less than 10 ft from a 8ft skunk plant in full flower. He asked if Jake(the guy with the warrant) was there, we told him no, and he left... Three hours later, he comes back and does a walk around the house to make sure dude aint there. my brother calls me freakin out!...

That cop walked right by that plant TWICE, and parked next to once! we dont grow next to our houses any more. Hahahaha. He harvested about 3/4 of a pound from her. NASTY weed, too!

this is a cool thread! +rep for starting it!

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
That's a cool story! Haha.

This one's not about my dumb ass, but rather my brothers dumb ass! About 5 years ago, he had a buddy of his living with him. Him and this buddy decided they'd grow a plant right in the back of the house. Well, they started a couple of old skunk seeds he had, and put two in the ground. When September came, he had one VERY TALL, VERY BIG skunk plant, that truly lived up to its name! This plant STUNK!

End of September came around, and he wasvery close to harvest, and this plant was stinking to high hell. During this critical time, it just so happens that his buddy that was staying there had a warrant. At about 10 in the morning, one morning, I was out at my bros, and a cop pulled in the yard, as I had blocked my brothers driveway. Rather than just stop at the edge of the yard, the cop pulls all the way to the side of the house, and parks his squad car less than 10 ft from a 8ft skunk plant in full flower. He asked if Jake(the guy with the warrant) was there, we told him no, and he left... Three hours later, he comes back and does a walk around the house to make sure dude aint there. my brother calls me freakin out!...

That cop walked right by that plant TWICE, and parked next to once! we dont grow next to our houses any more. Hahahaha. He harvested about 3/4 of a pound from her. NASTY weed, too!

this is a cool thread! +rep for starting it!
HAHAA that would have been a heart pounder man, pure adrenaline :mrgreen:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
funny story ...reminds me of when i was growing years agbvo in an apartment complex the whole goddamn floor smelled like dank but i never got busted. My theory was if i just smoke pot all the time noone will ever know the difference.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
funny story ...reminds me of when i was growing years agbvo in an apartment complex the whole goddamn floor smelled like dank but i never got busted. My theory was if i just smoke pot all the time noone will ever know the difference.
I had another friend who had a nice hidden setup in the garage underneath his house, but he vented the smell from his garage into a wardrobe in a room above. The garage smell was barely noticeable but the house smelled like two tons of dank. He tried burning lots of incense to mask the smell but in the end settled for smoking lots of leaf joints so it seemed more 'natural' lol
about four yrs ago i grew four plants in the back yard they wernt finished by oct n all the brush around hiding them was dying off while the plants kept growing.tallest about ten ft..in order to letem finish up i started choppin down 8ft branches off a oak tree and stuck in the ground around it as camo.changing them out once they thinned out 2-3 times b4 the second week in nov when they were harvested at peak!!!2lbs of stank ass bud.thank you mother nature!!!u could still see a couple leaves above the camo when the wind blowed it looked like they were waving at u from the street!couldnt tell unless u knew what they were.
lol 8ft oak tree branches for camo, whatever it take huh
yeah fer sure.i lived in a mother inlaw house the main house was condemned so i was like in the middle of the block but the plants were still slightly visible if u knew what to look fer.lil po-dunk town like two sheriffs.:fire:


Active Member
When I was young my mother tried her hand at growing. Right in the middle of a whole 2 rows of corn she planted 5 or 6 seeds. Wel, that year it was a very dry summer, and she made the mistake of watering her "secret" garden a little too much.

The corn grew to 3 feet high, and the pot plants grew to 6 foot, so she freaked out and pulled them before they even flowered.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
When I was young my mother tried her hand at growing. Right in the middle of a whole 2 rows of corn she planted 5 or 6 seeds. Wel, that year it was a very dry summer, and she made the mistake of watering her "secret" garden a little too much.

The corn grew to 3 feet high, and the pot plants grew to 6 foot, so she freaked out and pulled them before they even flowered.
DOH :lol::lol::lol::lol:

True Stoner

Active Member
WOW this is some crazy stories, heres one for ya!!!!! Im now 32 and i was 19 at the time and i was rentng a room from this dude that worked 2 full time jobs so i never seen him and on his days off he was with his girlfriend and when he had vaction time he would take a trip somewhere as he worked at the airport so i never ever saw the dude. Down in the basement there was a room that this guy was renting and he worked in the area and lived on a farm about 3 hours away so he was only there from monday night to friday morning. Man i had the whole place to myself and downstairs was also the laundry room we shared. I started sellig weed again as i sold it throughout high school and stopped and then started again once i had my own place/room away from the parents. Anyways i started off with an oz of weed and 5 mths later i was picking up kilos of skanky danky and i also was into going to these over night rave parties and was starting to sell E as well. Back then the E was amazing and a hit would go for $25-$30 and you would be high and dancing for about 8 hours. Its definitely not like E now adays where they are $5 a dose and do fuck all unless you do multiples of the. I just smoke the herb now so!! Back to the storie, so i was of course making wicked cash and had purchased a safe. In my safe i only kept a couple of oz's and a couple of E's and minimal cash!! The big haul which was down in the basement, it was hidden it the ceiling where you just push up a tile and slide it over and there was my stash. Any given time i would have anywhere from 5 pds of weed and about 300 E's and a couple thousand dollars as well would be up there. I had my place broken into from a so called friend and was robbed so hence why i bought the safe and stashed my shit downstairs!! Well as time went on the ckientale got bigger and bigger. Man i was even supplying weed to dealers i use to run for...LOL. Well of course i was getting greedier by the day as i wanted more and more money!! I was addited to making so much easy money but like they say all things must come to an end!!!
It was a hot summer night and i had about 5 friends over and we all threw in amd smoked a quarter oz blunt. Well when i went upstairs to get my throw ins i didnt have any so i went to my ceiling stash and grabbed a pound and brought it upstairs to get out a couple of oz's and some weed for the blunt and left the rest of the pound sitting on my bed. I closed my door behind me and locked it. I had rave flyers all over my door and the dude that owned the place, his room was up there to and also a spare bedroom that had a pullout couch and i kepted my laundry basket in there and had random shit in the closet. I know because i snooped there..lol. Anyhow once we were done smoking the blunt me and a buddy went across the street to get some pizza and i also got a 1 liter chocolate milk. I noticed this black van in the parking lot and there was alot of cars parked there but this one caught my attention. I noticed here was about 5 guys in the van and they were parked in front of Pizza Pizza watching me....thats what it felt like anyways!! When my buddy came out i advised him about the van and he stated i was just paranoid as i have been known to carry large amounts of money at any given time. Anyways we left and crossed the street to my complex and i noticed the van had crossed as well and passed us and parked. Then 5 guys got out and started walking towards us. I started thinking i was getting robbed or soem shit but it actually turned out that they were undercovers and have been watching me for awhile as i was ratted out by someone who was recently busted. They seperated me and my buddy and 3 cops were with me and 2 were with my buddy. One cop that was talking to me asked me if i had blonde hair before and i stated yes and he he said that he knows who i am and what i am about. One of the cops asked me if i was hiding anything at my house and of course i stated "no why wanna check?" thinking that they wouldnt and of course they stated that they wanted to come check. Holy fuck what an idiot i am to have just invited pigs to my house. I must have been really stoned from that blunt. Once i knew that the pigs were coming to my house all i could think about was that pound of weed sitting on my bed and i started thinking i was busted so i started to have apanic attack. At first my throat swelled up so i could hardly breath and my vision started to go all fucked up like i was having an acid flashback and my knees started to get all wobbly and i had to sit dowen. Cop looked at me and asked if i was ok and i stated that i was choking on my pizza and needed to open my milk to clear my throat. So after about 5 mins of continplating of what im going to do the pigs wanted to go homeward bound!!! When they were searching me outside they looked in my wallet and i had about $1500 on me and the pig asked whats all this money for, i replied that it was for my room so i could by a tv and a stereo as there was nothing in my room. I also had a check from my work that i recently quit inmy wallet as well so the cop looked at it and asked if i like working at the place the check was from and i was like yeah of course. I didnt tell them i just quit of course!! Well as we were making back to my place inoticed the dude car ther that owned the place. His name is Gord so i dont have to keep calling him dude!! Well i told the cops before we went in there that i was renting the room from a friend of my parents so i dont want them to tell Gord that they are police because im inviting them in and they dont have a warrent...i know i know what the fuck was i thinking...i wasnt of course. Anyways 3 guys come in with me and the other 2 wait outside with my buddy Steve. Once i walked in the door Gord was doing some dishes and said hello and i stated that these dudes were friends of mine and were just visting, up the stairs i started to walk. I dont even think my heart was beating at the time and man as i got to the top of the stairs my room is on the left and the spare room is straight ahead. Now the decision was do i take the cops into my room where the pound of weed is sitting or do i take them into the spare bedroom, well into the spare bedroom we go. They close the door behind and once they looked around they said..This room isnt yours, i was like yes it is and pointed to my laundry basket on the floor. The one pig asked where i slept and i stated that the couch pulls out nto a bed. There was all this little nick nack shit on the couch and the cop said...you sleep with all the shit on your couch and i pointed to teh floor as it looked freshly vacumjed and replied ..usually that shit sits on the floor but because i just vacumed it had to put it up on the couch!! I stared naming shit off thatw as in the closet and they opened it up and looked and to their suprise was all the shit i named off. The one cop was lifting up the cushions and pulling shit out of the closet and stated if they find one seed or one roach im getting charged. I was like good luck finding anything!! Well after about 10 mins the cop asked why isnt ther any tv ot stereo in here. I answered back...wghat did i say out in the parking lot , what all that money was for in my wallet. Im buying a Tv and a stereo. After this i felt like everything was coming together and felt a little better. They asked who lives in the room next door with all teh flyers stuck to it. i replied it was some guy that isnthere right now and it was locked. The cop asked what other rooms do i have access to and i advised them the laundry room downstairs. Well i thought all was going well untill dickhead states....well if we went downstairs and asked Gord which room is yours he will say this one?? I was like WTF you said you wouldnt give away that you are police as ill get kicked out of here and also i invited you in here, you didntr have a warrent. The pigs look at each other and was like alright lets go!! WWWHHEEEWWWW that was crazy. What was even more crazy is when we got outside the 3 pigs were in front of me the one cop asked my buddy...Steve which room is your buddies..the room straight ahead of the stairs or the room to the left, as he was saying this iwas pointing straight and the cop looked backed and i kind of made it look i was streaching and Steve said to the left...i swear thats what i heard but the pigs didnt and asked pardon i didnt hear you!! And Steve understood what i was implying and said it was the room that was straight ahead from the stairs. After that Steve asked if he could go and he left like a bat out of hell and the police stated that they were still going to be watching me and may come back with a warrent. Let me tell u people, i couldnt sleep all night and smoke ciggerttes like they were goin out of style. A week later i moved and was advised by my neighbour that the police came back with 3 cop cars and apparently had a search warrent!!! Im glad i moved out of town as i would have been busted with 4 and half pounds of weed and 250 E's and 10 grand in cash!!!! What a fucking night that was!!!

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Holy Crap! That fine line between appearing truthful to the police, and being so helpful you almost convict yourself. I absolutely hate facing police when I am baked or otherwise intoxicated. I usually say my mind is not clear at the moment and I cannot focus on anything because of my medicine (unless I'm driving, in which case I start pleading with them not to beat on me and then mimic, and explain to them, that I'm having an anxiety attack because I'm scared of getting brutalised by them.)

But to invite them into your house, without a warrant, WOWthat takes Balls Of Steel or to be Stoned As Fuck :bigjoint: