Small Bagseed Nube Grow Journal


yeah what nutes do you have i say half strength and there is no particular strain because it is bag seed but i will tell you it is 95% indica dominant!!
Thanks T@ll!!!

I ment to ask what the dominance might be not the strain my bad.

I just have the regular liquid miracle gro plant food... I didn't really know what I should get so I figured that it would do pretty good with that??? Idk?

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
Thanks T@ll!!!

I ment to ask what the dominance might be not the strain my bad.

I just have the regular liquid miracle gro plant food... I didn't really know what I should get so I figured that it would do pretty good with that??? Idk?

yeah thats ok but miracle is very strong and can either help a plant or totally ruin a grow if u have the money i would reccomend dyna gro they are fairly inexpensive and i just got bloom and grow 16oz bottles for 24 dollars with free shipping on ebay!!! also advanced nutients are supurb but a little more expensive...

Good luck

happy growing


Ok so here are some updated pics!!!

The part that i toped way early is finally starting to grow back!!!

Im gonna add nutes the time i water.

When would be a good time to switch to 12/12? i heard that they can double or triple in size???



Well-Known Member
good to see you have growth and the plant looks like it recovered well..

How big is your grow cab? Rule of thumb is normally wait till your plant is about 12" b4 you flip the switch.
as long as you have the height/light


Thanks worm!

My cab is 15x13x10 so I'll prolly LST for another month or so before I swith it I think then cuz she's only about 6 in tall right now.

I'm gonna get another 2 clfs too pretty soon hopefully that will help her grow faster and stronger...


Well-Known Member
k im going to give u some tips people gave me friends and people on here.first mircale grow is not a good choice ,i did the same thing. make sure ur plant looks ok and tranfer into a bigger pot . switch to a soil with vermiculite,perlight, peat moss etc. no added slow releasing can get good soil at garden centers . walmart sells good house plant soils .just lift that clump of soil out and id put it in a new mix . be patient as well . theres lots of info in the stickys in the forums. just read lots dont believe everything u here either. if u dont decide to switch soil then i would not use any nutes during veg . dilute nutrients down to half or quarter strength . you can start 12 12 from seed if u want to .
also check out my grow .check out the sub forum "cfl growing" too. learn from other grows . thats what i do to learn.


Thanks Ganja!! I really appreciate the help!!! I think my next grow will be tons better! Learning first hand I think is the best way to do it and with awsome people on RIU to give tips it really helps! I think I might switch to 12/12 soon and let her flower then I can start a new grow soon and do it up right!


Ok so i got a new cab today!! Its way bigger im gonna start transferring everything to it tomorrow ill post pics up and details!!!

got a few more clfs too!!!

hope it works better!!!


Alright so i built a new cab that should work better for my plant.

4 clfs now 2 100watt eqv and 2 75watt eqv

I also got some odor nutrilizing gel for odor control...

Let me know what you think or if you have and odor tips:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
It looks good. Are you feeding now?

How many lights in total do you plan on using for you flowering?
This is good for vegging 1 plant but i'm wondering what you are going to do for 12/12 light?


It looks good. Are you feeding now?

How many lights in total do you plan on using for you flowering?
This is good for vegging 1 plant but i'm wondering what you are going to do for 12/12 light?
Thanks Worm!

Yea im feeding now. Idk what im gonna do yet for Flower i have 4 clfs now and that might be all i use for 12/12

will that not work??


Well-Known Member
NO.. If your gonna go with cfl's for flowering, expect some Fluffy buds though it may still be some dank, but you're going to have to up the Ante on them light's


Thanks TNC I'm gonna wait untill she's about bone dry before I water again an I think I'm just gonna use some high watt clfs too!