We're All Gonna Die


New Member
I used to wonder long ago about how fast this could be accomplished if Humanity focused its mind on the problem.

Does anyone care to discuss the current state of nuclear fusion reactors?


Well-Known Member
lol,angels&demons,big bang,:sleep:lol,the world is full of DIY F#$K'S,THEY DID NOT FIRE IT UP,CAUSE THEY DID NOT WANT THE WORLD TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH MONEY THEY WASTED,metorite over johanisburg,thats how it will end:wall::fire:<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8UOcRCSxeS4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8UOcRCSxeS4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


New Member
If not the current state of nuclear fusion reactors, then perhaps fucking robot buttholes?

I and I saw a Real particle accelerator with our own eyes once, and were awestruck by the enormous complexity of a single machine.


New Member
Evidently it is back on, but the scientists are saying that the future is coming back to sabotage the machine. Those guys are doing big bong hits!


Well-Known Member
here it comes, ......

Large Hadron Collider Shatters Energy Record

The world's largest particle accelerator has set a new record in matter-smashing. The Large Hadron Collider shot beams of protons at energies measuring 1.18 teraelectronvolts, beating the previous world record of just under one TeV. The exercise is another step toward taking the LHC to its highest capacity, which researchers say will be around 7 TeV.


Active Member
Cosmic rays have been hitting the stars and planets for all of time and the universe hasn't ended yet.

I like the multi verse theory, that universes can spontaneously appear and disappear like virtual particles and that there are infinte number of universes. Since the number is infinite, this implies that everything that can happen, has hapened, and will happen again, somewhere in one of the infinite universes.


New Member
Cosmic rays are not the same however. What I have not found a satisfactory answer to yet is if the HiggsBoson particles are no longer in the universe, what happens when reintroduced?

I have some Bose 901 speakers, I'm going to tinker with them since they are half of the equation.


New Member
I found out that Bose won't release their acoustic info on their speakers .... now I know why.

They are IN on it!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
The Big Secret Behind Those Little Bose Speakers!

September 23, 2008 by Michael

Have you ever been over a friends’ house that was equipped with a Bose home audio or theatre system and been wowed at how amazingly clear the sound is? And when you ask to see the speakers, which seem nowhere to be found, you are pointed to smaller, satellite speakers that are so tiny they nearly blend in with the room. Yet the sound is amazing, crisp, defined and bright. So, how in the heck did they do this? Well there is a little bit of secrets behind the Bose technology, and we were wondering, “What in the Heck,” as well. So we thought, “Why not?” And decided to tell you just why and how those teeny little speakers are able to blast the walls off of homes.
How do they work?
The Bose WaveGuide™ technology was developed and created by to Dr. Amar Bose and a senior Bose research engineer, Dr. William R. Short, and took the better part of fifteen years to develop. The core of technology was based upon how pipe organs harnessed the sounds from pipes and output them as a much larger wave by ‘guiding’ the sound. The same technology is applied with these speakers. The duo figured out that by simply mounting a loudspeaker inside a trailing and curved apparatus of tubes that could guide the waves, the waves could then be made to be increased, nearly to the size of the sound waves that a massive loudspeaker system creates.


Well-Known Member
How can we call our world civilized while we spend the GDP of a small country to tinker with theoretics, wile we could feed and empower thousands of poor and desperate people with it?

P.S. Bose is P.O.S. sound equipment.


New Member
How can we have a govt. WASTE BILLIONS of dollars repeatedly... and still have ppl who think they are the answer?

The hadron is not in the USA ....


Well-Known Member
How can we call our world civilized while we spend the GDP of a small country to tinker with theoretics, wile we could feed and empower thousands of poor and desperate people with it?

P.S. Bose is P.O.S. sound equipment.
so those poor and desperate can produce MORE poor and desperate? we should bomb anybody who hasn't yet figured out how to at least build proper plumbing. it is 2010 you know? get with it or get out. :fire: