Does anyone know how many pounds of soil are in the 1.5 Cubic Feet bag?
yeah dude, I've been dying to use it in a grow. I'm mixing up some of subcools super soil (which works GREAT with 2 bags FF to 1 bag light warrior btw! thanks sub!) but this go around I wanna try with some roots. thanks for the reply man. Do you work for them or are you just a fan?34 lbs. i beleive, this stuff is amazing in fact today i just made a 160 plus mile round trip just to get 4 bags of it. plus that is my closest hydro store
what do you mean man? The Fox Farms stuff is way more expensive too, at least for the soils. Ive never used either company fertilizers or other products. Ive had horrible luck with the Fox Farms line, and have heard some pretty bad things about it too, even from sub. If youre having success with Roots id stick with it bro! I sure am!Your welcome, I am just a big fan of them!!! but fox farms soil are right behind and probably way better for the guy on a budget. i think my next go around is gonna be 2 bags RO to 1 bag Ocean Forest.
I never tried the Roots,,,maybe a comparison soon,,,But I use the Ocean Forest soil and full line of FF nutes and micros and in three tries only the greatest of Kindwhat do you mean man? The Fox Farms stuff is way more expensive too, at least for the soils. Ive never used either company fertilizers or other products. Ive had horrible luck with the Fox Farms line, and have heard some pretty bad things about it too, even from sub. If youre having success with Roots id stick with it bro! I sure
That is Right on. You get the feel for mother earth and her helpersevery soil is different after you have grown in it and you know it, switching to a different brand you have to relearn the soil and how how things react in it, I say pick a soil and stick with it. I got Miracle grow Organic choice potting soil to work for me. a lot of people diss on Miracle Grow but you just have to adapt really.