will it finally pass?


most important though....one BIG step in the RIGHT direction!
Eh I feel that their forced to say that more or less, so it doesn't blow up out of control like It did in cali. Give it a couple more years and they will be back in the house voting for 21+ recreational use. Remember its better than an absolute "illegal"


Well-Known Member
we should expect alot of opposition even now that its passed. i believe we should have the right to choose. i have no problem with and encourage regulation to a degree. i feel if the government can profit from it, so be it. it can benefit each of our states in the taxes from mj. it should be regulated like alcohol. age limits....but a mature adult should have the right to choose.
we can get angry at the law for fighting us and raiding us and causing harm but ya know, they only attack what they fear because they are ignorant and uneducated. Hats off to the warriors in jersey! we are one step in the right direction


we should expect alot of opposition even now that its passed. i believe we should have the right to choose. i have no problem with and encourage regulation to a degree. i feel if the government can profit from it, so be it. it can benefit each of our states in the taxes from mj. it should be regulated like alcohol. age limits....but a mature adult should have the right to choose.
we can get angry at the law for fighting us and raiding us and causing harm but ya know, they only attack what they fear because they are ignorant and uneducated. Hats off to the warriors in jersey! we are one step in the right direction
I 100% agree with you here. Just because one person deems a substance "dangerous" or "harmful" doesn't mean they should make it illegal for the next. Once upon a time the federal government wasn't even allowed to dictate what is "good" or "bad" for you. Now they can do or say what they want without reprimand. In my opinion they should be focusing more on marijuana education. Instead of making it illegal they should educate the young people of this country to the "risks" of smoking at young age.


Well-Known Member
you are very much right! i didnt start smoking till i was 21 and out of college. i really believe that it gave me that edge over ppl that have smoked since 13 or so...i dont say that in a high and mighty way, so please noone take that wrong. i just look at my "kid" years and cant find a place that pot would not have had a negative side. its hard enough to remember shit these days...lol....i never could have accomplished what i have in life had i started smoking as a kid. thats the time to grow up, do sports, get good grades, learn how to manage money, plan for your future. after all that has been accomplished then is the time to kick back and enjoy the finer things in life. im not judging those of you who were young and started smoking...i guess i was just naive to that world since i grew up in a christain home and went to a small christain school. hell, i started out in college to be a minister!...i consider myself lucky to have had a late start in the real world, so to speak. im sure if my environment was different id a been a little stoner kid too. so i will say, parents, teach your kids the value of life and their young adult years. give and show them a life that doesnt have to have pot in it. there is no need for them to smoke it. we are raising our future! our kids are gonna be the ones taking care of us not too far down the road...give them a start and a strong healthy mind that will last them through college or the start of their career.
Hi, im new to this forum and to outdoor growing. I have been sucessfull at indoor now i fancy outdoor! I have done reserch but would like some first hand advice. Do i use seeds or clones? What time of year am i looking to plant. If i establish plants indoors first will they handle going outside? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated guys!!:bigjoint:
Hi, im new to this forum and to outdoor growing. I have been sucessfull at indoor now i fancy outdoor! I have done reserch but would like some first hand advice. Do i use seeds or clones? What time of year am i looking to plant. If i establish plants indoors first will they handle going outside? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated guys!!:bigjoint:
Ps im UK based:wall:


Active Member
Start your own topic, dude. :) ^

Congratulations NJ! When Prop 215 passed in California it was only for terminal illnesses and the recommendation was very hard to get.


Active Member
No need to get upset about it. Just start your own topic instead of trying to hijack somebody else's.


Well, Assembly 390 passed in cali 4-3 . I think I read somewhere that its still unable to make it to the house due to time limitations? Anyone have more detail on this?
Just so I understand.... Everyone should be allowed to smoke MJ at anytime as much as they want too?

After 20 years of smoking I can see how this sounds like a good idea but I have a few gripes.

I don't care what anyone says. MJ is highly psychoactive in ppl without tolerence. That's "cool" and everything for us smokers with responsibility, maturity and some knowledge.

But as I look a round the world today I see fewer and fewer ppl who I even can give credit for having some common sense.

I see a never ending jerry springer show the second I walk out the door. EGO everywhere. Zombies, dead people whatever metaphor you choose.

Let it be known..... If you actually are sick are in pain have cancer/aids whatever MORE POWER to you!!!! PLEASE pass the law for these sick ppl.

But just like some ppl need oxycontin Tons and Tons of other ppl do not NEED it and IMHO are just lazy crackhead losers who don't want to educated themselves and live a productive life and contribute something to society.

I'm all for med cards to SICK ppl. But if the law gets passed nation wide as laxxed as Cali's laws for me it will be a sad day for my country.....

This will also fuck with a lot of good growers out there who provide a service for idiots who never apply themselves to learn new things like how to grow great MJ. There will always be the lazy ones who wanna smoke but never learn how to grow. Why take the profits away from the growers and give it away to corporate dicks????? The very corporate dicks we claim to hate.........

Some things should stay underground......


It doesn't matter if marijuana is legal or not, you can't regulate stupidity. Illegal isn't the answer, Education is. This just goes back to the main point, just because someone doesn't believe something is right, doesn't mean it should be illegal for the next person. Same thing goes for abortion (but we won't get into that). You can NEVER stop someone from making stupid decisions in life, you can only give them the tools to help them make the right choice and hope for the best. Illegal isn't the answer.
It doesn't matter if marijuana is legal or not, you can't regulate stupidity. Illegal isn't the answer, Education is. This just goes back to the main point, just because someone doesn't believe something is right, doesn't mean it should be illegal for the next person. Same thing goes for abortion (but we won't get into that). You can NEVER stop someone from making stupid decisions in life, you can only give them the tools to help them make the right choice and hope for the best. Illegal isn't the answer.
Good point.

As I mentioned I'm all for Real Sick Ppl getting Mj Cards.

But To the rest of the potheads not doing shit with there life.....

Why can't growers profit from their lack of initiative?

Before you answer that.... Why are we going to let Marlboro package crap weed with additives and sell it for much less than a grower who is a productive member of society?

Weed at every corner store??? I see a bleak future.....

As stand by it.... Some things should be kept underground.....

Not everyone needs weed. In fact I think a 16 healthy 16 year smokeing much dank will be unmotivated and depressed by the time he's 21... In some cases at least.....

Weed isn't always a cure.....

Maybe some phenes or trypts but weed?.....

I'm a 20 year smoker and I will be the first to say MJ is HIGHLY addictive..... You just try and quit smoking and tell me otherwise.....

Weed for Chronic illness YES!!!! Weed for the population..... Hell no.....

Look at it this way.......

Either growers profit from MJ or the Fe3deral Government does..... Who you likey the most....

I will never understand why smokers are wanting to hand over MJ profits to the FED.... So it's cheaper???? Blah....

Life is a chess table..... Right now growers are the kings...... dealers the knights.... grow room the rook..... bishop the middle man...... pawns the consumers........

Life will always be this way......

The Fed is not on the board YET! Why are we gonna hand over kingship to the fed????


I understand the newage hippies want a perfect world where we all smoke bud in the streets and never hold down a job and live in HARMoney......

It's called chaos...... The age of aquarius is gonna be an age of freedom.... but also order.....

Everyone stoned all day is the end of the world....

Humans are not responsible enough.....

Maybe I am... Maybe you are.... But I know at least 4 billion other people who are not....