Please confirm my suspicions please PICS


Well-Known Member
My plants that have the yellowing on the leaves I believe is from pH Fluctuation, if im wrong please tell me. I did have pH problems but that is all sorted out. Also in the picture with the that a male ball? This is my second grow.. my first one was all females so i want to be sure. Thanks RIU



Well-Known Member
thanks JN811 hoping it isn't...will give it a few more days. any one know about the yellowing?


Well-Known Member
Wat up JN! Nice lookin plant man. i JUST went DWC myself, i hope mine look that good! how long have they been on 12-12??


Well-Known Member
what strain is that?
The pics with the two plants are ak-48 the one that i am concerned about being male is a seed i pulled out of some good stuff and figured what the hell and grew it... and these are not on 12-12 yet once they all show preflowers I will turn to 12-12.. but the ak's are already showing preflowers and are female....nivana feminized ak48


Well-Known Member
My plants that have the yellowing on the leaves I believe is from pH Fluctuation, if im wrong please tell me. I did have pH problems but that is all sorted out. Also in the picture with the that a male ball? This is my second grow.. my first one was all females so i want to be sure. Thanks RIU

Looks like a brand new calyxe forming, you should see 2 little hairs comming out within the next day or 2. :bigjoint: