What is flushing??


bud bootlegger
flushing is just using plain ph'ed water to feed your plants with for the last week or so of their life to "flush" out any build up salts or nutes that may be in the soil and plant.. to flush, just water as normal, and make sure that you see a nice amount of run off coming out of the bottom of the pots.. some people will also add some molasses along with the ph'ed water to flush with so not to completely deprive the plant of sugars..
most people say that flushing needs to be done, but i have read a lot of experienced people on this site like uncle ben and fdd2black say that flushing really isn't needed, and as long as you dry and cure your plant properly, there should not be any harsh taste to your finished product.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is usually done at the end of the flowering cycle. It removes accumulated nutrients from your leaves and flowers which in turn gives you a better tasting and smelling product. Have you ever smelled freshly cured cannabis that smelled like grass clippings? That smell is chlorophyll that remains in the flowers. Or smoked any that was snap crackling and popping. That is chemicals burning in the buds and is very harmful.

If you are growing with a full organic line up of nutrients then flushing is not necessary. But if you are using any chemicals in your feeding schedule then you will want to include a week at the end of the flowering cycle for flushing.

There are several products designed by nutrient companies to aid in the flushing of your plants to ensure you end up the best quality smoke possible. I use Final Phase by Advanced Nutrients. Botanicare makes a product called Clearex.

Using plain water also works well, use about 20% more than you would usually water with to ensure a proper flush with good runoff. Good luck.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
u dont need to flush IMO, smoke flushed and unflushed and make ur own decision..
It helps nute companies $ell they $tuff


Well-Known Member
If you are only growing for personal consumption, then yes the choice is yours whether to flush or not. But if you are growing for the enjoyment of others then you should do yourself a favor and flush. Because the first headache they get from your unflushed smoke is the one that keeps them from coming back.

I wish you many headache free highs.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Now that you know what it is, best advice I can give is to do it on some plants, and don't do it on other plants. Then decide if you are a flusher or not. Opinions on this topic vary drastically.


Active Member
IMHO the best reason to flush is that when companies make these nutes etc. They are not antisipating that your going to smoke the end product so flush lol peace out Headband707


Active Member
First of all I want to say that I am no expert but my opinion is simply based on my limited experiences. There are a lot varied opinions on this subject and no factual proof supporting either side so you may want to try your own taste test and come to your own conclusion. That being said, here is my own personal endorsement.....

I usually flush with twice or three times the volume of water that my growing container holds. So a one gallon pot gets flushed with 2 or 3 gallons of pHed, chlorine free, tap water.

I decide to flush or not to flush based on the yellowing of my fan leaves. If they are getting soft, very yellowed and falling off without any resistance then I know most of the nutrients are being used and will not be left in my smoke. If the fan leaves are still pretty green, then I will flush a week or two before anticipated harvest. Over a two week period I may flush 3 times at most.

My grow is organic and I think a one week flush is usually sufficient but it is dependent upon so many factors. Before I went organic I didn't flush and I had to cure longer to get a mellow smooth smoke that was acceptable. That's just my two cents and I hope you find out what works best for you.

Good luck.
only need to flush certain strains as some use nut beter than other ..smells and tast better without flushing most of the time .flushing to much can take the taste and some of the strenth out of it . FACT.

dont feed 2 to 3 days before harvest[drys better and taste better]


Active Member
flushing can be 2 things just useing water for food for the last 2 weeks or wean you need to get fetilizers out of your soil fast meaning you have a 3 gal bucket you give it 9 gallons of water its a 3/1 water/soil


Active Member
..smells and tast better without flushing most of the time .flushing to much can take the taste and some of the strenth out of it . FACT.
Wow! Finally factual evidence to support or, in this case, disprove the purpose of flushing. Please link to the study or studies that prove your claim. I am a man of science and have a fascination for facts especially facts that deal with cannabis.

Please share the data that made your opinion factual.
the studies are 12 years ive "seen" all diff kinds of flushing levels tryed from 3 week to none with diff food brands and strains [experence]. i dont write studys just plane old experence and seeing with own eyes..cant get no more factual in my eyes.we are talking about healthy plant that is due harvest and not an over fert plant ?

Mr. No Go

the studies are 12 years ive "seen" all diff kinds of flushing levels...cant get no more factual in my eyes.
o⋅pin⋅ion  /əˈpɪn
yən/ uh-pin-yuh

–noun 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. 2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.



Active Member
I've done both, and I have to say I prefer to flush my plants, (and not just the medium).....
I understand that to flush the medium is to begin to cleanse the plant as well, but it hasn't yet been said that flushing is a very vague term in that it is done at different times, for different reasons, and can at times be followed by a continued feeding schedule. .... Just thought I'd through that into this thread because it is a topic I've recently researched myself, because I grow exclusively for personal consumption and I am getting different tastes from the same W.W. , based on flush times, and additives.
I have cut without flushing (out of ignorance basically!) I have used technoflora sugar daddy, which I like very much. I have used botanicare sweet, which is ok, IMO, and I have flushed with straight PH bal waterings. All have given me slightly different tastes and aromas, but I will never harvest without SOME kind of flush period unless forced to, which will mean an early cut, and that would mean something bad has happened!!!
So.......in a nut-shell, I'm all for a pre-harvest flush and I would recomend at least 2wks with something like my W.W. which takes me 10+ wks to finish.....
perpetual 026.jpg
:bigjoint: s.loner


Active Member
flushing can be 2 things just useing water for food for the last 2 weeks or wean you need to get fetilizers out of your soil fast meaning you have a 3 gal bucket you give it 9 gallons of water its a 3/1 water/soil
:clap: That's what I was trying to say in WAY too many words...lol