7 week flowering advice please Island Sweet Skunk

Hi all..newbie here! Can you pls look at some of pics and tell me what you think? We were gifted these late in the veg state..SOG set up. Werent prepared so had to scramble and buy equipment. They are under 1K HPS. I also have a Big Bud plant that is next to this one and will post some pics of these as well. But I care more about the ISS. Obvious question..do they look healthy? How far off do you think I am from harvest? Trichs are mainly clear. Just now into the 7th week. I definitely could some input..feedback..advice ect.



Well-Known Member
they look like another week or two out. Sativa dom strains will take longer than indicas. Be patient, they look great, just let em finish!!!!
Yay thank you! Im so clueless..well I educated myself as much as I could via internet sites and books. Do you think I should do a flush now?
they look like another week or two out. Sativa dom strains will take longer than indicas. Be patient, they look great, just let em finish!!!!


Active Member
They've got a ways to go, 2 weeks would have to be an understatement. You probably want to give her another 3-5 weeks. Just wait and you'll have some killer smoke. Definately don't flush yet, your trics aren't ripe and your pistils aren't even retracting. She's got alot of plumping to do still, just be patient and you'll know when to flush :bigjoint:
I agree more like 3-4 weeks yet, those plants will fatten up alot in that time.

what about feeding them? Should I stop feeding them..just go water? Thanks so much for the advice! I kinda figured as much..was thinking another 3 to 4 weeks. I gave them a teaspoon per gallon of molasses for the first time..any feedback on that?


Active Member
What else have you been feeding them? They don't look deficient in any way at the moment. Hopefully you've cut out the veg nutes at this point and are focusing on flowering.


Well-Known Member
Yea just the bloom food. When do you just start watering them?
Most people say 7-10 days. I do it at 7 because I actually flush rather than just switching to plain water. If you're just gonna switch to plain water but not flush then maybe start at 10 days. Keep in mind that some argue that they benefit from not flushing during that time. In my own experience, I have done both and flushing is very beneficial. The overall taste and the way your bud burns will be much better from what I have seen.
dude let sweet island go as long as u can till the hair recede and atleast 10 percent amber maybe more try to sample for prefernce but early cut sweet island SUCKS

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hey Grateful, welcome to RIU. Not bad at all for your first attempt. They should be fatter than that at 7 weeks under a 1k, and I don't know what those runs at the top of the colas are (?), but you'll still get a decent amount of some killer bud. Just wait till next time. :mrgreen:

I grew ISS last run through and what I can tell you is this. I don't think ISS would ever take more than 10 weeks tops inside, I cut mine at eight. All these guys are prob judging the finish time off the fact that it's a heavy sativa, but ISS finishes super early for a sativa. Just go by the plant and it'll tell you when it's finished. Like I said, for me it was at 8 weeks and prob 3 days or so.

The plant doesn't yield very much, but it is primo smoke. You should like it. Excellent daytime smoke. Very potent. Very unique taste an flavor.

Here's what mine looked like at 8 weeks under just a 400 watter that had a 1 yr old bulb in it:


Thanks so much! I think the tops are due to being too close to the light. Man we had to be creative with tieing them down. We def let them veg too long. do you think thats it?
So when did you stop feeding them? Looks like most ppl said 7-10 days before? I so appreciate the help!

Hey Grateful, welcome to RIU. Not bad at all for your first attempt. They should be fatter than that at 7 weeks under a 1k, and I don't know what those runs at the top of the colas are (?), but you'll still get a decent amount of some killer bud. Just wait till next time. :mrgreen:

I grew ISS last run through and what I can tell you is this. I don't think ISS would ever take more than 10 weeks tops inside, I cut mine at eight. All these guys are prob judging the finish time off the fact that it's a heavy sativa, but ISS finishes super early for a sativa. Just go by the plant and it'll tell you when it's finished. Like I said, for me it was at 8 weeks and prob 3 days or so.

The plant doesn't yield very much, but it is primo smoke. You should like it. Excellent daytime smoke. Very potent. Very unique taste an flavor.

Here's what mine looked like at 8 weeks under just a 400 watter that had a 1 yr old bulb in it:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks so much! I think the tops are due to being too close to the light. Man we had to be creative with tieing them down. We def let them veg too long. do you think thats it?
So when did you stop feeding them? Looks like most ppl said 7-10 days before? I so appreciate the help!
What have you been feeding them recently? Have you been using nutes? I would use the last 10 - 14 days to flush. I use horticultural molasses 2 - 3 times during the last 3 weeks. None the last week, only flushing then with plain distilled water Ph'd to roughly 6.6.
Thanks will do! My boyfriend said to stop feeding now because of taste..but he's a total newb too! Ok so feed until a week to 10 days before?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks will do! My boyfriend said to stop feeding now because of taste..but he's a total newb too! Ok so feed until a week to 10 days before?
Well, since I can't get what you're feeding them out of you I'll say this...I would feed with nutes until 2 weeks before you harvest. Start the molasses 3 weeks before the cut, and run it until the last week. Last week nothing but plain distilled water. All water should be Ph'd before use after adding all the nutes everytime. When you're watering with nutes, water twice with nutes and then on the third watering use plain distilled. Follow this watering cycle to avoid 'nute burn'.
Sorry missed what you were asking. We are feeding them Progrow Bloom, Liquid Karma, and Calmag for the cocoa mix with RO water.

Well, since I can't get what you're feeding them out of you I'll say this...I would feed with nutes until 2 weeks before you harvest. Start the molasses 3 weeks before the cut, and run it until the last week. Last week nothing but plain distilled water. All water should be Ph'd before use after adding all the nutes everytime. When you're watering with nutes, water twice with nutes and then on the third watering use plain distilled. Follow this watering cycle to avoid 'nute burn'.


Active Member
You must flush.Get a microscope and check the trichs.There is a lot of info on gauging plant readiness through trichome development in the faqs section.GL