Seltzer Water


Active Member
picked up some carbonated water no sodium or anything

question is do i have to adjust the PH of the Seltzer water before i mist my plants its at 4.0.... takes ALOT of PH up to get it to 6.5 and its a small amount of water too..

well i just misted them cause my lights went off 1 minute ago well see what happens still need an answer for next time tho

oh and before someone comes in here saying use the search or what ever i looked all over no where have i found if you had to change the PH of the carbonated water everywhere they say just mist the plant with it...


Well-Known Member
i foliar feed my plants and ph the water to 6.5 but not sure if you need to, i would say yes.but you already did it so you can see if it has any neg. affect. I'm going to try carbonated water with my vho this week to see if it works.


Active Member
lights just came back on there fine a little bit greener

all so i noticed a small bug in the soil..... it was a very very small fly clear all most i only found 1 didn't see any others


Well-Known Member
this makes me lmao every time I hear about someone doing it. hears the deal Co2 is a gas - gasses are not very soluble in liquid by the time the mist reaches your plants there is nearly no Co2 left in the water because as you spray a fine mist all the gass just escapes. You might as well spray with plain water, basically your wasting your money.


Well-Known Member
i agree it most likely will have no affect but i just got a liter at the store for 50 cents so i'll try it and see if i notice anything i look over my plants everyday so i'll see if it has an effect and post back here in 4 days


Active Member
i can't believe no one has heard of using seltzer water even tho half the forums is spammed with it and all most all the grow guide SOMEWHERE say that using seltzer water to increase CO2 works i think its about releaseing the gas into the grow box... more then getting CO2 right on the plants....

all i know it helped my plants had a growth spurt and there much greener now everyone ive seen using seltzer water has worked for them so who ever saying it doesn't work maybe you should try it yourself

and as for that bug i killed i only saw one im letting the soil REALLY dry out just in case to kill anything if something happend theres no bugs on my fan leaves no spots no webs etc so i think im safe

oh and heres a before and after picture before the pic was taken right before lights out and the other one i just took a few hours after lights on

yeah pretty big difference not only did it help my plant get greener and more healthy it all so gave it a big growth spurt

oh and don't forget i all so topped my plants and within 2 days there all ready growing again...



Illegal Smile

Plus, if you are growing in a residential building of any kind, there is already plenty of co2 in the air.


Well-Known Member
lol plants always lift there leaves at lights on, and droop towards the end of the light cycle. nothing happened that hasn't already been happening man, if you want co2 buy a bottle of it you will get more for your money.


Active Member
lol plants always lift there leaves at lights on, and droop towards the end of the light cycle. nothing happened that hasn't already been happening man, if you want co2 buy a bottle of it you will get more for your money.
well if you can't see a difference then your blind.... they have grown and turn a darker shade of green

not to mention i topped them 2 days ago... normally they would be stunned i hear for about a week but they started growing again after i sprayed with carbonated water

1 bottle of carbonated water will last me a very long time lol i was like 1.50$ for 2 liters i only mist the plants with like a shot of water lol

it will prob go flat before i use it all anyways

and if you wanna google this shit everywhere its PROVEN that carbonated water speeds up growth and turns the leaves a heathly shade of green

and when you stop misting them the plant returns to normal growth speed

if you look at the pictures you can easily tell it helped the stems started slightly bent was at least a 1/2 inch smaller and now stems are pointing straight up

and uhh not to piss you off but your plants don't look very good... mine at twice the size and im on day 19 while your on day 54.... i don't think you should be giving advice... but you are doing LST so...


Well-Known Member
well if you can't see a difference then your blind.... they have grown and turn a darker shade of green

not to mention i topped them 2 days ago... normally they would be stunned i hear for about a week but they started growing again after i sprayed with carbonated water

1 bottle of carbonated water will last me a very long time lol i was like 1.50$ for 2 liters i only mist the plants with like a shot of water lol

it will prob go flat before i use it all anyways

and if you wanna google this shit everywhere its PROVEN that carbonated water speeds up growth and turns the leaves a heathly shade of green

and when you stop misting them the plant returns to normal growth speed

if you look at the pictures you can easily tell it helped the stems started slightly bent was at least a 1/2 inch smaller and now stems are pointing straight up

and uhh not to piss you off but your plants don't look very good... mine at twice the size and im on day 19 while your on day 54.... i don't think you should be giving advice... but you are doing LST so...
i know they look like shit I've been working with absolutely nothing the first month I only had 43w of cfl first two weeks only had 26w, I also only had bloom nuts which caused problems, i dont why your getting all defensive and bring my grow into this especially since the last pic I have was from more than a week ago a lot has changed since then, anyway I never said it wont work at all im just saying there are better more cost effective ways to put CO2 into your grow but hey sorry for trying to help you have a good one ok.


Well-Known Member
lol I think hes just jealous look how tight those nodes are just so you know buddy my girl would be a foot and a half tall right now if she wasn't tied down I have more nodes than I can count because the foliage is too dense this pic is from day 48 not day 54, today is day 55 and yes you are ahead of me on day 19 for growth but I'm pretty sure if you started with what I started with you would not have what I have right now. oh btw your plant is really stretched for an indica, and will more than likely fall over by the time you flower it judging by the size of your stems ...not to piss you off or anything



Active Member
lol I think hes just jealous look how tight those nodes are just so you know buddy my girl would be a foot and a half tall right now if she wasn't tied down I have more nodes than I can count because the foliage is too dense this pic is from day 48 not day 54, today is day 55 and yes you are ahead of me on day 19 for growth but I'm pretty sure if you started with what I started with you would not have what I have right now. oh btw your plant is really stretched for an indica, and will more than likely fall over by the time you flower it judging by the size of your stems ...not to piss you off or anything
there mostly sativa id say something like 40-60 btw buddy and they have very strong stems..... so once again you have no idea what your talking about..

and the reason i posted all that shit is cause you anonnyed me on a basicly proven fact and trying to say it doesn't work when clearly it does

and you have prob never even tryed it.....

and um if you think the stretching is going to hurt my plants lol think once again if you even looks at my pictures look at the stem its very strong and has plenty of nodes.... for a 3 week old plant...


Well-Known Member
there mostly sativa id say something like 40-60 btw buddy and they have very strong stems..... so once again you have no idea what your talking about..

and the reason i posted all that shit is cause you anonnyed me on a basicly proven fact and trying to say it doesn't work when clearly it does

and you have prob never even tryed it.....

and um if you think the stretching is going to hurt my plants lol think once again if you even looks at my pictures look at the stem its very strong and has plenty of nodes.... for a 3 week old plant...
well since you dissed on mine for no reason i thought i would diss on yours for no reason. I hope that makes sense for you, i never said it didn't work I said other things work better and your wasting your money. well anyway you have a good one peace