Newbie here, Just a few ?'s if anyone is so kind to help me.

I am new to growing and have a few questions.

My situation:

I am growing in a closet where there is NO WAY i can have ventilation, other than opening the door for a few hours every night. I am using 150 WATT CFL bulbs. I have about 9 plants, did have 14 but got rid of the males. Ive been growing these for about 5 months.

Some plants are taller (1+ feet) and some are still very small and bush-like (i dont understand this?)

Here are my questions:

1. Since i cannot provide 24/7 ventilation, a buddy told me some of my leaves turn yellowish because of nitrogen defficiency? What minerals can i buy to give the plants to aid this?

2. How many CFL's should i use on these? And is there a better light / lights i could buy? I am not in a position to buy an expensive halogen lights.

3. I am using 3 150 WATT CFL bulbs and whenever i turn certain things on in my room the breaker in the basement trips, this is baffeling my roommates and im getting worried theyll ask ?'s soon and realize whats goin on. What should i do?

4. at 6 months in my grow, what should my light cycle be? i keep them on 24/7 pretty much.

5. Do male plants produce THC? i think 2 more of my plants may be males, and i hate to just ditch them. Can i use them to make "cannabutter" for cooking?

6. Could i possibly plant 2 plants or 3 into a very big fish tank? (All will be females)

Thanks, any input is appreciated, and as i said, im sorry if any of these questions are easy, im a newbie at this.

ALSO: I had to re-pot 2 of the plants because the roots were growing up into the top of the soil, does this mean they are going to get very big / high yield?


I am new to growing and have a few questions.

My situation:

I am growing in a closet where there is NO WAY i can have ventilation, other than opening the door for a few hours every night. I am using 150 WATT CFL bulbs. I have about 9 plants, did have 14 but got rid of the males. Ive been growing these for about 5 months.

Some plants are taller (1+ feet) and some are still very small and bush-like (i dont understand this?)

Here are my questions:

1. Since i cannot provide 24/7 ventilation, a buddy told me some of my leaves turn yellowish because of nitrogen defficiency? What minerals can i buy to give the plants to aid this?
If you can't get ventalation I would at least try to get some ocilating fans to move the air around, and if you closet isn't totaly air tight it will help to bring in some fresh air. As far as the yellow leaves you'll want a fert high in nitrogen. when you look at ferts they have three numbers on them, the N is the first number. I use fox farms and its 6-4-4.

2. How many CFL's should i use on these? And is there a better light / lights i could buy? I am not in a position to buy an expensive halogen lights.
stay away from halogen lights, if you want cfl's stuff as many as you can fit/afford, remember that the sides of the bulb emit the most light. if you want to upgrade you can look into hps or mh but doesn't sound like a good idea if you can't vent as they get really hot.
3. I am using 3 150 WATT CFL bulbs and whenever i turn certain things on in my room the breaker in the basement trips, this is baffeling my roommates and im getting worried theyll ask ?'s soon and realize whats goin on. What should i do?
Somethings up here, 3 150's shouldn't trip a breaker. if you devide the volts by the watts you'll get how many amps your using. so 3 150's would be 450/120= 3.75 amps. most breakers should be about 20 amps 15 on the low side so something else is doing pulling some power somewhere or there is an electrical problem.

4. at 6 months in my grow, what should my light cycle be? i keep them on 24/7 pretty much.
I like to veg mine under 18/6. when your ready for them to flower you can put them into 12/12. remember that when you start flowering indicas will double in height and sativas will triple.

5. Do male plants produce THC? i think 2 more of my plants may be males, and i hate to just ditch them. Can i use them to make "cannabutter" for cooking?
I think they have a little, but I would assume they don't produce it until they are flowering. You can use them to experiment on.

6. Could i possibly plant 2 plants or 3 into a very big fish tank? (All will be females)
If you really needed to, but I don't think they like to compete for root space. and if you've been vegging for 6 months than I'd assume you have some pretty big root balls.

Thanks, any input is appreciated, and as i said, im sorry if any of these questions are easy, im a newbie at this.

ALSO: I had to re-pot 2 of the plants because the roots were growing up into the top of the soil, does this mean they are going to get very big / high yield?
Not sure what you mean. are they poking out of the surface or you just have roots near the surface?
WOW! Thanks for the very speedy, very accurate reply! You answered all of my questions.... I didnt expect that at all as im a newb to growing, and these forums.

And the roots are poking up out of the surface of the soil all over, not just the sides.


Well-Known Member
on the height question. I have a question, what strains are you growing did you buy seed, or are you growing seed from a bag you bought?


Well-Known Member
Im growing from seeds i got from different bags that were really good.
well the height is in the genetics sometimes bro different genetics= different heights, they look good for the most part I would transplant to be honest you said the roots were coming to the surface? sounds like and looks like they ran out of space, that wiring on the lights though I dont know if I like the looks of that bro.
yeah im going to switch the wiring around, its safe, but makeshift. im using different fixtures, im going to get it all squared away tonight. i bought all new sockets and good wire.

so i should turn the CFL's sideways? Should i use aluminum foil to reflect the light?


Well-Known Member
yeah im going to switch the wiring around, its safe, but makeshift. im using different fixtures, im going to get it all squared away tonight. i bought all new sockets and good wire.

so I should turn the CFL's sideways? Should I use aluminum foil to reflect the light?
aluminum foil creates hot spots that can burn your plants they do produce more light from the sides though, can you get mylar? if you can cover the surrounding wall and you can have those lights as close as 2inches or 5cm from you lights cant tell how close they are but just fyi. also look into putting those in bigger pots asap


Active Member
Everyone here has good answers. I just wanted to throw in that if you think you might have more males and plan on keeping them that this will cause your females to get seeds. Since you said you cut down 4 males already, I would assume you know this already. But, IMO, making cannabutter isn't good enough incentive if it means causing the ladies to get seeds.

ETA: Now that I think of it, you said you've had the lights on 24/7 which means that you haven't started budding them yet. If they're not budding then you can't tell the sex. You might have thrown away females :shock: If they've been vegging for 5 months now, you're ready to start budding, dude. Turn your lights to 12 hours on, then 12 hours off (12/12 cycle). You should start to be able to tell the sex within 7-14 days

This is how you can tell the difference


Well-Known Member
I don't think he has a way of hooking up a timer to his setup from the look of it, but your right he should figure that one out.
i do have a timer im going to set up. all the lights go to one power strip, i have a digital brinks timer i can set it on :) i will do that now.
By the way, about the power issue, i live in a VERY old victorian home, built in the 1800's, and the electricity has NOT BEEN UPDATED. so i think that is why it goes out alot.

Straight up G

New Member
I am new to growing and have a few questions.

My situation:

I am growing in a closet where there is NO WAY i can have ventilation, other than opening the door for a few hours every night. I am using 150 WATT CFL bulbs. I have about 9 plants, did have 14 but got rid of the males. Ive been growing these for about 5 months.

Some plants are taller (1+ feet) and some are still very small and bush-like (i dont understand this?)

Here are my questions:

1. Since i cannot provide 24/7 ventilation, a buddy told me some of my leaves turn yellowish because of nitrogen defficiency? What minerals can i buy to give the plants to aid this?

2. How many CFL's should i use on these? And is there a better light / lights i could buy? I am not in a position to buy an expensive halogen lights.

3. I am using 3 150 WATT CFL bulbs and whenever i turn certain things on in my room the breaker in the basement trips, this is baffeling my roommates and im getting worried theyll ask ?'s soon and realize whats goin on. What should i do?

4. at 6 months in my grow, what should my light cycle be? i keep them on 24/7 pretty much.

5. Do male plants produce THC? i think 2 more of my plants may be males, and i hate to just ditch them. Can i use them to make "cannabutter" for cooking?

6. Could i possibly plant 2 plants or 3 into a very big fish tank? (All will be females)

Thanks, any input is appreciated, and as i said, im sorry if any of these questions are easy, im a newbie at this.

ALSO: I had to re-pot 2 of the plants because the roots were growing up into the top of the soil, does this mean they are going to get very big / high yield?
Read a little of your post, your buddy is wrong and you can ventilate 24/7, leave the closet open 24/7 if I was you or your temps will be redic. get rid of the males unless you can seperate them and keep them in another grow space?


for your lights you can cut a can in half (I think one of those big ass rockstars would be nice with those bulbs) and stick some mylar on there. It should be a cheap ass way to make a reflector thats better than the pricey ones you could buy. And I second svchop that your plants are getting root bound and need bigger pots. hope that helps and good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
If not a rockstar can than maybe a coffee can there a bit bigger and will have a less concentrated beam of light you want coverage as well also the coffee can would be more rigid and easier it work with although probably not easier to cut but you could probably do it with a hacksaw, I hope that wiring doesn't have the old paper insulation on it or the fabric type, you could start a fire but it could just be the circuit breakers they tend to flip easier as they get older try replacing them just make sure its with one of the same amperage.