Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
good morning folks. its winter....brrrr....snow, ice....ugh! As I get older....although having been born and rasied in the country of seasons and long cold winters.....I dislike it more and more each year. Spain, Portugal...Morocco....NOW THAT sounds like it would be great!

Anyhow, I picked up a Nexxtech compact lighted microsope. It was recommended by several on here. 10 bucks....tough to go wrong?! I took a moment to take a look at my 10 day old plants last night....and shit me...you can already see the trich stalks and spheres. its another whole fascinating and amazing world down there on the leave surface - I could spend hours doing that.

the plants? today is day 11 from sprout. there are four (one Top44 and 3 BigBud). the Top44 is almost 11" across and 4 1/2" tall, and working in 4th node. The three BigBud are each 8-9" across and 4" tall also working on 4th node. these plants are totally amazing me. the leaves are all full and dark green and seem very healthy. the stems totally blow me away...thick stout and robust. I am very pleased with this progress. I will continue to.....NOT F*CK with them.....and try and be sensible and keep it simple......patience.....patience....(hahahaha....ever see that poster from years ago with the two vultures sitting on the dead tree branch.....patience? patience my ass....I'm gonna kill me something!! hahahaha).

I willl post pics tonight after I get home from work. :mrgreen: Have a GR8 day!:mrgreen:

EDIT ** whoooowhooowhoooo....this was the hundreth post for this journal! crack open the champagne!


Well-Known Member
Been a little busy lately. First time I saw that Tahoe 58 I have been trying to think of what happened in Tahoe in 58. I knew know one else could be that old. I stand corrected. SeeMoreBuds new book, nuff said. Happy Thansgiving to you all, uuhhh in the States anyway. VV


Well-Known Member
Happy TGD Tahoe.

Can you put up a pic of the micro. and what camera are you using?

I sent you a mess.




Well-Known Member
hey NGT...thanks man....I really stoked about the early progress...I hope I can keep it up! I'm goona post some pics here right away. :hump:
looking nice and healthy tahoe
thanks man. the micro is available online...I'll have to get a pic for you later. ur right I'm using a XTI Canon - I'm thinking I want to maybe get anotehr lens... we'll see.
Happy TGD Tahoe.

Can you put up a pic of the micro. and what camera are you using?

I sent you a mess.


yea....I have ordered my online... should be here to help me out soon.
Been a little busy lately. First time I saw that Tahoe 58 I have been trying to think of what happened in Tahoe in 58. I knew know one else could be that old. I stand corrected. SeeMoreBuds new book, nuff said. Happy Thansgiving to you all, uuhhh in the States anyway. VV


Well-Known Member
ok....so...here we go....its day 11 since sprouting....the girlies...(ok ok so I'm using some positive karma)....are doing well and look robust and healthy....enjoy the show....(photos in gallery are full size)....these are three BigBud in one pot....okokokok...I know.....and the single plant is a Top44 that is considerably more advanced and robust than her sistas....

3 BigBud

3 BigBud

close up BugBud

close up BigBud

close up BigBud

main stem Top44

mainstem Top44




Active Member
Thats the same sunshade I use... careful with it being so close to your CFL's!! That mylar is a plastic not a metal so make sure u dont start no fires!! Keep it like 6" minimal from your CFL's. Keep in mind.. it CAN take up to 48hrs of constantly being on to melt/fire that mylar!! Just cuz you turn on your lights for 10 minutes to make sure it all works and things arent too hot doesnt mean you cant ignite that sunshade... GL man.. throw like a 4 slot 24" Flo fixture in there with some good grow lights for those 2 plants to really do well... maybe mounted on that back wall facing towards the camera.


Well-Known Member
hey man. thanks for the feedback...and go thoughts.....I have actually formulated a NEW plan altogtether....but I sincerely appreciate your thoughts. I will unveil my NEW plan in a couple of days...I'm so excited!! :hump::hump::hump::hump:

and hey its Friday! whooowhoooo!! :mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke:
Thats the same sunshade I use... careful with it being so close to your CFL's!! That mylar is a plastic not a metal so make sure u dont start no fires!! Keep it like 6" minimal from your CFL's. Keep in mind.. it CAN take up to 48hrs of constantly being on to melt/fire that mylar!! Just cuz you turn on your lights for 10 minutes to make sure it all works and things arent too hot doesnt mean you cant ignite that sunshade... GL man.. throw like a 4 slot 24" Flo fixture in there with some good grow lights for those 2 plants to really do well... maybe mounted on that back wall facing towards the camera.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tahoe,

Did you get that mess?

Anyways I just re-did my set up to. I was in a closet side by side, now I have a biger area and its a top and bottom set up.

Any thing new.

Send me a mess.


Well-Known Member
well another weekend, and some more time to chill and relax. I love my weekends! The plants - they continue along into overdrive. Today is day 13 and the single Top44 is now 6" tall and 13-14" across and has 5 nodes. The 3 BigBud are somewhat smaller (less tall 5" and less broad across 11-12") though not by much, and also have their fifth node. the stems continue to astound me. they are like already a stout 1/4" or 60-70mm thick. the leaves are all very broad and deep green. there are no signs of anyover/under watering, or nute problems, so thing look good.

I have taken IC comments and they have given me concern. I do not want any chance of a fire. I am also becoming increasingly concerned with the lack of stealth with my system. and the CFLs power to properly address the flowering needs. and the space limitations and crowding of the plants and the lights ability to penetrate. and the potential for odours...and I needed to make a decision about what was I going to do. Was I going to continue to do the DIY thing and manage issues as they came aolng or should I make the effort to address these issues, and therefore be free to address the issues of growing the plants in a more appropriate environment. I have reviewed my options, even prior to setting up what I have. Tents, stealth cabs, DIY boxes...etc. I had at one point decided on a particular approach, but though that I would start small, and simple and build it up from there. As the plants have progressed, it has become more apparent that my simple and DIY approach will potentially pose serious limitation and even risks to success. So...what did I do?

Well, I went BIG! Go big or go home...right?! I am going to get what I REALLY wanted to do in the first place, but didn't want to spend the money. I will get it all set up properly and then show some pics. Might arrive Monday, but that's probably optimistic. Once set up, and warmed up, I wil just tansfer my pots/plants. I will be moving to HPS....and this is REALLY exciting!

Now comes decision time again. the plants are adding close to an inch a day. I am already having to think about when to switch to flowering mode. Many have been providing their thoughts and opinions. One aspect is height, some people have said you don't want them more than 10-12" cuz then you will end up with "monstros" that outgrow your available space (about 42" height). There is the consideration that I may want to top them. that still scares me, but only because I have never done it, that's all. And since they are already so stout and bushy, do I really want/need to? then there is the heated debate about "preflowering" before doing the switch, or the "inducement" of flowering. I guess I wil cross that bridge when I get there. maybe topping the plants will allow me to better manage the height and therefore has the time to allow for preflowering to occur before going 12/12.

Anywho....thing are good. I am happy. the plants are happy. now....all I need....is some frickin' smoke to help me chill until this process reaches is objective! :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Patience is a virtue, lol :mrgreen:. Where are the pics?:peace:

well another weekend, and some more time to chill and relax. I love my weekends! The plants - they continue along into overdrive. Today is day 13 and the single Top44 is now 6" tall and 13-14" across and has 5 nodes. The 3 BigBud are somewhat smaller (less tall 5" and less broad across 11-12") though not by much, and also have their fifth node. the stems continue to astound me. they are like already a stout 1/4" or 60-70mm thick. the leaves are all very broad and deep green. there are no signs of anyover/under watering, or nute problems, so thing look good.

I have taken IC comments and they have given me concern. I do not want any chance of a fire. I am also becoming increasingly concerned with the lack of stealth with my system. and the CFLs power to properly address the flowering needs. and the space limitations and crowding of the plants and the lights ability to penetrate. and the potential for odours...and I needed to make a decision about what was I going to do. Was I going to continue to do the DIY thing and manage issues as they came aolng or should I make the effort to address these issues, and therefore be free to address the issues of growing the plants in a more appropriate environment. I have reviewed my options, even prior to setting up what I have. Tents, stealth cabs, DIY boxes...etc. I had at one point decided on a particular approach, but though that I would start small, and simple and build it up from there. As the plants have progressed, it has become more apparent that my simple and DIY approach will potentially pose serious limitation and even risks to success. So...what did I do?

Well, I went BIG! Go big or go home...right?! I am going to get what I REALLY wanted to do in the first place, but didn't want to spend the money. I will get it all set up properly and then show some pics. Might arrive Monday, but that's probably optimistic. Once set up, and warmed up, I wil just tansfer my pots/plants. I will be moving to HPS....and this is REALLY exciting!

Now comes decision time again. the plants are adding close to an inch a day. I am already having to think about when to switch to flowering mode. Many have been providing their thoughts and opinions. One aspect is height, some people have said you don't want them more than 10-12" cuz then you will end up with "monstros" that outgrow your available space (about 42" height). There is the consideration that I may want to top them. that still scares me, but only because I have never done it, that's all. And since they are already so stout and bushy, do I really want/need to? then there is the heated debate about "preflowering" before doing the switch, or the "inducement" of flowering. I guess I wil cross that bridge when I get there. maybe topping the plants will allow me to better manage the height and therefore has the time to allow for preflowering to occur before going 12/12.

Anywho....thing are good. I am happy. the plants are happy. now....all I need....is some frickin' smoke to help me chill until this process reaches is objective! :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke: :bigjoint: :mrgreen: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
good mornin' Chiceh, how ya doin'? I put some up on Thursday...I just thought its getting sorta overboard to put up more again, I was gonna put more up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Tahoe, you said that flowering at 10-12" creates some monsters haha Man, you're scaring me. I'm at 17" and growing daily in veg, now thinking these things are going to explode. I want to have a massive yield, and height is no limit. What's the max you think I should veg to? Check my journal. To flower or not to flower?


Good Luck to you on your grow, and I'll stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
hey man....if your space is not limited....then vege as long as you want....the plant will do what it will do...I am space limited, and so have to come up with management options to address that limitation. :mrgreen: I'll check out ur space too..thanks for piping in! :blsmoke:
Tahoe, you said that flowering at 10-12" creates some monsters haha Man, you're scaring me. I'm at 17" and growing daily in veg, now thinking these things are going to explode. I want to have a massive yield, and height is no limit. What's the max you think I should veg to? Check my journal. To flower or not to flower?


Good Luck to you on your grow, and I'll stay tuned.
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