2nd try White Rhino AG CFL Grow ***Help welcome***


Active Member
I think my problem was PH fluctuation which then allowed them to get a potassium & nitrogen deficiencies. I have no Idea how to fix this.

I also read somewhere that when they are flowering that they will use most of their energies towards the buds and that the leaves will start looking bad. Is this tru??? anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Well the flushing of the rez and all the should of stabilized and got rid of any gunk that might be in there, have you started bac up on the nutrients yet?


Well-Known Member
aight well just keep and eye on the pH and hopefully thing's gets better, i just never run into these things so i can only give advise on what i gave other who experienced it, hydo is pretty simple so usualy a good flush of everything makes things easier, only time will tell


Active Member
yea hopefully they make it to the finishline. cause i think ive done a decent job with them so far and will be more than pissed if they die now

but yea its all good sicc. you have helped me more than anyone else on here so thanks for everything cause they would been dead from seed if i just went for it on my own.



Active Member
the only thing it could be is the airstone might be caked with nutes and since they are hugging the stone i cant get it out to clean it. cause all of these leaves are on the same plant the one in the middle front AG slot and my airstone is right beneath it


Well-Known Member
That makes sense, i was going to say you should try and rinse the actual roots off in the sink or something, i have heard of people doing it before


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3675158]That makes sense, i was going to say you should try and rinse the actual roots off in the sink or something, i have heard of people doing it before[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about doing that but wasnt sure if it were safe for the plants

I will prolly try that tomorrow and see what happens.


I will post pics in a sec. but WTF now both plants curled up. still green just leaves curled up under

from what ive read, you are giving them too much nutes, when the leaves curl... and i think im just going with
floranova grow instead of the ag nutes,

I germinated in the ag three days ago, and they look like there going the right way so far..... how long did you wait untill you took the domes off?


Active Member
from what ive read, you are giving them too much nutes, when the leaves curl... and i think im just going with
floranova grow instead of the ag nutes,

I germinated in the ag three days ago, and they look like there going the right way so far..... how long did you wait untill you took the domes off?

wow that was a while ago. I took the domes off when the leaves popped the seed shell off.

I thought it was over feeding aka nute burn too but flushing the res and giving them fresh water without nutes for 24hrs should have fixed that.


Active Member
it seems like its just the fan leaves that are effected too. I have my fingers crossed that its just maturing a bit faster than normal and the all the plants are worried about are boosting the buds.

I have let the temps drop at night to make them think winter is coming the coldest I have seen at night in the closet has been 64 degrees. the high temps have been 75 or so with the doors open. when I 4get to open the doors it gets up to 85. but i usually leave the doors open during the day and closed at night to maintain the 64-75 deg range. earlier in the grow it was 75-85

I dont know if this has anything to do with my issue or not. but every day i lose 2-5 fan leaves...they just fall off as if the plant is detaching them it self


Active Member
Leaves are falling off in bunches, but the buds look good. the buds are starting to show some orange hairs.

just 4 more weeks to 60 days. I am going to get a radio shack scope in the next couple days. when should I start flushing it with plain water? should I wait till the trichs are amber or stick to my 60 day goal and start in 2 weeks?




Well-Known Member
Your 2nd pic on the thumbs looks amazing... Its kinda sad to see your plant die and dwindle like it is. Hope all goes well... Take it easy mate!


Well-Known Member
Quick question are the leaves that die getting any light at all or are they getting blocked by the other fan leaves? Are you using the Ag light at all or is it just layin around?


Active Member
Quick question are the leaves that die getting any light at all or are they getting blocked by the other fan leaves? Are you using the Ag light at all or is it just layin around?

yea I have the AG hood still on in addition to 4 big flowering cfls.

all fan leaves are getting hit lower, upper, mids, ample light and shaded.