can i grow clones under HPS


Active Member
i know maybe some flourecent light would probably be better but i got this 150 watt hps will my clones thrive or die under HPS........Thanks

420 swede

Active Member
they will do fine, tho i'd recommend u getting bulb with blue spectrum light or a MH blue bulb if your ballast can handle both HPS and MH. just dont have it as close as u would have a flourecent light since hps tends to release a bit more heat :P.

Successfully grew 8 plants from seed under a 600w sonlight agro so from my own experience i can say it works, as long as u handle the heat and dont care about the waste of electricity since u'll probably do just as good with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
The only thing with growing clones under an HPS is there might be some stretching. But if that isn't a big deal, you are good as gravy.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys

Keep the light about 48 or more inches away. I rooted all 36 of my clones under a 600W. It's very inefficient, and requires around a month of rooting, so factor your electricity usage in before running that HID light for 18-24 hours per day. It can be done, it's just highly inefficient, and may stress them into requiring 5 weeks of rooting.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. HPS will work great, as long as you don't have it too close. Keep it about 26" away and they wil do fine. You didn't mention if they were rooted or not? If they are already rooted, you can bring the light down closer, like 18"-20". And after they've been rooted for about a week, they can handle quite a bit of light. You should be able to run that light at 14-16" and as long as it's not too hot for them, they'll grow nice and short, with close internode spacing. A MH bulb will work good too, but i prefer the extra output of the HPS bulb, over the spectrum of the MH. Get an HPS bulb that is 'color balanced' with extra blue added and you'll be happier with it, than the MH. The better spectrum of the MH simply does not outweigh the extra lumens on the HPS, so the HPS is the better choice. I tested this myself, and was surprised with the results. As long as you have the distance correct so that you're up over approx 3200 lumens per square foot, stretching won't be an issue for either type of light, but the HPS will give you a little more area of coverage.

Cow Tea

Active Member
Youd save money in the end with flouros, and reduce risk of killing. I just posted on one guy's thread that fucked up some clones with a mh light


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but it was his fault that they got fucked up, not the light's. You can use 1000 watt MH/HPS for clones if you want too, as long as it's back off far enough, and the heat is under control. But yeah, I agree that flouros are much easier to work with, cheaper to buy, and cheaper to operate. I use them myself.


Well-Known Member
Clones prefer less light when rooting. So if you can setup a cfl going for 24/0 on them (and seriously just one), and get a humidity dome on them, you'll be on your way to some rooting.