two weeks bottom single leaves are turning yellow and curling?

So my plants are alittle over two weeks old and the two bottom single leaves on all plants are turning yellow and are beginning to curl up... Rest of the plant seems fine. Is it time to start adding nutes or is this normal? I'm using miracle grow...


Well-Known Member
I think you should start adding 1/4 nutes. Or it might be pH level. I use mg and it doesn't effect my plants if I take the little time release balls out.


Well-Known Member
So my plants are alittle over two weeks old and the two bottom single leaves on all plants are turning yellow and are beginning to curl up... Rest of the plant seems fine. Is it time to start adding nutes or is this normal? I'm using miracle grow...
is it the 2 small oval leaves? in MG soil u dont need to add nutes till bout 4-5 weeks on most strains but sum strains git hungry faster then others like my SLH which got hungry in week 3


Active Member
this is normal for the those round first leaves to yellow and fall off no worry"s unless your other leaves start to turn yellow and curling then its ethier the soil which means the ph level or the light is burning them


Active Member
normal for cotyledons at this stage. a little early for first trues. don't use miracle grow. its more like satan miracle burn.
Yeah it is the small oval single leaves... All others are fine... Ph is good... Its my first grow just wanted to try mg ouu first.... Next time ill make my own medium... Thanks for all the responses!


Well-Known Member
Yeah it is the small oval single leaves... All others are fine... Ph is good... Its my first grow just wanted to try mg ouu first.... Next time ill make my own medium... Thanks for all the responses!
as everbdy sayed the oval leaves(cotyledons) is normal to die off as they have serve ther purpose alrdy, i woodnt nute them yet as 2weeks old is still young, w8 till they git hungry like if the leaves start gittin paler then feed only 1/4 or 1/2 str of the recommended dosage
so I purchased some nutes but I'm gonna hold off using them... One more question should I clip these cotyledons off or let them fall off naturally...