sick of waiting!!!PICS


Well-Known Member
Check the resin glands or trichomes. If they are milky and amber colored, go ahead and chop em down. But, if you haven't done a good flushing, I suggest you do that before any harvesting. Don't go by how may brown hairs there are. How long have they been flowering anyways?


Well-Known Member
Well, have you flushed em real good yet? If yes, I'd say let them go one more week just really put on the trichs and then chop. If not, then flush really good, then give them about 12 days until you chop. They don't look quite done yet honestly.


Active Member
id say you have a while to have a bunch of white pistals and all of your leaves look really healthy..try to look at the whole plant to know when its done, it will let you know

are you using cfls?

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
how longer??
first pic is under buds and the rest are the top ones

i can't buy anything elce for this grow
not intill i can sell a little of it
:wall: ALOT OF MISINFORMATION!.... u harvest, at ur disired time, meaning; harvest when the majority of trichs are milky for more of a head high more "sativa like" or as much of a sativa high as poss with ur strain. harvest when most of the trichs are amber for more of a "stoned high more like indica" or as much as poss with ur strain. In addition u really need a 30x's lens so that u may c the trichs and their current state of color.

Once u aquired the neccessary knowledge for and educated dicissions as to the time of ur harvest, I would then cut them down. NOT A SECOND SOONER. Manny a person has ruined or atleast not acheived the high they were looking for by a too early harvest or even a harvest that came too late. SO in my humble opinion, i would invest in a 30x's lens to obtain the info..... and then make a choice?

PLUS!!!!!!!! ur fuckin plants look SICK! u put waay too much love, effort and PATIENCE into this already, no need to act soo hastily, jus a lil longer, maybe not, do urself a favor and go find out! HAPPY GROWING


Well-Known Member
dont harvest yet. Those bottom buds are still immature. You may want to consider a staggered harvest. Believe me I feel you Im on week 10 and still waiting! Id say 2 weeks.

j wizzle

dont harvest yet. Those bottom buds are still immature. You may want to consider a staggered harvest. Believe me I feel you Im on week 10 and still waiting! Id say 2 weeks.

you have some time left with those little girls...i say at least 2 weeks left easy. wait until the hairs are all orange and start to go into the buds. i would flush in 2 weeks, harvest in 3-4