Invest in a Myrtlezap. I'd say Purple Days but the waiting list is about 4 months, I waited 14 weeks. Very similiar vaps, Purple Days with a couple of improvements which may not improve the experience a great deal. Myrtlezaps can only be bought in the US.
These type of vapes are direct draw, stay on 24/7, use the power of a night light, the bud seems to last forever. We did some tests at Fuck Combustion, I got 23 bowls per gram with between 6 and 20 hits per bowl. Other people had similar results.
These vapes are bud misers. The bowl is like a wide straw with a metal tube at the bottom, permanent screen in the tube. Suck up a small amount of bud, put the metal tube in the vape, inhale. Shallow learning curve. You can take a few hits off a bowl, go out, come back later take another half dozen hits, go to bed and get up in the morning and take another half dozen hits. Blow the dregs out of the bowl/straw into a dreg bag.
If you're going through enough bud you can make Lava Butter or Honey Oil from the dregs. I make a tray of Brownies every week from my Volcano dregs.
You can also make or buy a cheap rebreather. I find it revoltingly disgusting but it works. We only absorb a portion of the cannaboids each breath, the rebreather gives us another shot. This is probably the cheapest way to make your buck go further. Breathing out into a plastic bag, then rebreathing it is the simplest example.