...should I use CO2 24/7? ....or light hours only?

strain stalker

New Member
I just bought my CO2 set up here, and it come with several options when to burn. It has a light sensor on it, and I've seen it suggested to only burn CO2 during light hours. Can anyone give me some ideas, what will be more beneficial?



Now i am not an expert so this should be taken as a suggestion.

i used to just buy the big cylinders with c02 in in and leave it on a trickle 24/7 but i also have a co2 meter in the room because if it get over 3% say by plants if it hits 10 you will not be able to reply to this lol this has worked for me for 5 years


Active Member
use co2 ONLY when lights are on, plants dont use it unless they are photosynthesizing.i do mine for 15 mins every couple hours during light hours... sometimes i leave it on for an hour... and seal the room off nice and tight... make sure u dont exhaust the air out when u run co2.

the fans shuld shut off when the co2 is on. at leats the exahuist fans that is

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well i'd asume that if you were to raise your rooms co2 levels then there would be some negative effects to your breathing and your health. that's what i read from his statement anyways.

off at night, and on intermitently during the day, pretty much as the wing hunter states

strain stalker

New Member
People asking if CO2 should be used at night... should not be playing with CO2...
...hey dude, how bout you go crawl under a rock and kill yourself...somewhere far away so your stinky ass body won't bother me. Noone ask for your smart ass comment...fuck you. I'm looking for suggestions when to run my shit asshole! It has options dumbfuck!!!!! This site is for people with questions, and this is my question. I'm sure you know allllllllllll about CO2 huh Einstein? Sounds like you've got that hate'n disease. I bet you've never even owned anything to do with CO2! I bet you don't even grow! I bet your here just to start shit....it's all good. I really do hope you die soon though fuck face.


Active Member
and after a reply like that not many will want to help you.. just a thought.

He sent a PM twice as rude too.

CO2 is dangerous, it can kill you and your whole family without any warning.

Good thing you (OP) went out and bought that unit before reading a single paragraph on the subject.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
2 seconds on google and i'm now all to aware of the dangers

Now the effects of CO2 really start to take over. Breathing is much faster - about four times the normal rate and after only 30 minutes exposure to this level you will show signs of poisoning and feel a choking sensation.
also some mention her and there, of oh i don't know, suffocating after falling uncocnious..... i'd STRONGLY advise you to do your research

and a twice as rude PM, wtf man, grow the fuck up.
forget all these assholes, this is what u do.

C02 can only be useful to your plant during lite hours. so this is what i do during the day.

on timer A:
i have all my fans
time B:
how ever many C02 tanks you have.

i shut my fans off 15 min before the C02 turns on. and leave my fans off for 30 min after the c02 turns off. then the fans turn on. i normally run c02 4-5 a day during the light. depending on room size. u have to figure out how much C02 u need for a room or closet of your size. i used to have a link to a site. ill look for it.

ooo and i run my co2 for about 15-30 min
but really that guy that told u that 24/7 is okay, i think he might be running his C02 levels so low that it really dont matter how long he runs it. also its a waste of cash. i dono about u guys but each 20gal runs bout 20$ to fill.