LED GROW, 13 days into flowering.


Well-Known Member
I say good luck with the grow treesasmedicine! I dont understand why people are dissin ya grow????? A mean come on people he's not sayin stop using hps/mh lighting he's basically just sayin here's my led grow, showing what can be done! I for 1 am interested in seeing the results as i am sure many other people are. So why all these sad cunts are posting insults to your grow is beyond me!?! Keep up the good work m8!

and this is why people shouldn't drink kool aide w/o knowing the flavor.

At first it wasn't a diss, it was a being honest a simple observation. The plants looked stretched and it was mentioned. Maybe he took it the wrong way, thats the problem with the internet. People see the way other people say things differently. It might look ok to one person but to another its offensive. Its always gonna be like that, the only we can do is make sure we know what we are talking by reading the thread before we go into threads and make a comment :wink:
I wish it were more of an open thig like in Cali.

it's not like we grow the stuff in our backyards and walk down the street smokin' a J :leaf: Even with a prop 215 and proper paperwork your always at risk of having your crop destroyed by police or bieng arrested for posession or atleast detained and harrassed. Sadly I can't imagine a world where marijuana will be widely accepted... :sad:

....and oh ya this is a pretty useless thread with all the back and forth personal attacks :wall:, a side note on LED is that NASA experimented the heck out of it years ago, seeing how low power use on a spacecraft is vital, they determined it's really only good for growing small, thin leaf plants like lettuce.. sure it works but i think the vast majority agree it doesn't work as good as other lights already do...so why bother...

mookie brown

Active Member
You will not produce bud with those 14watt led's. I have one & it's garbage. Damn christmas lights if you ask me.. This pic is of my ak48 nirvana. I only used a 150watt hps. I started taking branches off it during week 6 because I was out of stash so thats why in the photo it's been thinned out before week 8. My dry weight was just a few grams shy of a qp. Not bad off a $85 shipped sun system 150

You'll learn from your mistake. we all do.


420 swede

Active Member
You will not produce bud with those 14watt led's. I have one & it's garbage. Damn christmas lights if you ask me.. This pic is of my ak48 nirvana. I only used a 150watt hps. I started taking branches off it during week 6 because I was out of stash so thats why in the photo it's been thinned out before week 8. My dry weight was just a few grams shy of a qp. Not bad off a $85 shipped sun system 150

You'll learn from your mistake. we all do.

That is a rly pro plant given u only used 150w! :0 its not that far away from one of my friends last plants using a 600w, only used liquid guano for nutes tho the stupid prick and had bad vent, too hot in and too much wattage in a small room but i'm impressed by yours :P.

thumbs up.

some questions: did u use both MH & HPS or a mix lamp? how long did u have it in veg ?

mookie brown

Active Member
some questions: did u use both MH & HPS or a mix lamp? how long did u have it in veg ?
I had it in veg for roughly a month. I like to veg till they get to 16" before I switch to flowering. In veg I only used two 85watt cfl's that were 5000k & not the suggested 6500k bulbs which I wish I bought. That was one of those bad decisions I made when purchasing the bulbs, but in the end it worked out fine. I wont purchase 5000k bulbs for vegging ever again. I'm getting ready to head out for grocery shopping but when I return I'll be in touch with you over the weekend. I have a cheap wardrobe closet I converted into a basic grow box. I'm going to put a small scrog screen in it & I'm sure I could get close to 6 oz's with only using my 150watt hps during flowering. I'll write when I return. Peace out my brother.


Active Member
Like anything there are drawbacks, I am doing both right now. A 400HPS grow and 2 - 90watt leds. Heat is an issue with the 400 and lesser yield with the led. Although i like them both at certain points of growth. The led can't penetrate deep enough so you need to trim back the plants. And with the 400 you end up with either or both, stressed plants and that may create lesser yield and more male plants.
Just my 2 cents. Good luck with the grow. I will follow your grow.


Well-Known Member
I use GROWL LED'S I love them. For VEG and FLOWER, some more work in the flower dept fo sho, but they can produce TIGHT DANK BUDS.


Active Member
Im planning on buying one of the 1.4k light panels for a 50 square foot area when i get a new place looks to be so much easier to deal with def gonna try to get a mini SoG going with it.


Active Member
See, I can accept this kind of constructive criticism, and I agree with what you say. Don't tell me Im a fucking idiot (Not directed towards you inhale) when I get great results, and maybe your methods will yield me another 10 grams, and again, maybe they wont. I know and learned and worked with some of the largest east coast indoor growers from a few years back. I think I picked up a slight amount of knowledge. Thats just me. Again, not directed towards you inhale, I am just venting a little bit.

BTW, if you ever get to Holland, or to Amsterdam, the vibe there on weed is awesome. I would definatly, and still might, leave the states to go there.


Active Member
Thank you. Seriously. I can't stand walking on eggshells on subject. Dissimination of knowledge is the only way we will all get better.