WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not going back to read the whole thread. We just finished collecing the signatures necessary to put Medical Marijuana on the 2008 ballot for the State of Michigan. I can give you my perspective from that experince, maybe it will help.
I believe that the War on Drugs is the reason 'The Terrorist' get money. So I obviously believe they should be legalized, and regulated. And I have a plan for Cannibus that I think works. My position has been spelled out in that old thread 'We need to stand up and fight... I think it was African..something started that one if anyone care's to resurrect it.
Medical Marijuana surveys show the majority of voters favor allowing it. 22 States have the Ballot Inintiative available. Of the twelve States that have some form of MMJ(2) Governors have signed legislation. One became law without a Signature, and one by legislative override. The rest have all come by Ballot Initiative. I did not have to sell out my beliefs to collect signatures or I would not have done it. When asked, "Isn't this just a way to try and get it legalized", I would clarify the question, "Your asking me if I think this is a way to get it legalized".
"Yes isn't that what you are trying to do?".
"I believe that there isn't any reason marijuana should not be legalized. Why should folks that are dying have to suffer while we educate folks about MJ? This is the right thing to do. They should not have to fear arrest for using the medicine thier Doctor has recommended."
What we are saying is not the opposite of FDD's moving the patients out. That is exactly what we are saying. Take the patients, and that is anyone that has thier Doctors Recommendation for it, out of the equation. Let people that are in pain and dying have it while we fight the rest of it out.
I think you have to start with the argument being made before you can judge wether its right ....or not. VV


New Member
The very principle itself is wrong. It's a lie.

Educate people about cannabis?

Are there not enough of us already?

Yet again my point is missed, but then again you didn't read any of them.

I'm not talking about a long-winded drawn out battle. I'm talking about one final stand, a decisive move that will finish the debate once and for all. Debate? there should be no debate.

We have enough numbers that if we all stood together at the same time cannabis would be legalised. We would make the choice, not them. They couldn't possibly lock us all up. What they going to do, shoot us?


Well-Known Member
Skunkushybrid(and I spelled that from memory),,you tell me where to be ,,and I will be there with bongs on,,not cause I need it,,but because i would support those who do,,and would benefit as well(truth)

Keep on Growin

HoLE <--------not afraid to be honest


New Member
It would need to be an agreed date... and well publicised. The whole weed community would need to be aware of this date.

Spray paint it on walls... internet, get it in the newspapers... on the news. within two years we could have everybody set for that date.

then we simply start growing. All of us, right out in the open. If the whole world is aware of what we're going to do, what would be the authorities next move?


Well-Known Member
It would need to be an agreed date... and well publicised. The whole weed community would need to be aware of this date.

Spray paint it on walls... internet, get it in the newspapers... on the news. within two years we could have everybody set for that date.

then we simply start growing. All of us, right out in the open. If the whole world is aware of what we're going to do, what would be the authorities next move?
have they knocked on your door yet. careful what you start.........:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
fuck the sick people for a minute. can we do that? can the actual sick people step aside for just one second? please?

now let's talk to those who AREN'T sick. do you have a MM card? do you feel guilty? would you like that to change? that's it. that's skunk's question. plain and simple.

now attack me for saying "fuck the sick people". miss the point completely. thanks.


(and i am one of "the sick people" so i'll now go fuck myself :mrgreen:)

this was a little harsh. i apologize. i was just trying to get a point across. i love everyone. :peace:


New Member
............:-| me 2 :?.........[quote=fdd2blk;369518]i knew it would become a fight between medical users and stoners. i fell right in.........:-|[/quote]


New Member
have they knocked on your door yet. careful what you start.........:mrgreen:
I'm aware... and paranoid enough already today... as you well know.

Am I afraid? No.

I've been there a hundred times before... there isn't anything they can do that holds any real fear for me.

This is also about standing for what is right. People Power should run the world but it doesn't, the world is run by money hungry wankers that care very little for their fellow man. Just by this very act alone, we could turn the tide on this world's troubles completely.

No more bullshit. Wouldn't that be great?


New Member
This thread is also not meant as a trap... all the clues are in my first post, the thread title, and the name of the poll...

wtf mm? Why are we arguing about angles? If the truth is that we want cannabis legalised for all, then let's do it today, hence 'let's change the debate.'

It is not my fault if people read into my words the wrong way...


New Member
We just need to get a plan. We all talk, but never actually do. The reason for this is there is no organisation or set plan.

Set a date, then publicise it in any way we know how. What starts as a few rocks falling down the cliff could turn into an avalanche... unstoppable.


New Member
I have been smoking for 40 years, so I smoked for enjoyment a long time before I smoked for the pain and if the pain went away tomorrow I would still smoke....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
We just need to get a plan. We all talk, but never actually do. The reason for this is there is no organisation or set plan.

Set a date, then publicise it in any way we know how. What starts as a few rocks falling down the cliff could turn into an avalanche... unstoppable.
Lead the way Skunk...I will follow.


Well-Known Member
If I had the power to organize a 5 million person march, I would use that power to bring about campaign reform in the U.S. as it is the root of all our problems including the illegality of MJ.
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