WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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New Member
Skunk I agree with everything you are saying here BUT that isn't how you posted the thread. You may not have said that mm doesn't have benefits but you implied that 'most' people that apply to get an mm card are full of sh*t.

What kind of a response did you expect? Of course there are going to be issues if marijuana gets legalized but there are issues now.

Perhaps it is easier for you to post this kind of question because you live in a country where it is legal and do not have to worry about being busted and being possibly throw in jail, lose your home and family. :-?:confused:
Perhaps I am wrong but thats a HUGE consideration.

Perhaps most mm users are just abusing the system to legally get high.
I don't know and neither do you. Nobody knows that for sure.
I personally know that marijuana helps my medical disorders along with proper meds. I don't have to take all the meds that my GP would like me to take because he gets all his cuts. :? BUT yes, I also like to get stoned.
Since most of my disorders are psychological, is in only in my head that it helps???? Well yeah!!!! :roll:
Regardless if my government is offering me an opportunity to be able to grow and smoke my own marijuana, then why wouldn't I apply?

You admitted that you hate going to the doctors and just spark up instead.
Well thats cool if you are legally able to do that and they are not gonna toss yours ass in jail. :clap::clap::clap:

Not everyone has that option and that is why most are reacting to your post the way they are.

Sure I think in a 'warm and fuzzy' world somewhere over the rainbow:roll:
it would be awesome if we could all stand together and fight for our rights to smoke legally. :clap::clap::clap:
Yes! Yes! That would be cool BUT its also not gonna happen 'cause most people have too much to lose if they ever get busted.

I am all for women's Lib (within reason) BUT I'm not gonna run to the nearest big city and BURN MY BRA!!!

People do what they need to do to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Of course there are going to be people abusing the laws if they make it legal , but aren't most of us abusing the laws now?

You know, years ago I watched a documentary on mm televised out in bc canada about a compassion club. It was a very eye opening experience because I basically thought the same way you did in that mm users JUST want to smoke their dope legally but after watching this show, my viewpoint changed drastically.

There were true stories about people suffering from a variety of illness and all the different avenues that they had to go through just to get their smoke.
There were people with aids, cancer, and one woman with fibromyalgia. Now most of the medical estabishment doesn't even consider fibromyalgia a disorder but it is a serious illness.
This woman never smoked in her life and hated the idea of even inhaling but admitted that it was the most effective thing she could take. She then discovered that she could make tea and bake with it.
Is the medical establishment wrong about this? Is she wrong? WTF is right?

There were others like this. Of course we are not going to hear much from these people because for #1 (they are really sick) and #2 (they don't want to get their ass busted!!!)
Even while they were taping the event there was a raid by the authorities and some people got physically taken away. :-|
I just don't think you are going to get an honest answer here because of so many factors.

When I was on 'tramacett' for being in an accident. I was on it for the pain and I didn't mind the buzz it gave me. I could stay up for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours.......:?(you get the point) It was a side effect from the drug. Now it isn't 'normally' a side effect BUT being bi-polar, prescription drugs have a different effect on me. I didn't sleep for ages.:confused::roll: The drugs were really playing havoc to my immune system so I decided to start toking again instead. Not only did I feel a lot better physically but I also felt a lot better mentally.

Within weeks I cut 1/2 the other meds my GP had me on and was feeling much better.

Yes of course the gov't is gonna step in and f*ck everything up BUT whatelse is new????? Of course people are gonna take advantage. Whatelse is new?
I'm proud that I live in a country that is at least willing to step up to the plate and offer an alternative approach.

Now since I live in a country that has granted me the opportunity to treat myself, what's so wrong with that? :confused:
The way I see it the mm debate is bullshit because it's not the complete truth.

Yes cannabis has medical benefits (so do a lot of other illegal drugs, btw... mdma included)... but this will never be enough to get cannabis legalised. Even helps kill off the drug even, once they isolate it and give it to you in a nose spray... or tablet form... once they get rid of the high. Then what? Placebo's?

I don't want them to take control of cannabis... which is what I feel the medical debate will allow them to do. The way I see it we're offering them eventual control of the drug... besides it is only a PART of the truth.

The high helps to null the pain, not only null it but it enables you to hide from it... to take your mind somewhere else for a while if you so wish.

Cannabis IS and always has been about the high. We forget that and we forget the truth... we forget the truth, and they have us(?) by the balls.


New Member
He's a smart bud bat.:mrgreen::blsmoke:
well there's already a mouth spray and a pill form of it. they both get you high but that seems unavoidable. the pill is marinol and the spray is sativex. marinol has been around since the mid 80's i think and sativex is relatively new. I think that it helps the whole movement. It dispels the notion that pot is just a useless dangerous drug.


New Member
well there's already a mouth spray and a pill form of it. they both get you high but that seems unavoidable. the pill is marinol and the spray is sativex. marinol has been around since the mid 80's i think and sativex is relatively new. I think that it helps the whole movement. It dispels the notion that pot is just a useless dangerous drug.
If this is the case then why do people still need a license to grow weed?

The growing of weed will be taken over by the government and turned into tablet form. then you can go and pick up your med's from the drugstore.

The future of cannabis is the death of the plant.

I thought the whole thing was about the legalisation of cannabis, not the legalisation of cannabis for certain people.


New Member
You are the only one here dividing this into an us versus them.
I don't for a second believe I am superior to anyone.
Thats not even part of the equation here.

And do you honestly believe that if it came down to this that nobody is going smoke or grow weed any more?

If this is the case then why do people still need a license to grow weed?

The growing of weed will be taken over by the government and turned into tablet form. then you can go and pick up your med's from the drugstore.

The future of cannabis is the death of the plant.

I thought the whole thing was about the legalisation of cannabis, not the legalisation of cannabis for certain people.


New Member
Skunk I agree with everything you are saying here BUT that isn't how you posted the thread. You may not have said that mm doesn't have benefits but you implied that 'most' people that apply to get an mm card are full of sh*t.

What kind of a response did you expect? Of course there are going to be issues if marijuana gets legalized but there are issues now.

Perhaps it is easier for you to post this kind of question because you live in a country where it is legal and do not have to worry about being busted and being possibly throw in jail, lose your home and family. :-?:confused:
Perhaps I am wrong but thats a HUGE consideration.

Perhaps most mm users are just abusing the system to legally get high.
I don't know and neither do you. Nobody knows that for sure.
I personally know that marijuana helps my medical disorders along with proper meds. I don't have to take all the meds that my GP would like me to take because he gets all his cuts. :? BUT yes, I also like to get stoned.
Since most of my disorders are psychological, is in only in my head that it helps???? Well yeah!!!! :roll:
Regardless if my government is offering me an opportunity to be able to grow and smoke my own marijuana, then why wouldn't I apply?

Not everyone has that option and that is why most are reacting to your post the way they are.

Sure I think in a 'warm and fuzzy' world somewhere over the rainbow:roll:
it would be awesome if we could all stand together and fight for our rights to smoke legally. :clap::clap::clap:
Yes! Yes! That would be cool BUT its also not gonna happen 'cause most people have too much to lose if they ever get busted.
In my country the prisons are full, in France the workers are on strike and threatening to cripple the country. Our own workers too.

Too much to lose? Not if we all stand at the same time. Then we have everything to win. Losing is not an option... I'll say it again, what could they do? They couldn't possibly lock us all up. All we need is a proverbial set of balls.

This is about the legalisation of cannabis... not about some guy with a bad back.

I don't care what you think I'm getting at, that's bullshit. My intentions were clear from the start... Tell the truth or keep lying. It's not my fault the world is full of liars.


New Member
Is it legal to smoke weed where you live Skunk?
In my country the prisons are full, in France the workers are on strike and threatening to cripple the country. Our own workers too.

Too much to lose? Not if we all stand at the same time. Then we have everything to win. Losing is not an option... I'll say it again, what could they do? They couldn't possibly lock us all up. All we need is a proverbial set of balls.

This is about the legalisation of cannabis... not about some guy with a bad back.

I don't care what you think I'm getting at, that's bullshit. My intentions were clear from the start... Tell the truth or keep lying. It's not my fault the world is full of liars.


Well-Known Member

USA -- A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe.

The California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute team are hopeful that cannabidiol or CBD could be a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy.

Unlike cannabis, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties so its use would not violate laws, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics reports.

CBD works by blocking the activity of a gene called Id-1 which is believed to be responsible for the aggressive spread of cancer cells away from the original tumour site - a process called metastasis.

Past work has shown CBD can block aggressive human brain cancers.

The latest work found CBD appeared to have a similar effect on breast cancer cells in the lab.

Future Hope

Lead researcher Dr Sean McAllister said: "Right now we have a limited range of options in treating aggressive forms of cancer.

"Those treatments, such as chemotherapy, can be effective but they can also be extremely toxic and difficult for patients.

"This compound offers the hope of a non-toxic therapy that could achieve the same results without any of the painful side effects."

Maria Leadbeater of Breast Cancer Care said: "Many people experience side-effects while having chemotherapy, such as nausea and an increased risk of infection, which can take both a physical and emotional toll.

"Any drug that has fewer side-effects will, of course, be of great interest."

It's really amazing how long this vital information has been kept from the people of the US. The US government has known since 1974.

The first experiment documenting pot's anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that marijuana's psychoactive component, THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent." Paul Armentano

Just think of all the millions of people that have died of cancer or suffered near to the point of death with radiation and chemo who could have lived longer and had a much better quality of life if this simple, natural, plant had been available to them without criminal sanctions.

BBC Website


New Member
You're intentions are NOT clear from the start and are still not clear skunk.
In my country the prisons are full, in France the workers are on strike and threatening to cripple the country. Our own workers too.

Too much to lose? Not if we all stand at the same time. Then we have everything to win. Losing is not an option... I'll say it again, what could they do? They couldn't possibly lock us all up. All we need is a proverbial set of balls.

This is about the legalisation of cannabis... not about some guy with a bad back.

I don't care what you think I'm getting at, that's bullshit. My intentions were clear from the start... Tell the truth or keep lying. It's not my fault the world is full of liars.


New Member
Yeah! Stick that in your'pipe' and smoke it skunk.:hump:

USA -- A compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer spreading throughout the body, US scientists believe.

The California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute team are hopeful that cannabidiol or CBD could be a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy.

Unlike cannabis, CBD does not have any psychoactive properties so its use would not violate laws, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics reports.

CBD works by blocking the activity of a gene called Id-1 which is believed to be responsible for the aggressive spread of cancer cells away from the original tumour site - a process called metastasis.

Past work has shown CBD can block aggressive human brain cancers.

The latest work found CBD appeared to have a similar effect on breast cancer cells in the lab.

Future Hope

Lead researcher Dr Sean McAllister said: "Right now we have a limited range of options in treating aggressive forms of cancer.

"Those treatments, such as chemotherapy, can be effective but they can also be extremely toxic and difficult for patients.

"This compound offers the hope of a non-toxic therapy that could achieve the same results without any of the painful side effects."

Maria Leadbeater of Breast Cancer Care said: "Many people experience side-effects while having chemotherapy, such as nausea and an increased risk of infection, which can take both a physical and emotional toll.

"Any drug that has fewer side-effects will, of course, be of great interest."

It's really amazing how long this vital information has been kept from the people of the US. The US government has known since 1974.

The first experiment documenting pot's anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that marijuana's psychoactive component, THC, "slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent." Paul Armentano

Just think of all the millions of people that have died of cancer or suffered near to the point of death with radiation and chemo who could have lived longer and had a much better quality of life if this simple, natural, plant had been available to them without criminal sanctions.

BBC Website


New Member
Stick what in what pipe? I'm tired of trying to simplify what I mean for you.

Cannabis is more than just a pain killer, or a preventitive against tumour growth...

again and again, is there really any point? Will you ever understand? I doubt it.

I believe you just want to argue with me... take some aggression out. If my words are not clear by now, then they never shall be. Maybe you should ask fdd' for a translation.:mrgreen:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Stick what in what pipe? I'm tired of trying to simplify what I mean for you.

Cannabis is more than just a pain killer, or a preventitive against tumour growth...

again and again, is there really any point? Will you ever understand? I doubt it.

I believe you just want to argue with me... take some aggression out. If my words are not clear by now, then they never shall be. Maybe you should ask fdd' for a translation.:mrgreen:
Oh shit....say word son:hump:


New Member
Simplify? Oh please don't 'simplify on my account. :dunce:

You started this thread by saying (quote:"who believes that the medical aspect of the marijuana debate is a load of bs? and then added "well lets face it, it is a lot of bull and the 'medical' apect, is the debate."

Then you have a poll in which there are only two choices:

Tell the truth or keep lieing.


You know I can be just as passionate about my point of view as you can skunk. I have tried to be as respectful of what you are saying as I can possibly be BUT I don't respect what you are saying. (please don't confuse these two)

I have also tried adding some humour, perhaps I got carried away and I apologize if it offended you BUT 'no' I don't understand you on this one at all.

You are not clear about what you are talking about. I'm not just trying to start an argue with you and am sorry you feel this way.

I do respect you as a person and have no reason not to.
I am not trying to take this personally BUT I find it difficult not to.

If you DO live in a country where it is legal to smoke weed whenever you want well, of course you would have a different perspective then most people. That goes without saying.

So what if it were not legal where you lived? Would you think, feel, differently?

I think you are an intelligent member here and obviously well respected or you wouldn't have become a monitor or had so many credits to your name.
AND no I'm NOT sucking up. You can ban me if you want.:-|
I just think with this thread you are being narrow minded and don't even want to consider anyone elses point of view. (which is sad but I'm not crying)

I think you are compartmentualizing(if thats even a word:roll:) this into either black or white and there are so many grey areas.

When the gov't made drinking laws here in canada, it was legal to drink at 18. Later on the gov't decided that this age was too low and teenagers didn't have the mental ability is make proper judgements. Of course back then I would have said that it was BS but looking at it now with some amount of maturity, I realize that the gov't was right. And I don't often say that. :-|

Drinking is legal over a certain age but you still have youngsters who are gonna drink. Drinking is illegal while driving but you are still gonna get people drinking and driving. People die for drinking and drinking each and every year but it is still legal.
This is the reality.
What if everyone decided that the drinking and driving law was bs?

I'm not trying to argue with you skunk but I'm not going to agree with you just because you're a mod either.

I don't need fdd to translate. I read his post skunk.

He said that if he didn't have an mm card and he ever got into trouble, although he wouldn't like it, he would lie.
This isn't an exact quote BUT I would say the same thing. But then again, it is illegal where I live. :-?

So back to your point:

Who believes that the medical aspect of marijuana is bull?

My answer is yes and no.Why? Because of basic human nature.

Its not THAT black and white!! (my basic point)<<<<<<

The medical aspect is the debate!!! (your thread)

Well I read into this as a 'debate'.:roll: I thought a debate was reading comtemplating each others point of view.
I thought I was communicating well. Outspoken but not any more outspoken than you.:?

Gosh! Sorry! My mistake!
Stick what in what pipe? I'm tired of trying to simplify what I mean for you.

Cannabis is more than just a pain killer, or a preventitive against tumour growth...

again and again, is there really any point? Will you ever understand? I doubt it.

I believe you just want to argue with me... take some aggression out. If my words are not clear by now, then they never shall be. Maybe you should ask fdd' for a translation.:mrgreen:


Too many brownies
It seems to me that you (a lot, anyway) 'medical' cannabis users look down on ordinary, honest smokers. You feel that you 'need' it and we don't.

I want cannabis legalised for all... it is the cure for pain in general. The pain of the world. We have to stand for the truth, all of us at the same time.
it is not at all like that in the US skunk :peace:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Simplify? Oh please don't 'simplify on my account. :dunce:

You started this thread by saying (quote:"who believes that the medical aspect of the marijuana debate is a load of bs? and then added "well lets face it, it is a lot of bull and the 'medical' apect, is the debate."

Then you have a poll in which there are only two choices:

Tell the truth or keep lieing.


You know I can be just as passionate about my point of view as you can skunk. I have tried to be as respectful of what you are saying as I can possibly be BUT I don't respect what you are saying. (please don't confuse these two)

I have also tried adding some humour, perhaps I got carried away and I apologize if it offended you BUT 'no' I don't understand you on this one at all.

You are not clear about what you are talking about. I'm not just trying to start an argue with you and am sorry you feel this way.

I do respect you as a person and have no reason not to.
I am not trying to take this personally BUT I find it difficult not to.

If you DO live in a country where it is legal to smoke weed whenever you want well, of course you would have a different perspective then most people. That goes without saying.

So what if it were not legal where you lived? Would you think, feel, differently?

I think you are an intelligent member here and obviously well respected or you wouldn't have become a monitor or had so many credits to your name.
AND no I'm NOT sucking up. You can ban me if you want.:-|
I just think with this thread you are being narrow minded and don't even want to consider anyone elses point of view. (which is sad but I'm not crying)

I think you are compartmentualizing(if thats even a word:roll:) this into either black or white and there are so many grey areas.

When the gov't made drinking laws here in canada, it was legal to drink at 18. Later on the gov't decided that this age was too low and teenagers didn't have the mental ability is make proper judgements. Of course back then I would have said that it was BS but looking at it now with some amount of maturity, I realize that the gov't was right. And I don't often say that. :-|

Drinking is legal over a certain age but you still have youngsters who are gonna drink. Drinking is illegal while driving but you are still gonna get people drinking and driving. People die for drinking and drinking each and every year but it is still legal.
This is the reality.
What if everyone decided that the drinking and driving law was bs?

I'm not trying to argue with you skunk but I'm not going to agree with you just because you're a mod either.

I don't need fdd to translate. I read his post skunk.

He said that if he didn't have an mm card and he ever got into trouble, although he wouldn't like it, he would lie.
This isn't an exact quote BUT I would say the same thing. But then again, it is illegal where I live. :-?

So back to your point:

Who believes that the medical aspect of marijuana is bull?

My answer is yes and no.Why? Because of basic human nature.

Its not THAT black and white!! (my basic point)<<<<<<

The medical aspect is the debate!!! (your thread)

Well I read into this as a 'debate'.:roll: I thought a debate was reading comtemplating each others point of view.
I thought I was communicating well. Outspoken but not any more outspoken than you.:?

Gosh! Sorry! My mistake!
Say mothafuckin word:hump:
Right back at you skunk...............

Can he redeem himself?
Stay tuned:hump::peace:


New Member
people who argue that all MM patients who smoke want to get high are obvioiusly not sick.

i guess you'd have to have cancer eating away at your body before you can experience the difference between a social smoker and a medicinal smoker who uses it for pain mitigation.


Well-Known Member
fuck the sick people for a minute. can we do that? can the actual sick people step aside for just one second? please?

now let's talk to those who AREN'T sick. do you have a MM card? do you feel guilty? would you like that to change? that's it. that's skunk's question. plain and simple.

now attack me for saying "fuck the sick people". miss the point completely. thanks.


(and i am one of "the sick people" so i'll now go fuck myself :mrgreen:)


New Member
My point is that everything is black and white... everything needs to be defined.

I also come from a country where it is illegal to smoke, and there are no such thing as medical cannabis users.

The medicinal cannabis argument is only half the debate... this is why it's bullshit. I want it legal for all the right reasons, and for it to be legal for everybody... not just a select few.

The analogy with the drink drivers is waaaaaaaaaay off the mark too. This is about doing what's right, and that means there cannot be a victim. CANNABIS IS MORE THAN JUST A PAIN RELIEVER. It could save this world right now. Not just provide some relief from a bad back... stop being so selfish.

Is it right to think of one person that is a chronic sufferer? Or the very earth we live on, which is suffering too? Millions of people all over the world could be saved by the release of this plant. I couldn't care less about one man, so playing the cancer and aids cards hold no weight with me.

If we all started growing in our gardens... every one of us. Wtf could they do? Nothing, but watch. Power to the people.
I agree strongly with what is said in this post, in particular with the bit in bold red, this makes a lot of sense to me. If they start to legalise it partially and then the big pharmacutical companies take the lead and start producing drugs to sell we are fooked.

I agree strongly with the argument to legalise cannabis per se in its natural form. I think I understand what Mr SKB was trying to get at even if it wasn't perhaps worded the most tactfully in the first place.

The way I see it the mm debate is bullshit because it's not the complete truth.

Yes cannabis has medical benefits (so do a lot of other illegal drugs, btw... mdma included)... but this will never be enough to get cannabis legalised. Even helps kill off the drug even, once they isolate it and give it to you in a nose spray... or tablet form... once they get rid of the high. Then what? Placebo's?

I don't want them to take control of cannabis... which is what I feel the medical debate will allow them to do. The way I see it we're offering them eventual control of the drug... besides it is only a PART of the truth.

The high helps to null the pain, not only null it but it enables you to hide from it... to take your mind somewhere else for a while if you so wish.

Cannabis IS and always has been about the high. We forget that and we forget the truth... we forget the truth, and they have us(?) by the balls.
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